These Words Are My Heart and Soul

Meet and Greet

“You know last week, when I told you I’d joined a new band?”

I looked up from my sketchpad stroke notepad and cocked an eyebrow. He’d told me all about this new band of his, since that last one had kind of fizzled out and died, like the one before it. Seems his bands didn’t last long. I hoped this one would; he was so good at what he did, he deserved fame and fortune for it.

“Yeah huh.”

He laughed at this, which made me smile. His laugh was so damn cute.

“Well, I kinda want you to…”

And he trailed off at the end, mumbling it to himself and fiddling with whatever threads were loose on the settee. He was nervous again.

“Well, I-I kinda want you to meet them... but-but it’s totally cool if you don’t want to!”

I raised an eyebrow. How was this a big thing? He’d known these guys for ages and was now in a band with them, and introducing me to them. The girl who he called his girlfriend, proudly. The girl he swore he’d do anything to protect.

“Sure,” I said simply, smiling.

He smiled, walked over to me and planted a short, light kiss on the side of my head. I smiled brightly and returned to my drawing. I felt kind of, well, happy. Meeting people on terms other than business. Which I proudly hadn’t had for a year, as I half feared I’d lose this guy. Maybe these new guys would be friends, instead of just customers.

But, what if they were previous customers? Or what if they’d seen me on previous jobs - I’d once been an… exotic dancer, shall we put it. Took my clothes off for money in that job too. Got fired for being underage, the bastards.

These thoughts coursed through my head, but were interrupted as I realized he was waving a hand in front of my eyes. I snapped out of my trance and smirked at him. Hopefully, I thought, that’ll hide my fear.

“No, come on, you did last time. Do you not love me anymore?”

I looked up at his face; those hazel puppy eyes had turned a bewildered shade of emerald, and I couldn’t help but feel like I’d be sucked into it, even if I said no. And of course I loved him. Did he think I’d pretend with something like this?

“I- Of course I-I love you… it’s just-”


Those puppy dog eyes again. His hand came up to my face and stroked it gently, and I got those stupid butterflies and weak knees which showed me he had utmost control over me. No matter what.

I hung my head dejectedly.


And it happened again. It wasn’t painful this time, well, it’s wasn’t as painful. Nowhere near. But it was still as awkward. He kept telling me to relax, that if I calmed down it would feel good.

I couldn’t relax. Not with him writhing about on top of me, making noises in twisted pleasure. If this was what he called love, he was a very, very deluded person. Very deluded indeed.

And I was caught up in it.
