Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


I couldn't believe Matt asked me to marry him. I was sitting at home in the little office room we had and started planning. I was thinking about holding to wedding at My parents' house and honeymooning in Orlando. Matt agreed with me. I think he only agreed cause he didn't feel like stressing out over it like I was.

I was looking up hotels and places around we could go to. Matt didn't give me a limit on money so I could have picked anything. I just wanted to go to Disney World and Universal. I mainly wanted to go to Florida instead of California so our friends and family wouldn't be up our asses. I couldn't wait our wedding date was set to April. So I didn't have much time to plan but I managed.

"Babe you need to eat something."Matt said,which startled me and caused me to jump out of my own skin."Sorry."He mumbled. I shook it off and got up. I sighed and walked to the kitchen where Matt had made me some kind of sandwich. I sat down and took a bite and realized it was the chicken sandwich his mom always made when me and him were at his house.

"Thank you Mattie."I whispered. I took a gulp of the orange juice he had fixed me and he sent a smile my way. I grinned back and sighed contently. I guess I didn't have to stay cooped up in the office all day planning I did have two months. I had noticed I was losing some weight while I was planning all the time.

Matt rubbed my back for me. He knew the stress I was going through. I just wished he would be more involved with it than just kicking back with the guys. I mean I understand he's needed int he studio,he's the singer of course he has to be there but he could at least take off a little time to help me.

I don't have all of it planned,who's going to be there,what the invitations will look like,the bridesmaids,the groomsmen,the best man,the maid of honor...none of it had been figured out cause I can't just pick everyone without Matt but he acted like I could.

"It would be nice if you'd help every now and then."I mumbled. I felt Matt tense up. I looked at him and he glared down at me.

"I fuckin' help everyday Jasey stop being a pissy bitch and just plan it! Its not that damn hard fuck!"He yelled and stormed off to the bedroom. I sat there shocked. Matt wasn't one to yell. And especially not at me. He's never yelled like that. Ever. I was so scared of him I started crying. That wasn't the Matt I needed. That was...I don't know what that was.

I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs and he pulled me off the chair and into his arms. He sighed quietly and kissed my head. His rough calloused fingers wiped the tears way.

"I'm sorry."He mumbled. I looked up and he had sorrow all over his face."I just can't handle all the stress, the guys are hounding me cause I'm not giving it my all at the studio,my parents are on my case cause I haven't been to their house in a while,you're parents are on my case cause you keep losing weight,I'm worried about you, and then this wedding...its just too much for me Jase please don't be mad at me I'm so sorry I never meant to yell at you."He whispered. His lips pressed against my forehead.

"Its okay."I whispered and held onto him. I nuzzled my head into his chest and listened to his heart beating rapidly.