You're My Favorite Explosion.

I Believe There Is Magic In The Air.



I stood in the doorway and watched Celina helping my mom clear the table. I smiled to myself when i saw the grin plastered on her face. Not even May helps my mother.

"Uh Celina?" I cleared my throat and grabbed her attention.

"Yeah Jack?" she turned to me and smiled warmly at me. I couldn't help but feel the tugging at my heart strings. She had the prettiest smiled.

"Will you come with me to the backyard? I wanna show you something!" she nodded and set the washcloth down before walking over to me and putting her cardigan on.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You'll see when we get up there." I smiled.

I walked her out of the backyard and showed her the rope ladder leading up my tree. She gave me a quizical stare before hesitantly climbing up the rope. I watched her go up and then followed. When I got up she was just looking around. We stayed silent before she grabbed the acoustic guitar in the corner of the room and looked at me.

"Do you mind? I haven't picked up a guitar in ages." she asked. I just nodded trying to keep the comfortable silence we were in. I watched her hesitate a few times before she began to play, when she started to sing I felt my mouth fall open in shock.

and hey darling,
I hope you're good tonight,
and I know that you don't feel right when I'm leaving,
yeah I want it but no I don't need it,
tell me something sweet to get me by,
'cause I can't come back home 'till their singing,
la la la la la la la
Till everyone is singing
la la la la la la la

She let her voice just trail off and stopped playing after a couple of seconds. I just looked at her and she smiled up at me.

"Who built this?" she asked suddenly.

"Me and the guys. We needed a place to get away and focus on the band, ya know?"

"mmhmm. I was in a band. All through out high school. We were getting pretty well known too, but then our drummer, he uh, he just didn't want to be in it anymore." she stuttered. I knew she was probably lying about the drummer but I decided not to push.

"That sucks. We wrote alot of songs up here. This was like an office." I chuckled.

"wow.... I would have given anything to see that." she sighed.

"All of The Three Words To Remember In Dealing With The End was written in this little tree house." I smiled.

"That is SO amazing! Hit the Lights is my favorite song, AND I Can't Do The One Two Step." she told me.

'' really? Weird, most people say those are the shittiest songs."

"No, you guys have changed to much. Back then you were real punk, now you're like sugar punk." she chuckled. "Hey Jack, what is that huge red mark on your neck?"

My fingers instantly flew up to my neck and then winced in pain at the contact. That was where she had shot me with a paintball.

"That's where you shot me." I told her.

"I got you GOOD!" she laughed evilly.

"You are so mean to me." I pouted, giving her the puppy dog eyes for more affect.

She moved closer to me and lightly traced the mark on my neck before moving her head closer. I felt her hot breath on my neck before she whispered "I'm sorry Jack."

"It's okay." I tried to remind myself to breathe as she lightly brushed her lips on the spot and then after a few agonizing seconds she lightly pressed her lips on to the spot.

"Is it better now?" she asked lifting her head up and smiled at me.

"It's much better!" I answered honestly.

"Oh, Jack. You are such a funny guy." she said before ruffling my hair and moving to the door.

"I hate to leave but I have work tomorrow, and I wouldn't want your mom to get her hopes up and think that we are baby making in here." she laughed.

"Psh. Yeah we wouldn't that right?" I stuttered. Jesus fucking Christ. NOBODY has ever had this affect on me.

"Well, good night Jack." she said before disappearing down the rope ladder. I sat in awe and forgot about the time.

"You so like her!" May said from behind me.

"Holy shit! May! You fucking scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry. But look, she loves you. I can tell! You need to sweep her off her feet!" she said before sauntering off. I watched her skip across the backyard and back into the house. I need to sweep her off her feet. God knows she's already swept me off mine.
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Sorry that it is short. COME ON! Why are you guys all silent?! I have like 8 subscribers and only ONE comment! I need motivation people!