Status: Newbie;; short story for your enjoyment(: Comments appriciated(:

Forget Me Not.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy.

The rest of the day didn't go by so bad. I felt no need to eat lunch nor dinner so I just walked around the Dark Forest. Oh yeah, I'm such a rebel.

I am a Libra and Wiccan, I am one with balance and nature. My rule: fuck with me, I'll fuck you right over hoebag.

I currently sat in my usual attire on the Common Room couch. I got so sick of the uniform and didn't feel like putting on my pajamas quite yet, so I just put on some of Gothic attire.

I think I frighten the First Years...

...Mission accomplished.

I sat on the couch reading one of my family's spell books. It was Italian, and lucky for me, aunt Luna taught me Italian. I know Italian, Estonian, French (and I can't stand it!), Japanese, and American. I do know Romanian, but I choose to ignore it.

Family issues.

"Do you always dress so bloody strange?" I groaned upon hearing that torturous voice behind me. "And what are you reading? It doesn't look like a school book."

"Because it's not you snoop. It's my family's magic book." Now if only I could find something for him...

He kept going on and on about something while I was looking for something I could use against him. Not like I can get in trouble for my family's magic because it's deadly to anyone not of our bloodline that interferes with it.

"Ritorno di fiamma!" I yelled at him. He flew back and into one of the chairs into the corner. So that's what 'backfire' does.

"Bloody hell?!" Malfoy yelled.

"Pressione!" I yelled at him. Malfoy doubled over in pain, clutching his head. So yelling 'pressure' in Italian gives you hell of a headache..nice.

I sighed, tired of his screams and the stares. "Liberazione." I said, releasing him from the agony.

"What in bloody hell was that?!" Malfoy screamed at me.

"Italian. I said 'backfire' which sent you flying, 'pressure' which gave you the head pain, and 'release' to release your scrawny behind." I said simply.

He kept yelling at me (which I ignored) and finally said, "Silenzio!" And his mouth was zipped shut. Literally.

You see, my family's bloodline magic is special; we don't need those stupid little wands. We do hand magic. Or if you're a Black Blood like my aunt and myself, you can do special magic from your eyes.

I sighed, "Liberazione." and his mouth was unzipped after a good five to ten minutes. "Keep doing stupid things like that, and I'll do much worse magic on you. That's a threat, and a promise."

Back in my room, I created my black spirit pentogram on my floor, and stood in the center with my spellbook floating in front of me and my arms and hands in the Libraic position of balance.

"Il sangue tossico dei nostri antenati, i petali delle rose nere, il buio della strega, do tuo questi per afferrarla che lo shannot muore!" The toxic blood of our ancestors, the petals of the black roses, the dark of the witch, I give thy these to clutch thee that shannot die!

Every full moon I perform this spell. I do it to protect my aunt's soul. People believe her to be dead, but I don't. I've seen the signs, she's somewhere. Somewhere out there... And I'm going to make sure she's okay.

Now for my tracking spell.

"Gli occhi di Sharingan, il sangue del clan il più puro, respiriamo mentre lei dorme ed ora lei è proprio il suo proprio, mi ha condotto al uno io l'hath ha perso!" The eyes of Sharingan, the blood of the purest clan, we are breathing while you're sleeping, and now you're own your own, lead me to the one I hath lost!

The same. That same surge through me, but nothing. I know there's some way I can find him,

"I'd put a hundred gallions on the new chick being bloody mental." My dhampiric hearing picked up.

"Are you kidding me? I'd put five hundred on her being bloody deranged with a cell in Azkaban with her name engraved on it!"

Malfoy... I growled in my thoughts.

"Forare la tua anima poco profonda!" I yelled, focusing my energy on Malfoy.

I stormed downstairs with my book, glaring my worst at him as I watched him squirm in agony on the floor. Yelling 'peirce thy shallow soul' towards someone was far worse than the Torture Curse. Believe me...

"Watch your tongue Malfoy, or next time you might just lose it." I growled at him, releasing him.

He panted heavilly and his 'friends' backed away as he stood up. "Oh really? What's a little girl gonna do about it?"

My angered boiled and boiled. "FRANTUMARE!" I yelled, feeling my Sharingan burn my eyes.

My Sharingan canceled the spell and I found myself being thrown into the pits of pure Darkness...

I awoke, laying on an unfamiliar ground. I sat up, my head spinning.

"So, it does work than." A familiar, emotionless voice said behind me. I almost felt tears well up in my eyes. If they were emerald or onyx, I could not tell you right now.

"I told you it would." An icy chill ran up my spine at that voice.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked them, standing up with my back to them.

"When we all have our Sharingan activated at the same time we technically split from our bodies and meet up in some spot. I guess today was Sasuke's pick." Itachi said.

I looked around. I guess it was too;; the place we were in looked just like one of Oreo's (Orochimaru) hide-outs.

"Where are you?" Sasuke asked towards me.

"London." I replied simply, still not turning to face him.

"Why the hell are you in London?"

"I'm at a new school - Hogwarts."

"Oh, the magic one." He sounded a bit...dissappointed?

"Why, did you want me or expect me to stay in the village after all that heartshatter, did you?" I spat.

"No, it's better that you left." He paused, and added, "but I want you to come with me."

I stood there, mouth slightly open, unsure of what to do or say.

"Tch, I'm pretty sure Malfoy won't miss me..." I muttered.

I could feel the rage boil in Sasuke. "What did you say?"

I shrugged. "This kid I met since I started classes today - Draco Malfoy. Pretty 'tarded name, huh?"

Sasuke spun me around to face him, his face completely serious and concerned. "Stay away from him and all of the Malfoy's, sis. They're no good."

"Tch, well obviously. The kid's a total douchemonkey to me!"

"You must stay away from him. Especially his father - Lucius Malfoy."

Lucius Malfoy...? Where have I heard that before...

"Why does that name sound familiar...?" I whispered.

"Because..." If Sasuke couldn't even choke it out, it was bad. "Because he betrayed Luna. He was the head of the attack on your family all those years ago."

"He's the one that...?" Tears started dripping down my pale cheeks.

Sasuke nodded. "Yes, he's the one - besides Lucy - that tore your family to shreds."
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