Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


how the fuck are we supposed to know if we're in love or if we're in pain....

I was blasting Manson,the best most fucked up artist I listen to. I could barely hear Zlinda bitching about it being too loud. I giggled at the thought of what she looked like right now. She was probably flailing her arms around and stomping her feet and not shutting her big ass mouth.

"How the fuck are we supposed to know if were in love or if in were pain why is my wound a front door to you? Am I my own shadow?"I sang along to the ending of the song. I sighed and got up shutting off my computer and going down to eat.

"Oh the emo loving freak decided to join us."Zlinda scoffed. I smirked when Dad walked around the corner.

"Zlinda shut the hell up and don't talk to your sister like that."He said while looking at the bills. "At least she listens to the good kind of music."He whispered. I could tell she heard him though cause her face was priceless.

"Daddy why do you always take up for her!"Zlinda whined. I rolled my eyes and took a bite out of the mashed potatoes and gravy. Matt stared at me like he was gonna attack me any minute. I rolled my eyes at him and stabbed a few green beans with my fork.

"Its not polite to stare Matthew."I said matter of factly. He shook his head.

"Well its not polite to be a tease either."He said. My heart began beating hard against my ribcage. I looked up at him from under my bangs and saw those beautiful hazel eyes staring back.

Jasey stop! Don't do anything just insult him don't give in. Don't do it!

I shook my head and continued eating in peace. Matt still didn't take his eyes off of me and Zlinda was taking a long time in the bathroom. She probably cried then had to spend another hour fixing her stupid makeup. She wore way too much. Like it was screaming I am a desperate whore who's ugly as hell and if I don't cake this shit on I'll feel self conscious even though it just makes me look ten times worse! At least that's what I thought.

"Talk to me baby, please."Matt said. I looked at him and the voice in my head came back and told me to ignore him. Matt reached across the table and grabbed my free hand. I didn't move. His thumb ran circles around the back of my hand. I looked up at him and then I heard the bathroom door open. I smirked.

"Ew Matt no I will not fuck you get your hands off me!" I know it was a bitchy move but I think he deserved it. Zlinda stared at Matt in shock.

"Matt I thought you said you wouldn't try any fucking thing!"She screeched.

"No foul language!"Dad called from down the hall. I snickered to myself and cleaned off my plate then went back to my room. I could still hear Zlinda bitching out Matt. I found it very hilarious.

I laid down and started sketching a tattoo I wanted to get soon. It was looking pretty damn good if you asked me. I finished it and laid it under my bed then laid on my side to watch t.v.
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tattoo sketch