Status: Newbie;; short story for your enjoyment(: Comments appriciated(:

Forget Me Not.

Sing It For the World.

I stared at him in awe. My eyes not sure if they wanted to cry or send Malfoy into the pits of his worst nightmares.

I swallowed hard. "Which means that they'll..." I trailed off.

Sasuke nodded. "They will come for you, too because you're just like Luna."

Just like Luna, I thought, I have her looks, her magic, her bloodline, her everything. It's as though I am her...

"She isn't just like Luna." Itachi said.

Sasuke and I turned and looked at him puzzled.

Itachi sighed. "You, Kaity, are Luna's doppleganger. That's one more thing that makes the Death Eaters and everyone want you so much."

"Doppleganger?" I repeated.

"It means you're like a copy of her..." Sasuke started slowly. "But dopplegangers are rare, and their magic and blood much different. It's powerful, and the doppleganger and original together are too strong for even Voldemort."

I looked at the blue crescent moons etched into my pamls. The same as Luna...

"The Death Eaters believe that they've killed Luna, now they want her double gone to make sure she can't be resurrected."

Something burned inside of me. I could feel it. It wasn't just my magic anymore, I could feel the Power growing inside of me.

I shook my head. "No."

"What?" Itachi asked me.

"She isn't dead." I looked up at him, my eyes feeling like they could shift to Topaz any second. "I can feel it. She's alive, but she's weak. She doesn't need to be resurrected, she needs half of what I've got."

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked.

Then it hit me. "I don't just have my magic, I have my mom's since she ripped her soul into pieces, Sadie's, Cassie's, and Luna's. Everything goes to the youngest - literally. Mom, Sadie, and Cassie gave up their magic - I got it. Luna's was destroyed, I got it to protect it like I got this."

"What the hell is that?" Sasuke said.

"The pure blood of the McKnight bloodline. It's always given to the youngest - the Guardian of the Bloodline. If it falls into the wrong hands, we're so fucked up the ass it isn't funny. If It broke and spilled on me, it would save me from death but I'd have to give up my own blood to refill it because my blood isn't tainted like everyone else's. But if it broke and I drank it or was forced to drink it or whatever, I'd be completely turned vamp and McKnight vamp at that. It'd bring my royal bloodlines to a new high."

"Than who's blood is in there now?" Itachi questioned.

I turned to him, my eyes glowing Emerald. "Luna's. This is what kept her alive. She broke it just before she was killed and it saved her from death so she got away."

"This is all very interesting," Sasuke said, "but what are you going to do?"

I looked right at him. "Can you come get me tonight?"

He nodded. "I'm not that far away. I can be at the school in about an hour."

"Than I'm going with you."

I awoke lying on the Slytherin Common Room couch, Malfoy hovering over me. I resisted the urge to deck him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled, shooting up.

"Making sure you're okay!" He yelled back, standing up. "Your eyes turned all weird then you dropped."

I glared my worst at him and jumped over the side of the couch, heading towards the portrait hole.

"Where in bloody hell are you going?" He spat.

"Far the hell away from you." I replied, walking out of the Common Room.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I get more comments I'll update more and more often(:
Chapter title creds for last chapter go to Black Veil Brides - Sweet Blasphemy, and this chapter's goes to SING - My Chemical Romance.