Status: I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get this story started.

Between You and I


Justin picked me up for work the next morning and I as nervous. I had never actually given anyone a tattoo so I was scared of messing up. I bounced my leg up and down and stared out the window of the truck.

"Calm down Jase you'll do fine."Justin laughed. I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hello Jasey!" A girl greeted me. I waved at her and asked Justin who she is.

"That's kaykay."He whispered. I nodded. I waved the Kaykay and went to my station that Justin said I'd be working at. I set up my needles and gun and got all my equipment set up the way I liked it.

"Jasey we have your first customer!"Justin sang. A small petite girl came back and sat at my station. I smiled at her and asked what she wanted.

"Well I was hoping you could do this,"she said pulling out a piece of folded paper from her pocket."Only looks a little like this."She pulled out a picture of a small girl. I took both the folded up paper and picture of the little girl.

"I'll have a sketch ready in a few minutes or so."I told her with a smile. I unfolded the piece of paper and noticed it was an angel. I looked at the little girl and looked at the back of it where it had writing.

2 years old

I frowned. The little girl was precious. She had long blonde hair and big, round, green eyes. I sat down and began sketching the little girl's face and then added the wings to her body. I made a little banner like thing and made it say Analise in italics. I then added some more details and showed it to the girl. She smiled and tears began to fall down her face.

"Its perfect."She cried. She told me she wanted it on her left shoulder. I picked up the tattoo gun and waited for Justin to come over to help me. He put the paper on the girls back for me and I went away to do my artwork. About an hour and half later I was done with it and I showed her.

"Thank you so much, this really means a lot to me."She sobbed. I smiled. I was guessing the little girl had died. She went up front and paid and I cleaned up my station again.


The remainder of my day was pretty packed. I had at least eight people and only one wanted something simple and small. I was worn out by the time I had gotten home. I pushed the door open and Zlinda was fighting with Matt about something that I could care less about.

"...You always say that Matthew I know you won't have a baby with me cause you want her!" She screamed at him. Matt just shook his head and picked up his hoodie.

"I'm staying with Zack tonight, call me when you're done bitching."He grumbled and walked out he almost ran me over and looked at me.

"H-hey."I whispered. We were so close together it was hard to move. He looked like he was leaning down to kiss me then he heard Zlinda and moved.

"Oh look my whore of a sister is home! Are you gonna seduce my boyfriend now?"She screamed. I shook my head and stomped up to her.

"Listen here you little bitch Matt was mine first if I wanted to fuck him I would have already okay? YOU aren't stopping me! I don't want him and I've had a hard day at work, but you wouldn't know what that's like so just shut. the. hell. up!"I screamed in her face. I was about to go upstairs when I heard her say one thing that set me off.

"At least I've never done drugs and went emo after losing him." I turned and dropped my bag. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled my fist back and slammed it into her jaw repeatedly.

"Daddy!!!"She started screaming. I didn't care who she called at the moment. I pushed her down on the ground and continued to throw punches at her face. I felt muscular arms pull me off of her.

"Calm down."Matt whispered. I felt the tears beginning to pour down my face. That was part of my life I was trying to forget.

"Jasey how about you go upstairs and calm down?"Dad said while he put an ice pack on Zlinda's face. I nodded and Matt took me upstairs. I cried into his chest and he rubbed his hand over my back soothingly.
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little girl