Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


Jasey Rae<3

I woke up to the sound of yelling outside I rolled my eyes. Just that pathetic couple. I signed onto Facebook and looked at my messages. Junk. Junk. Matt...junk.

"Justin!"I squealed. I quickly clicked on the message.

Hey girl sure we should hang out soon, text me whenever you're free and we can meet up sometime(:

I smiled and replied to him telling him that I'd text him later after I get something to eat. I went down the stairs and noticed that Dad was here today. I went to the fridge and looked at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Zlinda burst through the door and looked at me. I frowned. Then after our little sympathetic stare she ran off to Matt.

"Some people never fucking change."I muttered. I grabbed the milk and got the fruity pebbles down and made me a bowl. I ate in silence then text Justin.

He replied back and told me to meet him at the beach in an hour or so. I ran upstairs and got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Hey Dad I'm going to the beach!"I called grabbing my car keys and phone.


"Hey you look amazing darling."He said before he kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly and hugged him.

"You look pretty damn good yourself Jus."I said. He and I sat down on the ground and began talking about how life had gone so far. He was working for a big tattoo parlor on the other side of town and made lots of money and said he could possibly get me a job there as well.

"So you living with your dad still?"He asked. I nodded."I heard your sister and dick head hooked up."

"Yeah."I whispered. Justin lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes and I felt our faces moving in closer together. In what seemed like forever his lips finally met mine. We moved our lips in sync and slowly his tongue wiggled its way into my mouth and fought with my own tongue.

"I've wanted to do that for so long."He said. His forehead was resting against mine. He wasn't as great as Matt but I guess he was pretty damn good. It didn't feel as amazing as it would have if he was Matt. A silent tear made its way down my cheek.

I pulled away from Justin and quickly wiped it away. Justin embraced me in a hug.

"What's wrong?"He asked.

"Just some sand blew into my eye."I mumbled. He nodded and placed a kiss on the top of my head while we watched the sunset.
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So I updated again since I'm going to my friends house for a few days :D