Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


Matt called the boys to come help us move our shit into the new house. We still hadn't talked. I didn't understand why he was acting this way. I frowned slightly. I sighed as I helped Johnny bring my boxes in. I still hadn't told Dad nor Mom I was moving out. I sat down on the single mattress that the boys had brought in. I frowned. Matt wasn't happy. I knew this. I was gonna confront him about it once we finished moving in.

Brian walked in and smiled sympathetically at me. I knew it. That's all I needed to know Matt was going to be taken from me again. I unpacked my clothes while the boys brought in furniture downstairs,Matt had ordered from a catalog years ago when me and him were going to move in together before I found out I was accepted at Florida.

I had all my shirts hung up and I placed my pants in drawers. My panties and bras on the top drawer and my socks in the second. I placed Matt's socks and boxers below my drawers and started putting some pictures on the top of it with some candles.

I sighed as I looked how happy Matt and I used to look. I was preparing for the worst whenever the guys left. I felt tears prick my eyes when I heard the moving truck and the other cars start up. I grabbed my old stuffed bunny and held it close to my chest. I heard Matt trudging up the stairs.

Tears began rolling down my cheeks and hitting my exposed chest. I nuzzled my head into the stuffed animal and let the sobs come out. Matt sat on the bed and pulled me into his arms.

"What's wrong baby girl?"Matt asked.

"You don't love me anymore!"I sobbed. Matt pulled me away from him and gave me an odd look like 'what you talkin' bout Willis' kinda look.

"I love you more than anything on this damned planet, why the hell would you think I wouldn't?!"He asked. I shrugged looking away. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Cause you're being so distant and Brian gave me a look today."I frowned. Matt pulled me into another hug.

"Babe I was upset cause yesterday was Rev's birthday and I felt terrible about not having a party."He whispered. I felt his tears hitting the top of my head. I looked up at him and kissed them away quickly.

"Aw baby I'm so sorry I feel terrible for forgetting."I started to cry. Matt and I sat there on the bed having a little sob fest.
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OHHH (: shocker right?