Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


When I got home Matt was relaxing on the couch. I smiled when I noticed his eyes were shut. I ran over and jumped on top of him showering him in kisses.

"Damn I should fall asleep on the couch more often."I heard him mutter. I captured his lips with mine and slowly moved my tongue into his mouth. He grabbed my hips and tried to grind my hips against his but I didn't let him.

"Matt I love you so fuckin' much."I whispered. Matt stopped all movement and looked at me. A smile slowly graced his beautiful face.

"I love you too RaeRae."He mumbled before kissing my neck."Want to go out to eat tonight?"He asked. I nodded and kissed his forehead then got up to shower. I sighed contently when the water began to turn the right temperature.

I scrubbed my skin to rid myself of the sweat that had coated my skin at work,due to miss know-it-all not knowing how to work the thermostat. I squirted shampoo in my hair and scrubbed it into my scalp before rinsing. I repeated the action with conditioner before stepping out and drying off.

"Matt!"I called out. Matt poked his head in the door and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yes?"He asked.

"Can you get me a clean bra and panties?"I asked. He sighed and went to get what I had asked him for. I waited a few minutes then he finally came back.

"I don't see why you couldn't just walk out and get it yourself,its just us here."He grumbled.

"Cause I'm a lazy fuck and I need to do my makeup,which is in here."I pointed out. Matt chuckled at me and went back to doing whatever he was doing before. I did my makeup lightly and put moose in my hair to make it wavy.

I slipped on the clean underwear and put the bra on. I walked out into the room looking for something to wear. I found a nice pair of sweats and a novelty tee. Matt glanced at me.

"Now what if I was taking you somewhere fancy?"He asked.

"Then I'd still go like this?"I said unsure. Matt shook his head and laughed at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion but shook it off and continued to get ready. I didn't feel like asking him to explain something,that would make me feel completely stupid.

Matt's POV

I stared at Jasey. She wasn't very dressed up,good thing I was picking up take out and going to the beach. I was unbelievably nervous. Tonight was going to be the night.

I decided what the hell and pulled on my sweat pants as well then pulled on a Jack Daniels shirt. Why not? I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and smiled at myself making sure my dimples were still 'adorable' as Jasey would say. I don't understand why I'm so nervous. I've never been so....anxious and scared in my entire life.

"Jase you ready?!"I asked. She yelled a 'yeah' and I waited for her to come down the stairs. I smiled and grabbed a bandanna and pulled it over her eyes.

"Um Matthew why is there something over my eyes?"She asked. I chuckled at how adorable she looked.

"Its a surprise baby doll."I told her picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the car. I put her in the passengers seat and ran over to the drivers side. I drove off to China Town and picked up my order,luckily Jasey couldn't get the bandanna off while I was in the restaurant.


We were almost to the beach when Jasey began getting impatient and cussing me out. I would chuckle every now and then but other times she sounded too serious so I just looked straight ahead.

"Matthew Charles Sanders I will rip your horse cock off and shove it up your ass if we don't get their fuckin' soon!"Jasey yelled. I laughed hysterically at the old couple that pulled up beside us and heard her,since the window was down.

I parked in the beach parking lot and got Jasey out. She groaned when I still didn't remove the bandanna. I grabbed the blanket and food and tried to balance them all. I did a pretty good job not dropping,nor spilling, anything. I laid the blanket down and put Jasey on it and set the food out around us.

"Matt.Take.The.Fuckin'.Bandanna.Off.NOW!"She yelled. God I love that woman,even if her temper is quite intimidating. I leaned over and pulled off the bandanna. Jasey looked around and smiled at me. Tears swelling up in her eyes. I smiled at her and she jumped across the blanket to hug me.

We slowly ate the chinese food and talked about casual stuff. I told her how the boys and I were probably going on tour really soon and she told me how she wanted to quit cause her boss was a bitch.

She took her last bite of sweet and sour chicken and I worked up the courage.

"Okay Jase..."I sighed. She looked at me anxiously."I..I feel like a teenager again when I first asked you out."I laughed hoping to ease the mood. I frowned and wiped my sweating palms on my pants.

"Matt what is it?"She asked a worried look adorned her face.

"Okay Jasey,I've known you for the longest time,I love you and every time I see you smile I get the butterflies you gave me the first time our eyes met,I know that sounded quite girly, but I just can't imagine myself with anyone else. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are my other half,my soul mate. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"I asked pulling a black box from my sweat pants and opening it. Jasey gasped and tears ran down her beautiful face.

"Yes yes yes yes!"She squealed tackling me into the sand and attacking my face with kisses from her sweet lips. I smiled and rested my hands on her back. It went perfect.