You're My Favorite Explosion.



"Okay, Baltimore. Well, that's it for me, thank you for listening to 90.7 rock and have a great day!" I said into my microphone.

I jumped out of the chair and ran out to the office area. I was excited to leave work already. Jack had sent a text to me an hour ago asking me to go to the park with him. I was excited. The first layer of snow had just covered baltimore and the park was always lively at this time of year.

"Hey! Celina! Before you go, you just got a delivery!" I heard Dave calling. I walked back to him and saw a cute little stuffed penguin that wore a santa hat on his desk. I smiled and read the little note.

Sorry, couldn't help myself! Winter gets the best of me. See you soon. :) -Mr. Rockstar.

This made me more excited so I ran to my car. Setting my purse and the penguin in the passenger seat I drove to the park. I laughed as I saw Jack sitting on a bench talking to a little girl. I got out of my car and walked over to him. When he heard me approaching he turned around and smiled.

"Hi Jack! And, who is this?" I asked smiling at the little girl.

"I'm lily. I love over there!" she pointed towards a big apartment complex "Mommy didn't come to the park with me so I was asking Jack to play with me but we had to wait for you." she explained.

"Oh, okay! Well it's nice to meet you Lily, I am Celina." I smiled and held out my hand for her to shake.

"You're really pretty!" lily said to me.

"Well, thank you! You're beautiful too. I bet you'll be a princess when you grow up." I smiled at her. I loved this kid already.

"Really?!" her eyes lit up and she took my hand in hers. "Let's go swing!" she said pulling me over to the swings.

"Jaaaaack! Come push me and lily!" I yelled to him. He walked over with a big smile on his face and immediately started pushing Lily. I laughed as i watched them bonding. Before the end of the day all three of us were best friends. We helped Lily make her first snow angel, bought her some hot chocolate, and took her to the small ice skating rink.

"Lily, when did your mom want you home?" I asked her. It had been four hours since I had gotten to the park.

"I don't know, but I should probably go home so she doesn't get scared." she sighed.

"We'll walk you home." I offered. I held one hand while Jack held her other hand.

"So, are you guys married?" Lily asked innocently.

"NO." I laughed while jack turned red and looked the other way.

"But you guys act like my mommy and daddy!" she insisted.

"Well, then you're mommy and daddy must be really good friends. Because that's what Jack and I are." I told her. We had just reached her apartments and she turned to give me a hug.

"Guys! Call me when you get married!" she laughed before giving jack a hug and kiss on the cheek and then turned to walk up to her apartment complex. I looked over at Jack and he was blushing like crazy.

"So, Jack I was wondering if tonight you'd like to accompany me to this new club opening. I have to go and like DJ a song, it kind of comes with working for a radio station." I shrugged.

"Oh, The omen?" he asked. "The guys and i were invited to go to that too! We even have a V.I.P. table!" he smiled.

"Well, aren't you cool Mr. Rockstar!" I smirked.

"How about i pick you up at 9 and we can attend this together." he smiled. I grinned happy that he got a sudden urge of confidence.

"Yeah I'd like that."

We were still walking down the path to where the parking lot would be and he grabbed my hand to interlace our fingers. I just smiled to myself and decided not to ruin the moment. We just walked in a comfortable silence until we approached our cars.

"Well, thank you for inviting me to the park. It was nice." I told him. He just smiled and slowly began to lean in. I was caught off guard for a second but then my instincts took over and I leaned in with him. When our lips finally touched it was like a stick of dynamite just exploded in my stomach our lips moved with one another for a short few seconds.

When he pulled away he had a HUGE grin plastered on his face. I smiled at him wanting more but ignored my urge.

"Well, I will see you tonight Jack." I laughed as he began to blush lightly he opened my car door for me and then with a kiss on the cheek and a wave he walked over to his car. I drove home with a thousand watt grin stuck on my face.

"KIM. KIM GET OUT HERE YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED." I yelled as soon as I got into the door.

She ran to me with a look of confusion and fright on her face.

"Who died?!" she asked frantically.

"NOBODY! You're so silly. Kim! We Kissed! Jack and I kissed!" I swooned as i fell to the ground for a dramatic affect. Kim began to laugh at me and I smiled "AND we're going to that club opening tonight! TOGETHER! Except, I want you to come too! Zack doesn't have a date."

"Zack is the ripped one right?!" she asked with an uncertain look.


"Okay, I'll take one for the team, he's got pretty eyes so this should be alright." she shrugged.

"HOLY FUCK! We gotta go get dressed! We're going to be with V.I.". guys!" she realized. We both ran to our rooms.


"Wow, you look....." I was scared of what would come out of Kims mouth next "FUCKING SEXY."

I smiled. "Thank you. You look very uh.... Eccentric?" I laughed looking at kims outfit.

"Thanks! That' what I was going for!"

I heard the knock on the door and opened it to see both Jack and Zack standing there with smiles on their faces.
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<a href="">Celina</a>