Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


Matt and I had to go home and prepare Matt for tour that was only a few days away.
I didn't want Matt to go but I knew it was what he loved to do and whether I liked it or not he would go. I wouldn't make him not go because that'd be very selfish of me.

"I love you Jase."Matt said pecking my lips quickly before getting in the car with Zacky. I waved bye to him and frowned once he was out of sight. Michelle was coming over soon so I had to cheer up.

I sat on the front porch and let a few tears fall down my cheeks. I know I was being selfish but I felt like I just got him back and now he was gone for three months.

I went inside eventually and cleaned the house a little bit. Michelle and Gena came over and we all made a nice lunch for just us three. The other girls were busy with work. My stomach started growling like crazy.

"How do you deal with the boys being gone?"I asked the two girls in front of me. Both gave me sympathetic smiles.

"Well I always busy myself and call Bri before every show."Michelle said.

"I do the same thing only I just work more often."Gena said.

I sighed this was going to be very difficult. Only two and a half weeks and I'd get to visit Matt and then I'd have to wait another month before I saw him again.

"I need to get a hobby."I mumbled. Both the girls started laughing and I just cracked a small smile.
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Sorry I've been sorta MIA
so I have a contest if anyone wants to join