You're My Favorite Explosion.

She's Fresh To Death.



I was sitting in the backseat of Jack's car while May and Jack fought over what to listen too. Finally giving up may turned around to me.

"Hey! Tonight my we're having dinner with our parents! I think you should come, they'd love to meet their son and daughters new best friend!" she exclaimed. I laughed at her forwardness.

"Umm, I don't know. I'd feel like I was intruding on your family dinner..." I told her.

"Please, it's hardly ever just our family, Jack always brings the band and I bring my friends!" she pleaded.

"Uh... Well, I wouldn't know what to wear!" i tried.

"Ugh! Celina you are so difficult! Jack drop both Celina and I off at her apartment! We'll see you tonight at dinner!" she demanded. He just looked at me through the rearview mirror and smiled.

I couldn't help but feel nervous. If Jack's parents didn't like me then Jack and I would most likely NEVER happen. Most parents loved me, and i was always super polite but this was a bit overwhelming. As soon as Jack pulled up to my apartment complex I opened the door.

"Thank you for inviting me Jack! Sorry for shooting at you!" i snickered.

"Anytime Celina. I'll see you tonight." I shut the door and waved.

"He SOOOO likes you." May smirked.

"Oh, shut up. I don't think I'm really his type. You know, he did date a playboy bunny after all." I sighed.

"Dude, Holly? They went on a date and then she asked him to be her baby daddy and he cut off all communication." she laughed hysterically. This made me laugh too, I could so picture Jack doing something like that.

"Come on, let's go inside." I laughed.

"Kimberly! I am home! With another person!" I yelled when we walked into the apartment.

"I'm in my room!" she yelled. "bring you and this other person in here!"

I laughed and grabbed Mays hand pulling her into Kim's room.

"Hey Kim, this is may!" I introduced.

"Well, hello May! I am Kim, her roommate. You look a lot like Celina's little boyfriend" she then turned to me "did you turn jack into a woman?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Oh my gosh! Kim! No! That's his sister!" I explained as May hunched over clutching her stomach while laughing.

"Well, Kim thank you for thoroughly embarassing me" I laughed "We'll be in my room if you need us."

I led May into my room and she immediately ran into my closet picking out clothes while I sat in my bathroom sink applying makeup. When she walked in with the pile of clothes I raised my eyebrows.

"Isn't that too laid back?" i asked.

"No, this will show them you have class, but at the same time you're relaxed." she told me.

After a long pause she looked back at me. "Don't worry, they'll like you the best. You are WAY prettier and WAY nicer than any of the sluts Jack has ever brought home."

I suddenly felt my stomach plunge. Was I just another girl to him? Does this happen often?

"Does he bring home girls alot?"

"No but, when he does they are usually just girls who want in his pants since he is in a band." she sighed "It's sad. I think he has given up on love. He thinks every girl in the world is only out for the fame that comes with being a rockstars girlfriend. That's why it surprises me that he trusts you so much already."

"Well..... When he asked if I knew who he was I was pretty upfront about it. I told him that i used to like his band in high school and shit. But Rian was always my obsession, not Jack." I laughed.

"Wow! Girls never like Rian! That's so weird, it's always 'oh my god Alex' or 'oh my god Zack' and I guess sometimes Jack, but come on who would be attracted to that thing." she snorted while I blushed. "Except for you i mean." she laughed while hitting my arm.


"May, I'm not sure I can do this." I said staring ahead at the front door of the Barakat home.

"Shut up Celina! They'll love you! I pinky swear!" she held out her pinky for me and I lightly giggled as we hooked pinkies.

She opened the door and yelled to her parents who came downstairs with smiles on their faces.

"Hey Ma! Hey Pa! This is Celina." she pointed at me. "She's my friend and Jacks new girlfriend."

"Awwwww." May's mom cooed before hugging me. "I am Joyce. Welcome to our home."

"Thank you." I smiled shyly before shaking May's fathers hand.

"I'm Joe. And just to start us off, anything bad that Jack does he did not learn it from me!" he laughed. I chuckled and smiled at him.

"No, Jack is a really nice boy. He's a good friend of mine." I assured him.

"See, we didn't completely FAIL at raising him!" Joe turned to Joyce who began to laugh. The front door opened and I turned around to see all of the boys pile in all waving or saying hello before running towards the basement.

"They go play video games while us women slave in the kitchen." Joyce rolled her eyes before leading us to the kitchen.

"What can I do to help?" I asked rubbing my hands together. I LOVED to cook.

"You're so polite!" she exclaimed "You can cut the celery, carrots, and onions." she suggested before handing me a cutting knife and the bags of vegetables. I headed over to the cutting board to begin cutting. We did our own things in silence until Joyce broke it.

"So, you and Jack huh?"

"No, ma'am. I just moved here. Jack has just been nice enough to show me around and take me out." I smiled.

"He always was very polite... Where are you from?" she asked.

"I moved here from Washington about a month ago."

"Oh, Northwest huh? I heard it's pretty up there."

"It is very pretty Mrs. Barakat."

"So, do you go to college?" she asked. I felt ashamed answering this question.

"No ma'am. In high school I did two years of Radio Broadcasting, so I was offered a job as soon as I graduated. I worked at a radio station in Seattle for about 4 months and then i got offered a job here and moved."

"Oh, so you're quite a bit younger than Jack?"

"Yes, I am only 19 ma'am." I said unsure if she'd approve.

"Well, that's fine. Joe is 13 years older than me! Jack is only 6 years older than you! It's a shame you guys aren't dating! You are such a lovely girl."

"Mommmmm! Don't scare off my guest already!" I heard Jack whine.

"Oh, Jack! Calm down! I didn't scare her! I was just stating my opinion."

"Mother! It's your job to slave away in the kitchen not hers!" Jack said noticing I was chopping vegetables.

"Don't worry Jack. I offered." I smiled.

"Yeah Jack, she OFFERED!" Joyce said sticking her tongue out at her son. I laughed watching the situation take place. "You never bring home girls who offer to help, and I haven't heard her whine once. I like this girl Jack keep her around!" Joyce said before scurrying out of the kitchen.

I watched Jacks cheeks begin to blush. I laughed at him and smiled.

"Yeah Jack, keep me around!" I joked. He just smiled over at me and grabbed a knife and walked over to me.

"Can I help?" he asked.

"Sure, you can chop the celery while I finish up the onions."

I watched him struggle to chop the celery stick evenly so I laughed and grabbed his hand.

"It's all in the wrist jack. Use your other hand to move the celery along while moving your wrist up and down at a steady pace." I showed him with my hands on his. I took them off and he was doing it right.

"Thank you pookie."

"Anytime rockstar." I smiled.

A chorus of "AWWWS!" came from behind us as I turned to see Joyce, Joe, May, and the band watching us.

"I get to plan your wedding!" May called from the spot they were all standing I rolled my eyes before putting all the chopped veggies into the bowl and taking them over to the stove.

"There you go Joyce. All done." I smiled.

"Thank you dear, now go enjoy yourself." she smiled.

I followed everyone down to the basement where the guys had sat down and were about to start playing Halo when I stood in front of the TV.

"Can I play?"

Zack, Alex, Rian, and Jack all looked at eachother and smiled wickedly.

"Suuuuure." they all laughed.

"Jack you can sit out while the rest of us play her." Alex told Jack. He nodded and sat on the couch looking at me unsurely.

"Are you guys ready to get your asses kicked?" I asked earning a laugh from the guys. I just smirked before pressing start on the game.

After 6 rounds the guys had finally decided they had enough of dying and they turned off the game. I heard joyce yelling from the kitchen that dinner was ready. The boys just sat there looking shocked.

"THAT'S how you play Halo." I smirked before tossing down the controller and walking up the stairs. I heard faint 'that was so hot' and 'she is so bad ass' whispers from behind me and I laughed. Guys never know what to expect with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aghhhhh. This is so fun to write. Here is her outfit,