Status: Newbie;; short story for your enjoyment(: Comments appriciated(:

Forget Me Not.

And I've Hurt Myself, By Hurting You.

I ran down the corridors, tears streaming down my face. I heard footsteps following me, also at a running pace.

Why won't he just leave me alone?! I screamed in my thoughts.

"Kaity!" Malfoy called after me.

I didn't want to use the full extent of my magic, so I pulled out my wand and fired a spell that I learned from being here to stun him for a bit. Just enough so I could get out of the dungeouns and into the main school ground.

People stared at me funny as I ran and cried, but I didn't care. None of them mattered to me like my brother did. He was the top of my priority list.

"Kaity!" I heard again.

Dammit! I cursed myself. I ran faster, running into the courtyard and tripping, landing flat on my face.

For a moment, I cried into the dirt. Remembering how I've lost everything...My aunt that treated me like a daughter, my mom before she turned psycho, my sister before she left me with our abusive father, my brother who loved me and protected me always...

"And I've hurt hurting you..." I sang into the night sky.

I heard Malfoy's footsteps growing closer, which pushed me to get up and continue running. I didn't get far before he caught me and pinned to a nearby wall.

"What in bloody hell is your problem?!" His voice was concerned and ticked at the same time.

"Like you fucking care..." I said, looking away towards the ground.

"I think I'd understand."

I began to snicker, then chuckle, then full out laugh. "Understand?" I snapped, looking him dead-set in the face. "You don't know what it's like to lose everything! You've had everything you've ever wanted to begin with! I've ranaway since I was six! Six years old and I was running away from a life I couldn't stand! What the hell could you possibly understand about me?!"

He didn't have a response.

"You don't know what it's like to have everyone you've ever loved either leave you or die. Wherever I go, people die. Whenever I grow close to someone, they leave me. I'm better off alone in this fucked up world! Do not fucking try to tell me you'd understand because no one does! And no one ever will!"

"Because you never let anyone try!" He snapped back.

"I have, they either end up dead or leaving me. In my life, there's only been two other people that completely understand me. One's an idiot and the other left me because of his vendetta. But you know what? I'm gonna get him back." A sad and twisted smile crossed my face.

"You have no idea what it's like to lose everything you've ever had as soon as life got okay. My family was fucked up beyond being just disfunctional. So I ranaway. There I found my two brothers and parents who cared. A place where everyone was so nice to me no matter what. Sure some people weren't, because they were afraid. But I always had one person who understood me better than I even understood myself..." I paused, and my heart filled with hope when I looked over his shoulder.

"What are you staring at?"

"...and he's standing behind you." I added to my previous comment.

"Let her go, Malfoy." Sasuke's stern voice said.

Malfoy let go of me and I resisted hitting him.

"It's you." Malfoy said. "You're that missing Uchiha girl with that demon sealed in you." I looked away, ashamed. "And that other twit that gets you, that's that Uzumaki guy with the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed him."

"And what of it? Are you going to chatisize us like everyone else did? Are you going to point and yell that I'm a monster like they all did? I can show you the monster in me, Malfoy. If that's what you'd like." I glared at him. "We're not monsters, we didn't ask for this. We got stuck with it. I've gotten stuck with everything in my life." Sasuke held his hand out for me.

"But now, I'm making my own decisions." I said, taking his hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title creds goes to Christina Aguilera's song 'Hurt' which there is a link to in the chapter.
Comment and you shall recieve(:
Same goes for 'Minutes to Midnight.' which I am not updating until I get 80 comments at least.
And I've been thinking about posing a Sasuke fanfic..just Sasuke. Hahaa.
Post or toast?