Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


Michelle woke me up and we got out to go to the hotel room. I kissed Matt goodbye and went with Michelle.

"You don't think he'll cheat on me do you Michelle?"I asked getting paranoid about my sister. Michelle stopped in her tracks causing me to smack into her back. She turned at stared at me like I was crazy.

"Matt wouldn't ever do that, that boy is so in love with you he's too blind to notice these ugly skanks that want his dick!"Michelle ranted. I giggled and nodded. She was right he didn't pay attention to many of these other girls.

We locked arms and walked into the hotel. Gena was the only one in our room when we got there. Lacey and Leana hadn't said a proper goodbye to their men. Since I wasn't allowed to see Matt for the night the girls thought it would be fair if they had to suffer with me.

Michelle sat down on the giant bed that belonged to her and I raided the mini fridge. I smirked when I found Jack Daniels. I pulled out the bottle and started drinking early. Gena was on the phone with Zack and Michelle was touching up her makeup. I plopped down in the chair and waited for the other two girls to come back so we could start partying.

"Damn Jasey Rae you start fast dontcha?!"Leana yelled as she and Lacey both wobbled in. I giggled at the two of them.

"I take it Jimmy and Johnny weren't easy on you guys?"Lacey blushed at the comment and Leana smirked.

"You know Jimmy is a beast-"She started.

"We don't wanna know!"Michelle,Gena, and I shouted. Leana grumbled a bit and sat down on the spinny chair. Michelle still hadn't finished her makeup and I decided I needed to touch up mine before we left the room. I sat down my bottle of goodness and picked up my makeup bag.

"I'll be back."I called to the girls. I got a reply of 'okay's. I realized I had a mess on my head. How it happened I'm not sure.

I grabbed my brush and tried to tame the beast on my head. It finally got down and I plugged in the straightener Gena must have put in here. I straightened my hair and picked up a pair of scissors and trimmed up the bottom.

I finally was happy with my appearance and walked out to the girls. They were all getting dressed still. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a cute little dress. I looked around and found some stilettos. I slipped on the clothes I pulled out and waited for the girls. I walked over to the counter where I had placed my purse and pulled out a pack of gum and my ID.

"Okay Jase we're ready!"Lacey shouted. I grabbed my key and put it in my bra. I walked out and met the girls. Michelle locked the door and we made our way down to the casino. I walked out of the elevator first and of course some drunk tried hitting on me.

"Sorry I'm engaged."I said throwing my finger in his face.

"Well the guy doesn't have to know baby."He whispered. I was disgusted and shoved him away from me. I walked up to the bar with Michelle since the other girls wanted to do their own thing.

"Two margaritas." I told the bartender. Michelle and I began talking about the wedding when I spotted a familiar blonde in the distance. I growled and sipped my drink. Michelle turned and followed my burning gaze at the slut.

"What the fuck is that slut doing here?!"Michelle nearly shouted. Zlinda looked over at us and smirked. I furrowed my brows and saw Matt stepping out of the elevator with Zacky. I groaned. Of course my slut sister had to be here.

"Well if it isn't Miss Perfection."A masculine voice behind me said. I turned and saw Justin. I growled. My night had been ruined I knew it. I noticed Zlinda walking towards Matt. I walked towards them both as well with Justin hot on my heels. I felt him grab my wrist. Pain coursed through my body and he yanked me back into his chest. I kicked him in the balls and he fell to the ground. I grabbed Zlinda by the hair and threw her back and kissed Matt.

"Baby we aren't supposed to see each other tonight."Matt chuckled against my lips.

"Too bad that slut isn't going to touch you so you're all mine tonight."I whispered. Matt pulled me back in for a kiss and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Zlinda. I groaned.

"Will you just fucking leave my fucking God he doesn't like you, you dumb cunt go fuck Justin for fucks sake!"I shouted.

"Baby you said fuck four times in one sentence you need to calm down."Matt mumbled. I turned in his arms and nodded. We walked back to the bar and tried to enjoy the rest of the night even though Justin and Zlinda were eye fucking us the whole time.
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so I updated bro(:
My septum freaking hurts -_- i pierced it Saturday and some douche head hit my damn nose today and it bled forever and a day and I was like uh thanks dick. anyways what do you think will happen? Do you think Matt will cheat on Jasey or Jasey cheat on Matt? (not saying that either of them will cheat but I could surprise you guys and myself).