These Words Are My Heart and Soul

I Ain't Freakin', I Ain't Fakin' This!

I sucked the chocolate off my thumb and wiped my hand on my pant leg, before putting another cube of chocolate on my tongue. I liked how it stuck to the roof of my mouth as it melted, but I had to get it off as soon as possible or I’d start freaking out.

Cariad was pouring over my maternity magazines. By this time, I was eight and a half months pregnant, and Cariad was about two and a half, nearly three months.

Another cube of chocolate went into my mouth and I took a sip of warm coffee. A swirl of mocha began and I almost started drooling. As this happened, a chocolaty smile crept onto my face and I dropped about three chunks of chocolate into my piping coffee, stirring it and waiting for it to melt. The chocolaty-coffee fumes infected my system and I sighed, smiling calmly.

Taking a sip, I got up awkwardly to sit beside her. She was looking at baby clothes and those cute little baby booties me and Frank had bought the day before for Laurie. We’d already painted the nursery and bought a crib and lots of clothes and accessories.

We were sitting talking when I got a funny sensation between my legs, like I was peeing myself. I looked down and saw a wet stain at the front of my gray jeans. Alarm bells went off in my head.

“Frank!” I screamed.

But he’d gone out to band practice. So had Mikey and Gerard.

I burst into tears and shook Cariad. She looked at me, shocked, before I pointed to my stain. She looked at me worriedly and stood me up, picking up the bag I’d packed weeks ago just in case Laurie was really early.

She pulled me to her car, helping me sit comfortably (as comfortable as I could be in my situation) and helped fasten my seatbelt, before running faster than I’d ever seen her to the drivers seat.

She didn’t fasten her seatbelt. Starting the ignition, she put her foot on the gas and pulled out the driveway backwards, almost hitting a car on the way out. The cars horn beeped angrily but she gave the driver the middle finger and started speeding off towards the hospital. She ignored all red lights and stop signs.

A contraction ripped through my belly and I screamed loudly. Cariad looked round at me and started telling me it would be alright and squeezing my hand reassuringly. I smiled, but looked ahead and screamed. My eyes were wide and I knew what was about to happen, whether Cariad noticed in time or not.

She looked at where I was screaming and slammed the breaks on. But it was too late. Our car crashed heavily through a sign that warned us the road was being worked on, and slammed into the wall of the bridge. It held steady, but I remember falling unconscious.

Cariad and I wandered into the bar giggling. We didn’t need to do anything really to get into the bar, just flutter our eyelashes and squeeze our boobs together to reveal cleavage.

She went to the bar and sweet talked the male bartender into providing a private drink service for us, and arrived at the table I’d picked, with two tall pint glasses of pure unadulterated beer.

We sat, laughing and talking and discussing future plans. I looked round the bar and my eyes fell on a guy.

His hair was black, most likely dyed. He was really short, but still taller than me. He had a lip piercing and really, really nice hazel eyes. He was talking to some other guys, who looked a little older than him, but he caught me staring and kind of broke off from what he was saying.

He kind of… smiled at me. I felt my cheeks turn red and smiled back. He was really nice looking. He seemed to be only a year older than me, really. He was wearing a Misfits tee-shirt, baggy jeans with chains and some crappy, over-worn converse sneakers. He was… dare I say it… perfect, to say the least.

I was quite happy admiring from afar, seeing as the only admirers I ever got were some guys looking for a quick fuck around and they’d be off for some other stuck up, short skirt wearing bit of fluff.

But he got up, picking up his beer, and walked over. My heart started beating rapidly and I moved closer to Cariad. She’d seen him too, but he hadn’t even noticed her. He’d seen me, and only me.

“Is this seat taken?” he asked, in the most adorable voice.

“Uh, no. Pull up a stool,” I blushed.

He smiled and sat next to me.

“Hi… I’m Frank…” he smiled, looking a tad nervous.

“I’m Loryn…”

“Who’s your friend?” he asked.

“I’m Cariad,” she said quickly, holding out her hand for him to shake.

Frank laughed and shook her hand, and went back to looking at me.

“D-Do I have something on my face?” I asked, looking away and putting a hand on my cheek.

“No, no, you’re just… really cute,” he smiled.

I blushed again.

“Thanks… no one’s ever called me cute before…” I giggled.

“First time for everything,” he winked.

We started talking, all three of us. He seemed to get closer and closer to me. By the end of the night, I felt like I knew everything about him. I wouldn’t talk about myself because I loved the sound of his voice.

It was time for us to go.

“Uhm… do… do you wanna come to mine… for like… a coffee?” he asked.

“I like coffee,” I smiled, blushing.

Cariad whispered to me and I giggled, and she got in the taxi alone. I handed her some money so she didn’t have to pay, and she smiled. I hugged her and told her that if I ended up coming home, not to wait up. She smiled and said okay, and we hugged again.

Then the taxi drove off. I smiled nervously at Frank and shivered a little. He took off his nice dark denim jacket and put it round my shoulders. I smiled and he kissed my cheek lightly. I blushed for what could have been the millionth time that night.

He walked me to his door, got out his key and opened the door, allowing me to go in first. I went in and sat tentatively on the sofa. He came and sat next to me.

“So, coffee?” he asked.

“Sure… if you’re making…” I grinned.

He laughed and got up, going into the kitchen. I looked round, taking in the characteristics of the place. It was nice, homely.

Frank came back and placed two coffee’s on the table, and sat back next to me. I laughed and looked at the floor. He put a finger under my chin and kissed me lightly. Closing my eyes, I put a hand on his shoulder. It was the best kiss of my life.

He wrapped an arm around me, and we sat talking some more. I only scratched the surface of my life, whereas he went into full detail, about how he’d always wanted to be in a band and that someday, he’d be famous. Fame seemed like something that would really suit him.

I remember falling asleep, in his arms, right there. The last thing I remembered was him kissing me again, lightly and softly, and telling me he liked me, a lot. I smiled and said I liked him too, and then my eyelids grew heavy, and I fell asleep with that same, happy, worthwhile smile on my face.

♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, eh?!
For all those who love me!
I love you all too!
Special thanks to Ellie and Jeri for the inspiration for this chapter.
I love you two! =P