Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


"Matt...I can't I have Ju-"

"Justin."he growled. He stood up and walked towards my desk. He noticed the album I looked at a few nights ago. He looked back at me and grabbed the book before sitting by me. He flipped to a random page and started laughing.

"You were so hung over and I couldn't help but piss you off more with the flash."He chuckled. I smiled and looked. I didn't look my best in the picture cause the night before Jimmy threw a big party and I was so wasted.

"Yeah and that's where I smeared ice cream on you for being an ass."I giggled pointing at the picture beside it. He playfully glared at me and shook his head.

"Yeah, we were amazing, huh?"He asked.

"Yeah."I whispered.

"I messed up."He mumbled. I leaned over and rested my head against his muscular arm. I nodded.

"Matty-poo I need you to rub lotion on me."I heard Zlinda yell. I growled. Matt looked down at me and smiled. I frowned. Matt sighed and walked out. I walked towards my door to eavesdrop.

"Why were you in her room?"Zlinda asked angrily.

"Cause I felt like spending time with her."

"Well you're in a relationship with me Matthew."She growled.

"Not anymore,bitch."He whispered harshly. I slowly pulled my door open and Zlinda's expression was priceless. It was between hurt and shocked. I began snickering. Matt look back and smirked at me. Zlinda stormed downstairs and Matt came back into my room.

"I love you."He whispered.

"I love you too."I giggled.
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sorry I've like neglected my story...I'm a lazy mofo.