Nights and Weekends

This Party Sucks

I stood by his side at the party hoping to God that he wouldn’t lose another round of beer pong. I wish he wasn’t so drunk already so maybe he could have a chance at winning a round. His ball bounced off the rim of the red plastic cup and everyone around started to cheer. Some random guy walked over to me and unsnapped my bra pulling it off. I’m going to have to remember not to let him play anymore if the rules are strip. I didn’t sign up for this at all. Tucker glanced over at me his eyes full of anger I knew what he was thinking.

The guys beside us were passing my bra around to each other laughing and putting it on, stretching it out was more like it, those stupid football players with their stupid wide shoulders. I could feel all their eyes turned onto me as I stood there with only my underwear left on, I folded my arms over my chest hoping to conceal some part of me so maybe their eyes would turn somewhere else but that wasn’t the case. Instead the guy who took my bra pulled my arms away and held the behind my back so everyone could see.

“Now is not the time to be shy.” He whispered in my ear, as everyone cheered partly for the exposure of my breasts and partly for the fact Grant sank the ball in Tucker’s cup. I looked over towards Grant’s girlfriend Mary she had on an apologetic smile but I could tell she was happy to be almost fully clothed. Grant sank the last ball and everyone turned to look at me again. Another guy came forward from the crowd and started pulling at my underwear on reflex and instinct I kicked him and he fell to the ground holding his eye.

“Quit embarrassing me Reese!” Tucker yelled slapping me across the face to the cheers of the crowd. He grabbed my legs in one arm and pulled my underwear off, “You know the rules.” He was right I did know the rules but I don’t understand how knowing the rules made any of this ok seeing as I didn’t agree to the rules. One by one the guys came up to me and grabbed wherever they could.

“I want to go home.” I said as the last guy let go and they started throwing my clothes back to me. “I tired of these stupid games. You’re drunk I want to go home.” Tucker grabbed my arm hard and dragged me away from the party. “You could have let me put my clothes on first.”

“Reese baby, you are embarrassing me. We can’t go home yet this is a celebration I have to be here, you have to be here. We just made it to State! It’s a big deal and how is it going to look if the quarterback was to leave mid party?”

“How is it to look when the head cheerleader get forcefully stripped mid party?”

“Babe, don’t act as if that is something that doesn’t happen often anyways. Now go back to the party and have a good time.” He turned me back towards the direction of the party and smacked my ass hard.

“Go get dressed we can probably get in another game.” I walked to the party and put my clothes back on as Tucker tried to get another game going.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Tucker.” I yelled and started to walk towards the road. He charged at me and in seconds had me pushed up against the house his hands around my neck holding me off the ground.

“You aren’t leaving we have another game and this time the stakes are high, please don’t do this to me. I swear I don’t know why I even bother with you, you are damn near worthless.” I clawed at his hands trying to get him to let go but he wouldn’t. A couple people passed by and looked at us but didn’t stop to help.

“Help,” I managed to croak out as Mary and Grant walked past. Grant immediately pulled Tucker off of me and Mary pulled me inside and into the bathroom. She shook her head slowly as she looked at the bruises that were already forming where he had held me. “Thanks.”

“You should be fine. Now get back out there and join the party.” She fixed my hair to cover the bruises and pushed me out the door. I walked back over to Tucker and he put his arm around me and kissed me softly.

“Sorry Tuck, I was being stupid I see that now. Let’s go play the game. What game is it?”

“Basically beer pong, but we are playing with shots of whiskey and you’re gonna take them.” He sounded happy but I dreaded the idea completely.

“Sounds perfect.” I forced a smile and followed him back to where they were playing. By the end of the game I was doubled over puking into the flowerbed people behind me laughing.

“Reese get up,” Tucker yelled, “Get up now quit being a baby.”

“I don’t think I could stand up if I wanted to.” I yelled back in between heaves. I could hear the crowd start to leave thank God all I wanted was to be left alone with my pool of puke. “Tucker can get me some water or something?”

“No, come on hurry up and get up a bunch of us are going to drive out to the lake and go skinny dipping.”

“Are you kidding me? I don’t want to, I want to go home.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me up and to his truck, “Are you taking me home?”

“No we are going to the lake.”

“Damn it Tucker no I want to go home. I don’t want to go to the lake I don’t want to get naked in front of all our friends and jump in the lake I want to go home lets go home and we can cuddle.”

“How many times to I have to explain that we can’t leave we have to stay and party it is expected of us.”

“You can’t make me jump in.”

“Wanna bet.” He sped off down the road 4 or 5 cars following us towards the lake. We got there with very few swerves and near misses, Tucker got out of the truck and waited for a minute for me to follow suit. I refused to move so he and two of his friends through the door open and grabbed me.

“Stop!” I yelled as loud as I could trying to get out of their grasp but it didn’t matter they were already pulling my clothes off and throwing them on the ground. “You’re going to ruin my clothes.” They didn’t care they still yanked and pulled in whatever direction they felt like. After they were done they threw me onto the ground and I slid a little ways across the rocks cutting up my chest. They stripped and picked me up again before I could do anything to react. The next thing I knew I was being thrown into the cold water. The impact knocked the breath out of me and I sank to the bottom of the lake where my head hit a sharp rock. I swam back to the shore and grabbed my clothes I was leaving and I didn’t care.

“Reese where are you going?” Tucker yelled from the lake but I didn’t stop walking and he didn’t chase after me. I was drunk, beat, and tired there was only one place I could go and I had to hope that he was home or coming home soon.