You're My Favorite Explosion.

Go And Prove Your Loyalty.



I had just finished my little 25 minute set of DJing and was looking around for where Jack, Zack, and Kim ran off to. My eyes scanned the whole club and back when before me I was met with very familiar eyes.

"Hey Alex." I sighed. "Have you seen Jack?"

"He's over there." Alex jerked his thumb in the direction of Jack making out with some blonde girl. I gulped and just chose to ignore it. We weren't even dating after all.

"You like him don't you." Alex said. I could tell it wasn't a question because he already knew the answer.

"Celina, I will tell you this as a friend, okay? Jack is the kind of guy who never sees what he has until it's gone. He was hurt so much in the past I don't think he'll ever open up to you, which is sad because it's pretty apparent that you're like- amazing." he was staring off nervously.

I knew I liked Jack but when Alex said this my heart swelled. Who's wouldn't? Alex is like the king of sexy. I smiled over to him.

"Thank you Alex. Let's go get a drink." I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bar.

"Aren't you 19?"

"Fake Id." I mumbled.

"Ahhh. A little rebel eh? I like that." he smiled.

After we both ordered we sat at the bar kind of taking in the scene and drinking. I downed a few shots before I got the nerve to look over at Alex.

"Do you want to dance with me?"

I saw a warm smile take place on his face. He shyly nodded and I laughed. He was so fucking cute, and he didn't even try. We went out in the crowd together, we started off with my back to his front. After a few songs we both decided it wasn't enough contact. We had so much physical attraction and lust for one another that we needed to be as close as possible. I ground my hips into his and I felt his chest rumble as he let out a soft moan. He leaned down into my ear.

"Celina, can I kiss you?"

My head went light and I began to feel like the room was spinning. Did Alex Gaskarth just ask to kiss me? I bit my lip and nodded as he leaned down and planted his lips on mine softly. I didn't feel any fireworks with him though. What I felt was certainty. I knew Alex wanted me. He had made it obvious since I first got there. It felt safe to know that if all else were to fail I had Alex. He broke the kiss and I could tell his feelings were absolutely opposite of mine. He looked at me with eyes filled with adoration and excitement.

"Celina, listen, I know the way that Jack and you feel about eachother. But I can't deny what just happened there. Who could deny these butterflies? Seriously...." he sighed.

"Alex, obviously there is nothing going on between Jack and I, look at him." I pointed over to him and the blonde that were pretty much fucking in the corner.

"Wow.... Sorry he is such a dick. He brings you here, gets drunk and then is all up on another chick." Alex shook his head.

"Alex, do you think you could take me home tonight? I came in Jack's car, and that might be a bit awkward..."

"Of course! Whenever you want to leave I will be ready!" he said before excusing himself to the bathroom. I walked over to the bar and got another rum and coke.

"Celina! There you are! you disappeared! I was saddd!" Jack appeared next to me slurring his words. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Jack." I muttered.

"whoa.. What's wrong with my pookie?" he asked. I again rolled my eyes and just tried to ignore him.

"Pookie, you're my bestest friend, you can't be mad at me!"

"Jack, is that all we are? If it is please stop leading me on."

"I feel a little too drunk to understand what is going on right now but let me tell you this, I WANT TO FUCK YOU SO BAD!" This sent me over the edge. Who says that kind of shit? Drunk or not, it was just plain embarassing. Thankfully Alex had come to my rescue, he saw the tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"Jack... Bro, I think you should go." Alex told him calmly.

"Why?!?!?! I just wanted my bestest friend to know how fucking hot she is!" he exclaimed again.

"Come on Celina, let's go." Alex said putting his hand on the small of my back.

"Alex! No! She's my best friend! Celina! Don't leave!" Jack called out.

Alex and I just ignored him and walked out of the club. We got to his car and sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"So, are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Honestly, I am more embarassed then anything. Jack is one fucked up drunk person..." I shook my head.

"With Jack it can go both ways, he is either REALLY obnoxious or really lovey dovey. Sorry you had to see the obnoxious side tonight."

"I am a bit glad I did. We'll see if he remembers tomorrow. If he doesn't I'm sure he'll figure it out when he learns that i am ignoring him." I sighed.

"Well, don't go too hard on him. Silent treatment is okay, just don't go buckwild or anything." Alex laughed. I sighed as he pulled up to my apartments.

"Thank you Alex! Really, I owe you." I smiled at him.

"Well, I have a photoshoot over by you're stations office. Do you want to meet up for lunch when you get off?"

"That sounds nice...." I agreed.

"Okay well I get done at 2. I will text you the address later and you can just come to the end of the shoot and then we'll go eat. Okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, that will be fun." I said before leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Goodnight Alex." I smiled.

As soon as I walked into my apartment I ran to my bedroom and dove face first into my bed. Celina Leigh Bradham, what are you getting yourself into? Jack AND Alex. Come on. They're best friends, you're going to be a home wrecker! Fuck. If only Alex wasn't so sweet and enticing. It would make turning him down easier, but at the same time, he is the stability you have been looking for. He likes you and there is no 'ifs' or 'buts' about it....

I fell asleep with Alex on my mind and woke up with him still there.

I groaned as my phone went off for the 6th time in the last ten minutes. This time it was May though. Jack had been texting me non stop since noon. Which I figured was when he woke up, meaning he either remembered or was calling me to try and figure out what he did last night.

From: May Baratitties.

My brother is an asshole. Alex called me. I love you! Don't worry about Jack, he'll figure it out soon. Alex talks about you like you're the queen of england. :)

To: May Baratitties.

Well, I think he may have a little crush on me. But who knows. I am walking to his photoshoot right now, we're going out to lunch. (:

I sighed then looked up at the building in front of me. A big sign read 'Dorrance Photography' I walked into the front door. Their was a little reception desk and then a very modern looking waiting room. I walked over to the reception desk. The lady with poofy brown hair looked at me.

"Oh, look at you! You must be a model!" she cooed.

"Um, no actually. I'm here to see my friend. Gaskarth?" I told her.

"Well, what a shame you are so pretty! You're so fresh and young looking you should really fill one of these out and come to a casting call." she smiled handing me an application. I nodded and smiled taking the paper from her and looking at it. "Gaskarth is in room number 14."

"Okay, thank you! Really, you'll probably see me soon, I've always wanted to model." i smiled at her before walking towards the sign that pointed to rooms number 11-20. After going down a long hallway my eyes landed on a sign that read
Room No. 14
Gaskarth Glamour Kills.

I opened the door and walked in. i laughed as i watched Alex posing for the camera. He looked over to me and his smile widened a bit.

"Hey! Celina! You came!"

"You didn't think I'd ditch you did you?" I smirked.

"Well, you never know...." he shrugged.

"Hey, Alex. Guess what!!!"


"I just got asked to be a model!" I said with a huge smile.

"Wow, that's great Celina!" I watched him pull on his american apparel hoodie and then he smiled at me again. "Okay, let's go now. i am starving!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so there you go. don't worry! This is still a JACK story. But Alex and her are going to get close and just develop a really good friendship, Alex knows that her and Jack are like meant to be.

Hopefully Jack pulls his head out of his ass though!

Celina Club:

Celina Work and lunch with Alex. :