Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


I yawned loudly and rolled over onto my stomach. Matt was standing by the window looking at the beach of Florida. We had been on our honeymoon for three days so far and we only had today and tomorrow left. We'd gone to all the Disney Parks we wanted and today was our relaxing day.

"I can't believe you talked me into going to Disney World on our honeymoon, it would be different if we actually had kids."Matt said still staring out the window. I furrowed my brows and frowned.

"I'm sorry I thought it would be fun."I sniffled. Matt turned and his smile,that I hadn't seen, faded.

"No Jasey baby I was kidding!" He said then he tackled me to the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly.

"Mattie baby.."I groaned as his lips trailed down my neck.


The sheets were stuck to my back from the sweat that had formed on my body in the past four hours. Matt and I had been making love nonstop since I had woken up. Matt was in the kitchenette making us lunch,only in an apron might I add. I crawled off the bed and wrapped my arms around his large torso. I placed kisses down his back and then moved away.

"Mr. Shadows you have quite a cute little booty on you."I commented. Matt turned and glared at me. I shrugged and sat on the counter.

"No need to stare at my bare ass Jasey Rae."He mumbled. I looked over his shoulder and noticed he was making us homemade burritos.

"Matt!"I groaned. He knew what burritos did to me.

"What?"He asked innocently.

"You know that burritos give me gas!"I whined like a two year old. Matt turned around and smirked.

"I know, you gotta get comfortable around me again like you used to fart on me and stuff, it may be gross to some guys but I like it cause it proves how comfortable you are with me." He explained. I growled and sent a glare his way.

I was happy I guess though. For once my life was going right and I had my Mattie by my side.
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so ladies(and gents if I have any but I highly doubt I do) only 4 or so more chapters till the end.