The One I'm Waiting For

The One

“Come on Katie, why do you hate mornings? Or do you just hate me?”

“Why do you have to be so obsessed?” was the only reply she got.

It was the day of the concert and Jenna was the biggest fan, she had to be at the front of the line, had to be the first one in and of course her best friend Katie had to be right there with her.

“Come on let’s go!!!!!!!” Jenna started shouting up the stairs
I left Jenna waiting in line deciding I needed to go for a walk. It was always like this, don’t get me wrong I’m a fan to but Jenna is to the extreme, she always waited in line and I always had a snoop around while she was waiting.

Woah, I had never seen this side of a arena before, maybe I shouldn’t be here.


Whoops, too late, busted!

I turned around to run and ran into the most beautiful guy I have ever seen.

His deep brown eyes and curly brown hair were even better in person. Nick Jonas, there are no words to describe what I felt, but everyone must feel like this right? Star struck, amazed?

All he could do was stare at me, did I have something on my face? Was my hair a mess? Makeup? Something?

“Y..You....shouldn’t be back here” he stammered after 5 minutes.

That’s it, after all the staring and making me feel paranoid, all he says is something I’m already aware of, what is wrong with this guy? Well, rock stars, what are you going to do?

“Sorry, I was just looking around, I wasn’t aware that this was backstage or where ever. Don’t worry I will just go back to waiting in line with the rest of the crazies” I answered cockily. He just stared at me again, but this time shocked.

Nice Katie, you meet the most amazing guy ever and just act a slight bit cocky. Why would you do that to yourself? I started to scold myself in my head while I walked away.


Four years later and we are still going strong, I can’t believe that I fell in love with Nick Jonas! I still remember that night like it was yesterday.

I turned around and he was staring at me again, only this time it looked like he was trying to figure me out.

I waited... and nothing just more staring. Boy what was up with this guy!

Then he just started laughing. Seriously what is up with him, all the staring and then he laughs, way to make a girl fell paranoid, right?

“What are you laughing at?” I barked getting angry now and still confused. This time it was my turn to do the staring.

“I’’s just... I have... never... had...a fan... that. It was quite funny.” He spat out through his laughing. “So, your here for the show? You’re a fan? And you’re not a... crazy?” He started laughing again.

At least I knew now that there was nothing wrong with my makeup.

“Yes, I am. A fan, but not a crazy that is. You should meet my friend she is the craziest crazy going.” I started to laugh. “Why don’t we start again? I’m Katie. Nice to finally meet you. If my friend knew I was talking to you she would freak. In fact she is probably freaking now since I still haven’t got back from my walk.”

It went from there, a simple mistake and I found him, the one guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have become part of the family, always round and always there for the guys when they need some moral support. His parents love me, Kevin is like the big brother I always wanted. He is always there if I need to talk, if I have had a fight with Nick he will always be there to comfort me. He’s like a life sized cuddly bear. And Joe, well he is like the crazy older brother I never wanted but couldn’t live without, not now anyway.

And Jenna, boy did she love me when I told her. Still loving me in fact, considering I introduced her to her now boyfriend Joe. It took them a while but they are together and happy.

Now on my 21st birthday I’m sat thinking of that night which brought me here, sat with the whole family at the posh restaurant in town. I had everyone I loved around me, my parents, Nick, his brothers, his parents and of course Jenna.

The way that girl can break a heart, It’s like a work of art
And this is the worst part, She knows it
And she’s so confident, That she’s what everybody wants
But nobody wants Her to know that

“You know, this song reminds me of you” he whispered in my ear.

I kept listening as I didn’t know the song playing in the background.

I’m still waiting for , you to be the one I’m waiting for

“You were the one I was waiting for” he smiled.

I couldn’t help but smile when he said this. Of all the girls he could have had and he picked me, because of a simple mistake.
After the meal, Nick grabbed my hand and led me outside.

He had planned all of this, the meal and getting everyone there to surprise me and as he led me outside I knew he had planned something else.

I was right, the garden was all done up. It was my dream garden, I knew I had talked about all the flowers I loved and how I wanted my own place just to decorate the garden and he had done just that for me, for my birthday.

“Wow!” was all I could manage as I twirled round taking it all in. As I got back round to where Nick was standing I got a little confused, he had disappeared. No, he was on the floor, with a ring in his hand.

“Katie, I love you and can’t believe I found you. You were the one I was waiting for and I hope you feel the same. So, Katie will you marry me?”

I was completely gobsmacked. I must have stood there for about 5 minutes before I managed to speak, or should I say stumble through a sentence.

“How did.... but you...YES, YES I WILL” I practically shouted at him eventually.

He looked amused with my reaction, one of the many things he loved about me I was always told. Then, like a complete and utter crazy, I jumped on him. How’s that for a reaction?

“Argggggggggggggggggggg” I heard someone scream. Jenna, she was watching. The whole family were watching and I was unaware of this.
A couple of months later and I’m planning the wedding with my mother, Nick’s mother and Jenna. Even though it’s not until next year we couldn’t wait. What are you going to do? We are girls after all.
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first story this is a one shot for a competition

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