Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

Double dates, guitar hero and ex girlfriends?

I woke up the next day feeling a lot better and feeling quiet warm. I turned over and noticed Brian was watching me.

"Where you watching me sleep" I asked him with a yawn.
"Yes I was, I wanted to make sure you were okay, Zack and Matt told me they think that creep drugged you" Brian said. I shuddered and moved closer to Brian.
"Aw isn't this cute" Sammy said walking into Brian's bedroom.
"What if we were naked" Brian asked.
"I wouldn't care, plus Stacie fell asleep when you got here so you weren't getting any bro" Sammy said which made me laugh. I felt like I was going to be sick again so I got up and ran to Brian's bathroom and threw up. I felt someone rubbing my back and I looked and saw Brian's eyes filled with concern. I put my head on his shoulder and Sammy handed me a cup of water to rinse my mouth.

"You okay" Brian asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said.
"Zack just called saying he misses his little sister and wants to know if we should double at there place today" Sammy said.
"I would love to" Brian said.
"Yay" I said as I stood up feeling better since Sammy gave me a something to settle it.
"Well let's go" I said getting up and skipping down the stairs. Once I got to the bottom I felt someone jump on me.

"Sammy get off" I said and then saw the tattoos.
"What the hell Brian" I said.
"I saw Sammy do it a bunch of times I just wonder if you could hold me up too" Brian said as I laughed and he got off my back.
"Wonderful picture can you say Facebook profile picture" Sammy said as she showed up the picture. I laughed and we walked to Brian's car.

"Shot gun" Sammy and I yelled. We looked at each other and then booked it to Brian's car. He laughed all the way taking his time. We both opened the door and Sammy and I sat down at the same time.
"Okay if you two are going to fight over the passenger set I'm making a rule that Stacie gets shotgun automatically" Brian said.
"But Brian, that is so not fair" Sammy said as we both made ourselves comfortable in the front seat and buckling ourselves together.
"Seriously" Brian said.
"Yep" we said as he shook his head and we pulled out of the driveway and started toward mine and Zack's house. When we pulled in I saw Matt's car and I got up and crawled over Sammy and then ran in and tackled Matt.

"Hey older sis" Matt said.
"Hi little bro" I said as Brian came in and Sammy decided to join me.
"What is it a Baker pig pile" Zack said as he laid down on top of Sammy. Then Brian joined.
"Okay get up, I have to go change" I said.
"And take a shower you smell like Brian" Zack said as I flipped him off and went upstairs to change into comfy clothes and then went downstairs to see Zack, Sammy and Brian on the couch and Matt gone.
"Aww where did Mattie go" I asked.
"He didn't want to disturb our double date" Zack said as I sat on Brian.
"Aww what a sweet little brother we have" I said as Brian put his arms around me.

"So, what shall we do" Zack asked.
"I don't know" Brian said.
"I bought a new guitar hero game" Zack said.
"Fuck yeah, let's play" Sammy and I said.
"Wait, I gotta go upstairs" I said as I got off Brian's lap.
"For what" Brian asked.
"Her guitar" Zack said as I ran up the stairs and into my room. I opened up my closet and there was my precious guitar hero guitar. I went downstairs and Zack had the Xbox all set up.

"So almighty guitar hero god, who do you want to play against first" Zack asked.
"Brian" I said.
"Oh it's on beautiful" Brian said taking the guitar.
"You can pick the song" he said as we went through them. He chose Heart Shaped box and put his guitar on Easy while I went on medium. My character came up and his did too. It did the count down thing and I was off. Brian was struggling a little bit.

"Oh no, guitar god Synyster Gates can't play guitar hero" Zack said.
"Shut up" Brian said as he messed up as I was on a perfect streak.
"Zack, I think you might need to hire your sister to take Brian's place" Sammy said making myself laugh but not mess up. As the song ended I won and Brian lost.
"Rematch" Brian said as he went to the song list and chose Beast and The Harlot.

"Let's see you beat me on a song I know" Brian said.
"I'd like to see you beat me, on easy" I said as it started to play. I sang along with the song as I played and so didn't Sammy.
"You need to stop going on tour" Zack said.
"We are sorry we remember lyrics" Sammy said.
"Oh Burn on Matt" Brian said and messed up again.
"What the fuck" he said. I laughed and then it got to a solo and still Brian messed up.
"How can I mess on a solo that I recorded" Brian said.
"Because you suck at guitar hero babe" I said. The song finished and Brian handed Zack the guitar as he sat down and pouted.

"Aww baby" I said sitting next to him. I heard Zack gasp when I handed Sammy my guitar and I just flipped him off. Brian moved away from me so I sat on his lap.
"You know if that was a real guitar you could kick my ass" I said turning him to face me.
"Yeah I know" Brian said.
"Oh bro stop being a baby" Sammy said.
"Shut up" Brian said and flipped her off. She paused it and flipped him off. I leaned down and kissed him. He smiled and kissed me back. We watched Sammy and Zack play for a while and then Sammy and I went head to head. Which was a funny moment because we were pushing each other and I had Zack distract Sammy and Sammy had Brian distract me. Then Brian and Zack played and then we got bored.

"I wanna watch a movie Zacky" I said with a pout.
"Then go put a movie in" Zack said to me.
"No, I'm comfy" I said snuggling in Brian's arms more.
"But I'm fat" Zack said. Sammy pouted and shook her head no.
"So get your fat ass up and put in a movie" I said. Zack flipped me off and got up.
"For that, you deal with whatever movie I pick" Zack said.
"No you are not putting that movie in" I said knowing which one he was going to put in.
"Yep" Zack said as he grabbed Black Christmas.
"You fuck head" I said as he put it in the DVD player. When we first saw that movie I was scared to bits. Zack likes to use that movie to cause me have nightmares and crawl into Zack's bed practically crying.

"I hate you" I said as he hit play. Before it even started I was turned around facing Brian's chest. Brian chuckled and I flinched every time there was a loud noise. Then I heard knock on the door and screamed and Zack laughed. He paused the movie and there was still someone knocking.
"I'll get it" I said jumping off Brian's lap and going to the door. Icky was barking and growling at it.
"Icky, down boy go find daddy" I said and he looked at me and ran to the living room like a good dog he was. I opened the door and their stood Gena.

"Ugh, what are you doing here" I said with disgust in my voice.
"Here to see my Zacky" Gena said.
"Whose at the door" Sammy asked. I got an idea and as much as I didn't want to let Gena inside.
"He isn't your Zacky any more" I said to her as I walked toward the living room. I saw Sammy's smile turn toward a glare and I smirked.

"Zacky" Gena squealed and I saw Zack shudder. She went to go over him but Sammy straddled his lap. Oh I do love my best friend.
"Zack what are you doing with a whore you are with me" Gena said.
"You see Gena you are no longer Zack's and Zack doesn't want you, he wants Sammy" I said as I saw them making out. I shuddered and then looked at Gena's face.
"Dude, stop making out with my sister in front of me, we had a rule" Brian said which made me giggle.
"Let me guess you are with Haner and him and Michelle were so cute" Gena said.
"Just like the pictures of just Zack were perfect" I said.
"Why's that" She said as we heard Brian yell and then a thunk on the floor. I looked and saw Zack on the floor.

"Do not start to get all sexy and freaky with me still sitting on the couch" Brian said.
"Oh come on Zack, Brian and I can't have sex on the couch then you and Sammy can't" I said.
"Ew, Zack how could you do this" Gena said. Sammy growled.
"Listen here you slut, Zack is not yours he is my boyfriend, he dumped your skanky ass" Sammy said. I giggled and went over to Brian as Sammy stared down Gena.
"So he lowered his standards I see" Gena said. Next thing I know I see Sammy reaching for my guitar for guitar hero. She went toward Gena with it.

"No Sammy, use your fist not this" I said grabbing it.
"Damn, you guys do make a good couple, you both flip out when people go to use your guitars as weapons" Zack said as I got it out.
"Actually I think Zack raised his standards and let's just say, he told me I was better" Sammy said, "no get the fuck out of my boyfriend's house before I kick your ass, and if you ever come here again I will kick your ass." I laughed.
"And since you came in here now I have to clean the house and hope I don't get your STDs" I said shuddering at the thought.
"Oh Stacie let me kick her ass" Sammy said and next thing you know the front door is opened and Gena is out the door. Sammy and I stood in the doorway and watched her get into a car with another guy.

"You want Zack back my ass" I yelled to her as they drove off. I went over and sat on Zack's lap and jumping off quick.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you and still love the fact you dumbed her crazy ass" I said.
"Let's see, is this like 12 million" Zack said pulling Sammy back on his lap and she smirked as she felt what I felt when I jumped off of him.
"Your brother is a horn dog" Brian said.
"And like your not" I said. He smirked and kissed my lips. I heard I'm Not Okay from my room and I ran upstairs quickly.
"I'll be back down I promise" I yelled down to Brian who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. I went into my room and jumped on my bed.

"Ello" I said.
"Hey what's going on" Frank asked.
"Just kicked my brothers ex out of the house" I said as Brian stood in the doorway. He had a look on his face and it was pretty hot. He shut my door and locked it.
"Oh that must have been fun" Frank said as Brian walked in more and climbed on my bed.
"Um uh yeah" I stuttered.
"What's wrong" Frank asked. Brian was now kissing my neck.
"Umm I'm gonna have to go" I said quickly hanging up and kissing Brian.
"You are sneaky" I said.
"Well Sammy and Zack started making out downstairs. I went to go into the living room and I heard your brother say 'damn you are hot when you are mad' and since I don't want to witness my sister and your brother who is also my best friend go at it" Brian said kissing me again. I grabbed my phone as Brian continued to kiss my neck.

"Yes" Sammy sighed.
"Bring it up stairs, no sex on the couch" I said and hung up. I heard the groan and then I heard them walking up the stairs while Brian and I went on our business.
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Don't worry there is gonna be some drama coming up you can't wait for that