Status: Newbie;; short story for your enjoyment(: Comments appriciated(:

Forget Me Not.

These Issues, They Choke Me Like A Noose.

I rolled over onto my back and pried my eyes open from being sealed shut by tears and make-up.

Today's the day, Kaity, I thought, time to show 'em all what you've got...

I hopped up, not caring and using my magic to get changed. I always had a knack for twisting school uniforms to something fashionable to my taste.

Even though I'm in Slytherin, I decided on a red eyeshadow over my usual black wing of eyeliner and purple below under the massive hunk of eyeliner smeared on my eyes.

I smirked, feeling the need to piss off Lacey and Starr today, and put in my lip ring, naval ring, and finally decided to also throw in my nose stud. I already have my ears pierced almost ten times, why not spread it out? I'm sure they also wouldn't like the tattoos on my right ankle and stomach.

Oh yeah, I'm a rebel.

I'm also a runaway. I've ran away and been in so many new places that I have several identities. There's Kat from New York in America, Ember from Manchester in England (I had that one when I got busted), Kyrie from Elva in Estonia, and at first I went by Kai which was short for Kaichi before they figured out it was me back in the Hidden Leaf.

Fun fact: Kaichi, is Kaity in Japanese.

Sasuke always called me Kai...

I huffed, grabbed my bag, and went into the Common Room. All eyes came on me. I straightened up, and prepared my glare.

"If any dumbshit has a problem with me or anything I do, speak now or get punched in the face later. Fucking understand?" I stated, loud and clear. No one spoke. "That's what I fucking thought."

"Well, well, looks like we have a girl who needs to learn her bloody place, eh?" A cocky voice said from behind me.

I licked my teeth and put a hand on my hip. "Like I said, got a fucking problem, speak now or get hit later, dumbshit."

There was a group of 'whoa...'s and gasps, and I stood my ground. I was alone for years, teaching myself how to fight, no way I was letting some pussy ass bitch shove me around.

"Hmph, and just who the bloody hell do you think you are?" He said.

I smirked and faced him. He had platinum blonde hair (I guess the bleach severely affected him), and grey eyes that looked somehow familiar to me. Oh well, familiar or not, here comes the bitch.

"Kathralyn Lunabell McKnight." I said in my polite bitchy tone. Yes, I can be politely bitchy. "And what dumb blonde might I be adressing today? You're just another for my fucked up list."

Another round of gasps and 'ohh...'s and the guy glared and sneered at me. "My name, is Draco Lucius Malfoy. You answer to me here. Got it?"

"Tch, nope. No way I'm answering to some dumb blonde who can't even remember to bleach his eyebrows. Oh, and with a fucked up ass name." I smiled at him, waved, and walked out of the Common Room.

Score one for Crazy Kaity.

I walked the halls, already knowing my way around. Don't ask me how, I just have some freaky connection with my aunt and her memories so I know this shit. Today, I just don't give a damn. If you piss me off on a day like this, you can kiss your ass, buh-bye bitches and hoes.

I walked into Potions with a careless expression on my face.

"Ah, Miss McKnight. You decided to join us in the realm of the living today." Snape drolled on.

"A. Be glad I'm up this early. I'm used to sleeping this time and waking at night. Which brings me to 2. Realm of the living my behind. Do you remember my family at all?" He should, my aunt was one of his closest friends from what I can see in her memories.

Snape narrowed his eyes at me. "Just take a seat."

Score two for Crazy Kaity.

"Any particular spot?" I will never ask this question a-fucking-gain.

"Next to Mister Malfoy."

My jaw dropped.

"Have a problem, Miss McKnight?"

"Uhm, fucking yes! I am not sitting next to that...that..." What's a horrid enough word for it?

"Handsome prince?" Malfoy said, vain and cockilly.

I made a gagging face. "Excuse me while I puke up blood you dumbshit cunt."

The Gryffindors began laughing at my very unlady-like tongue and use for it towards Malfoy: King of the Assholes.

Malfoy stood up and faced me. I put a hand on my hip and smirked. "What would the King of all Dumbshit Assholes like now?"

"Watch it, McKnight." He growled.

"Go fuck yourself, Malfoy." I said pleasantly. No way I'd be saying, 'Fuck you' because then he'd be like, 'Pshtt, you know you want to' and I'd have to puke and make his hair stained red and green from blowing chunks and blood all over it.

"Who the bloody hell do you even think you are for saying such things to me?!" He yelled at me.

My smirk grew. "I told you, Kathralyn Lunabell McKnight. I am named for my aunt, Katherine 'Luna' Lynnestte McKnight. I am the youngest girl of my family which clearly makes me, would you like to finish that?"

He stared at me in awe. "The Princess of the McKnight bloodline..." He breathed.

I nodded, taking my special bottle out of my bag, taking off the cap, and taking a big swig. It looked like water, but it sure wasn't water. What else is clear and keeps Kaity chill from killing people?

One word: Vodka.

Yes, I'm also a horrible alcoholic. But it's better than my druggie sister Lacey. She never rolls her sleeves up anymore. Why? Heroin needle scars. I don't know if she still pulls that shit or if it's just crack and weed, but she's definetly smoking something if she hasn't bitched at me. She's just sitting over there awestruck.

"Lacey close your jaw, you're catching flies and it's not like you could get a guy to do that to anyways." I said. Slytherins and a few Gryffindors bursted out laughing at that. Sex reference, yes.

"MISS MCKNIGHT." Snape bellowed. I got the fake, 'uh-oh!' look on my face and resisted laughter.

"I'm sitting, I'm sitting, chill." I said, waving him off and sliding into my seat next to blondie. I took out my bottle, and took another swig. Malfoy snorted.

"What?" I spat at him.

"If you're going to drink to tone out the bloody twits in this class, at least share." He said.

I started laughing, but covering my mouth so Snape wouldn't catch me. "For a second there, I swore you said 'twat' instead of 'twit'."

Malfoy smacked his forehead. "You're beyond trashed, aren't you?"

"I've been drinking for years, kid. I can hold my liquor." I said, taking another swig. "And I do not fucking share. I'm possessive of my alcohol."

"You're thirteen, how long have you been drinking?"

I resisted laughing again. "Wrong again. I'm four hundred ninety-three."

Malfoy's jaw dropped much like my sister's (whom I take it likes this twat. Yes twat, not twit.) and I smiled and resisted my chin in my palm.
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Chapter title creds go to Escape the Fate's 'Issues'.
And thank you Ashiee dear for commenting(: