You're My Favorite Explosion.

I can't get over it.


It had been two days and I hadn't spoken to Jack. He had sent me flowers and a teddy bear, but i didn't feel like forgiving him yet. Alex and I had been hanging out non stop since our lunch date. It had gone so far that he was even spending the night. Now before you get any ideas, it wasn't like that. It was more of "We're such good friends and we have so much to talk about we don't want to leave eachothers side" deal. Alex and I hadn't discussed where we stood or what we were labeled as because we didn't want too. It would ruin the excitement of our friendship, we were fine just living in the moment.

"Bye Dave!" I called out as I left the station. While walking to my car I could hear my phone buzzing. I sighed and grabbed it out. I was relieved to see it wasn't Jack's number but instead an unknown one. I hesitantly answered.


"Yay!!! You answered! Mommy! She answered!" I heard a little girl exclaim. It took a second to register it was lily.

"Hey, Lily! How'd you get my number?"

"Well, I found Jackies in the phone book and then asked him for yours! I have a favor to ask you!"

"Okay, ask me."

"Wellll, I was wondering if you could like, take me on a play date, My mommy is going to be gone tonight. I don't like being home alone."

who leaves a 5 year old home alone?

"Of course! I am just leaving work, do you want me to come over and meet your mom first?"

"Well, mommy just left. She leaves alot. So, I just didn't wanna be alone." she said like it was a normal thing. I felt bad for the girl, wondering what her mom must do that made her gone so much.

"Okay, I'll come pick you up. I will be there in like ten minutes okay?"

"Okay! Should I look cute?"

"Wear whatever makes you comfortable. We'll just go find random things to do." I told her.

"Okay. Byeee."

I hung up the phone and smiled to myself. I never wanted children of my own so it was fun to have Lily around. I felt so bad for her. What kind of person is her mother? Workaholic? Drug addict? Alcoholic? Hooker? All these thoughts rushed to my head and I suddenly was reminded of my own mother. She had left when I was born to go to Las Vegas to be a hooker. She knew that was the only way to feed all of her addictions. Lily was like a version of me.

I pulled into Lily's apartment complex to see her sitting on the steps looking cuter than ever. I got out of the car and walked over to her.

"Hey honey. How are you today?"

"I'm good. I jus wanna do somethin fun!" she exclaimed. I smiled over at her before grabbing her hand and leading her to my car. I helped her situate herself in the backseat then got back into the drivers seat.

"So, when you talked to Jack what did you guys talk about?" I asked her.

"He told me that you were mad at him because he did something stupid. Are you mad at him?"

"Not really mad, I just think sometimes Jack gets a little too silly. I wanted to teach him a lesson." I sighed.

"Can he play with us today? He's so fun!" she shouted clapping her hands together.

"Well, I guess i can call him..." I sighed not wanting to disappoint the girl smiling in my backseat. I pulled the phone out of my purse and finally pressed 'call back' on the list of missed calls from Jack. It only rang one time before he picked up the phone.

"CELINA?! Thank god. I thought you had given up on me and-"

"Jack. Take a breath. Don't worry, things are done with now. You made a mistake, you got the consequence of the silent treatment. Now put on your shoes. I'm coming to pick you up. Be outside." I said then hung up so he couldn't question my demand.

"Yay yay yay yay yay! Jack! Jack! Jack!" Lily cheered from the backseat. I smiled at how easily this girl was excited. When we pulled up to Jack's house he was sitting on his front porch waiting for me. He ran to the car and got in.

"Shit balls! It is so cold!" he yelled.

"What are shit balls?" lily asked from the backseat. JAck turned around with a smile on his face.

"LILY! HI! Wait..... Did Celina kidnap you?"

"No, mommy told me I could go with my new friends." Lily shrugged and went back to playing with the strings on her jacket.

Jack looked at me quizically and I gave him a 'I'll Tell you later' stare. He just nodded and began fiddling with my radio.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Jack and Lily.

"LET'S GO TO A MOVIE!" Jack yelled.

"Okay, does that sound okay to you Lily?" I asked her.

"I've never been to a movie theatre!" she laughed and hopped in her seat. I gave jack a stare again. what child has never gone to the movies?

Jack was nice enough to pay for the tickets while I bought snacks. We stood in the snack line together as Lily played a game.

"Jack, her motherr leaves her home alone all the time! Her mom didn't even want to meet me first she just let Lily get in my car and come on a 'playdate' with me. Who does that you know? She's ONLY 5."

Jack shook his head disapprovingly.

"Maybe we should make this a regular thing, ya know.... Give her some stability?" he suggested. I just nodded my head in agreement.

"About the other night. I'm really sorry, I sometimes get that way when I am drunk...." he sighed whilst stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Don't worry Jack, it was just embarassing. Everybody does stupid shit when they're drunk." I laughed.

"So, you and alex huh?" he asked. We moved up in line.

"Nope. We're just REALLY good friends. We just both happen to be sexy." I smiled. he laughed and shook his head.

"So you guys aren't like fucking?"

"Jack! No we've kissed like once, at the club! But that's it!"

"Oh.... Well, okay." Jack laughed.

"JACK! I almost forgot! Guess what?! This lady asked me to fill out an application and turn it in at this photography place to be a model. tomorrow is the casting call!"

"Wow. That's awesome!" he smiled at me.

It was finally our turn and I ordered all the snacks before grabbing Lily's hand and taking her into the theatre. She sat right in between Jack and I. I just sat and studied her as she oo'd and aww'd at even the simplest things like the 3-D glasses we got. I was glad that it was because of Jack and I that she was smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠

Lily's outfit:

Celina's outfit: