These Words Are My Heart and Soul

See If It's Worth Saving Me

My cue hit the white ball, sending a chained reaction and making it collide with a red ball, which in turn knocked the red ball into the corner pocket. Just the eight-ball, and Gerard would be my slave for a week. But if he was lucky, and I missed, and he was able to get his last yellow in and the eight-ball, I’d be his slave.

Unfortunately, I did miss. And, again unfortunately, he managed to pot the yellow one.

“Ooh, it’s on!” Frank grinned slightly drunkenly.

I smirked and took a rather generous sip - more like gulp - of my Taboo and lemonade, put my glass down and tried to tune my eyes into focus just as Gerard potted the eight-ball. My heart sank as I realized he’d won.

“I win. You’re mine, Stonem,” Gerard grinned, putting his cue down.

Sighing, I put my cue down also. I excused myself, pulling a cigarette and my lighter out of my packet and wandering outside. I had a thing about smoking inside a public place; if I had the right to smoke, they had the right not to, and obviously didn’t want my second hand shite crapping up their fairly healthy lungs.

Getting to the door, I sparked up. The fact I was Gerard’s slave scared me slightly, as I didn’t know what to expect. What if he was the same as he’d been three years ago? What if he got drunk and made me cheat? I couldn’t do that to Frank - he was… special, to me.

“So, slave. One whole week. You’re mine.”

I glared at the floor and took another draw of my cigarette, as his hand came down on my shoulder. I tried to shrug him off, but he turned me around and smiled warmly.

“How’s about you stay with me for the week?”

Me being me, I pushed his hand away and started to come out with a smart ass reply, but he just closed his eyes and rose a finger as if to tell me to be quiet. I scowled and took another draw, before - as a force of habit - offering the other half to him, which he gladly took.

“Fine. But just so you know, I could kill you with my hands.”

His face morphed into a look of ‘O.o’ and I smirked. It was true. I’d had a lot of practice against brick walls, pillows and, occasionally, peoples faces. So I guess you could say I can put up a bit of a fight.

I walked away from him, bracing myself to break the news to Frank and Cariad. One part of me thought they’d be better off without me, and the other part of me was wondering how they’d cope without me. Though, typically, the optimistic part was the smaller part.


“H-How could you? I thought you loved me!”


“You don’t get to call me that!”

I just kept screaming at him, the tears rolling down my face as he backed further and further into the corner. He looked kind of scared but I didn’t care; I was so incredibly pissed, not to mention upset.

After all he’d put me through, he had to go get someone else behind my back. Some college chick from Wyckoff as well. I’d seen pictures on his cell; she wasn’t even pretty.

“I don’t love her like I love you though.”

“Shut the fuck up!”

And I hit him. Just slapped him across the face. I stood glaring at him until I realized what I’d done. I gasped slightly and blinked, but a blink so small it was like a twitch. A tear fell and I stumbled back, sitting on the bed.

He looked at me, the sadness and fear in his eyes gone. Instead it was replaced with this immense hatred, and anger, and that same disdain that made me wince in pain and disgust.

*Mikey’s P.O.V*

I don’t know why I was going home. I knew Gerard would be there. There was this huge burning sensation of hope in my chest, knowing that there was a reason Loryn and Gerard couldn’t be together anymore.

But I couldn’t shake the guilt. Something told me he was going to hurt her. The whole feeling of regret, however, wasn’t anything compared to the feeling of deceit. He was my brother; so we were at war right then. He was still close to my heart, and someone I was supposed to love.

There was just something about her.

I walked in, slinging my jacket. There was shouting and screaming coming from Gerard’s room; the door was ajar. I snuck down, peering in at what was happening. Gerard was hitting her, she was crying. Her beautiful eyes were swollen and her perfect face was damp and bleeding.

Until the crying and screaming stopped. I saw Gerard’s face freeze in fear as he shook her.

“Loryn? Rynnie? Rynnie, wake up. Oh God…”

He ran. Like a fucking coward, he ran. Out the door, past me, who was hiding behind the wall. And when I knew he was safely out of sight (he’d started shaking and crying as he ran, but I didn’t care; he’d hurt my Loryn) I went in.

I climbed onto where she was on the bed, stroking her beat up face whilst my tears fell onto her quickly forming bruises. Her face was still wet. I took her into my arms and held her close, sobbing lightly and praying she’d be okay. Somehow I knew she would.

♠ ♠ ♠
Again, dedicated to Jeri, Jess, Ellie and Cariad because they make me so happy :P
ILYGMTA (I Love You Guys More Than Air)
Enjoy my loverlies;
You probably hate the emoness :D