Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

First Hopsital Visit

Stacie's Point Of View

So since Brian and I couldn't have sex for a week, which I'm making him pay for it by sleeping in the second bed and everytime he comes over I say no you bet so we can't have sex while we can hear Zack and Sammy. So now I woke up and found Brian's arms around me. I smiled and I shook him awake.

"Honey, come on we have a doctors appointment" I said to him. He mumbled something and turned the other way. I giggled and got up. I was happy that I wasn't running to the bathroom. I got up and grabbed some clothes since Zack took the pants I've been wearing I grabbed the new ones that Sammy and I bought the other day along with a shirt I picked up. I walked to the bathroom and was greeted with a wave of nausea. I groaned and lifted up the toilet seat and began the puking process. It seemed that the sound of my puking Brian bolted out of bed and came over to rub my back.

"I was doing good too" I said as I turned my face and threw up more. Brian held my hair back.
"I know, but it's going to happen" Bri said to me. I nodded and finally I was done throwing up. I stood up and went to brush my teeth.
"You getting in the shower" Brian asked.
"Yes, but you can't join" I said to him.
"I promise I won't get horny or anything please" Brian said pouting.
"Fine" I said as Brian did a little dance. I giggled as I stepped out of my PJs and made the shower warm.
"Aww look at your belly" Brian said. I rolled my eyes as he kissed it and got in the shower with me.
"Did I tell you I love you" Brian asked.
"Nope, not until now" I said as I hugged him. We showered and then got dressed and by time we were done. Sammy and Zack were waiting outside of our door.

"You guys didn't have sex did you" Sammy asked as I put my cell phone and camera in the pocket of Brian's hoodie.
"No we did not, Brian was a good boy" I said laughing. It was going to be a very long week. We all walked out to a car that Jason had gotten us.
"Ready to go see our baby, babe" Brian asked me.
"Of course" I said smiling as I got in the passenger seat and Sammy and Zack climbed in the back. We drove to the hospital and asked where the OBGYN was and they told me what floor. So we went to the elevator and went to the floor. Brian had his arms around me and I just smiled. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked and it was Val.

Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant and I had to find out from Matt Val asked.
Because I didn't know I was until like a couple of days ago I sent to her as we walked to the front desk
Send me a picture of it on the screen Val said.
How about this, I'll upload a moblie picture of it to Facebook and you can look there I said to her.
Sounds good to me :) Val said.

"Name please" the girl at the desk asked.
"Stacie Baker" I said.
"Ah yes, we just need you to fill this out even if you are only going to be here for one visit" she said handing me a clip board. I groaned as I walked over to the seats and started to fill out the paper work. Like my birthday, my name, my sex and all that good stuff. By time I was done filling it out they called my name and everyone stood up.
"Only the mother and" she started to say.
"We want to see your future niece or nephew" Zack and Sammy said.
"If it's okay with Miss. Baker" the nurse said.
"Of course it's okay" I said and smiled as we walked into a room. She told me to lift up my shirt and I did so.
"Okay, the doctor will be in shortly" she said. Brian took out my camera from my pocket and took a picture of me and then I sat up and took one with him.

"Aww you two are so cute" Zack said.
"I know" I said as Sammy put her head on Zack. Brian took a picture of them and Zack just rolled his eyes. The doctor came in.
"Well hello there, I'm assuming you guys are family" he asked Sammy and Zack. I nodded and pointed to Zack.
"That's my big brother and that is my boyfriend's sister" I said as I pointed to Sammy.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Killum" he said shaking my hand.
"I'm Stacie and this is my boyfriend Brian" I said. He shook Brian's hand.
"So I hear that this is your first appointment" he asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah, I didn't know I was pregnant until a couple of days ago" I said. He nodded and then turned on the machine after asking Zacky to shut off the light. I handed Sammy my phone.
"What's this for" she asked.
"Once we see the cute little baby, take a picture of it and post it on my facebook" I said to her.
"Yes sir" Sammy said making me laugh. The doctor put some form of blue gel on the Ultra sound thing and then he put it on my stomach.

"Holy shit that's cold" I said. He chuckled and moved it around. I heard the heart beat of the baby and Brian did too and got a big old smile on his face.
"Well Miss. Baker how far along do you think you are" He asked me.
"A month" I said.
"Yep, that's about right almost two months, and there it is" he said as I looked on the screen and there was mine and Brian's little baby. Zack had my camera and he snapped a picture while Sammy took one with my phone.
"And there the fabulous little Avenged Sevenfold baby is posted on Facebook" Sammy said. I smiled and the doctor took pictures of it.
"I can't wait until we can know the sex" Brian said.
"I know it's so exciting" I said smiling. Brian leaned down and pecked my lips and of course Zack being the annoying brother he is took a picture of it. We got a few more pictures and then the doctor gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins that I would have to take. Then he told me in a month if the guys were still on tour make sure to find another hospital so I can get another check up. I nodded and Brian helped me wipe off my stomach from the blue gel while Zack and Sammy took the little ultrasound pictures. I laughed and Brian paid for them and then we walked out. Zack figured out where we were going to be in a month.

"Well be in Florida in a month I believe" Zack said.
"Alright" I said as we walked out.

Frank's Point Of View

I was on My Chemical Romance's facebook page just updating some information, when I noticed Stacie had a new upload. I looked at it and read the caption.

Mine and Brian's unborn baby :) it said.

Her and Brian's baby, but I thought Sammy was pregnant, no wonder why Zack was confused. She fucking lied to me. I picked up my cell phone and dialed her number.

"That's so not cool Zack" Stacie answered laughing, "hello."
"You have some fucking nerve to lie to my face" I said.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't think it would matter to you" Stacie said as I heard Sammy, Zack and Brian slowly disappear from the background.
"Why even though we were only together 2 days and one of those days was when you fucking found out" I snapped.
"Alright, what do you want me to say that I'm sorry when you should have guessed when I kept throwing up in the morning the two days we were there or the fact I was wearing my brother's pants" Stacie said a little angrier.
"Well sorry if I didn't realize it and actually thought that Sammy was pregnant, no wonder Zack was fucking confused when I said congratulations to him, I'm actually glad we aren't together because I don't think I could date a liar" I said. I heard Stacie gasp and it actually hurt.
"You know what Frank, don't call me or text me" Stacie said and hung up the phone. I looked at my phone and realized I probably fucked up my chances of ever getting with her. I sighed and just got off Facebook. Then I looked at the magazine and saw that on the cover it said 'Is that a baby bum,' I guess I was really blind.

Stacie's Point Of View

I walked back to the table after trying not to cry. I know I shouldn't feel the way I do about Frank but it hurt me when he called me a liar. Oh well I can go on with my life with Brian and just forget about that hazel eyed guitarist of My Chemical Romance.

"You okay" Brian asked me. I nodded my head and put it on his shoulder. My cell went off again and this time it was Val, Lacey, and Leana.

Oh my god it's so cute Val said.
Hopefully it's a girl so we can dress her up cutely Lacey said.
Something tells me Jimmy already claimed being the best Uncle ever but adorable Leana said. I smiled and showed Brian the text and then his phone went off.

"You are going to be the best dad ever, that one was from Val, No teaching it dirty things we don't need another Syn Gates, that one from Lacey, You might not be able to get to hold it that much with Jimmy around, that was from Leana" Brian said. I laughed and then his cell phone went off. I looked at it and grabbed it.

"Hi Papa Gates" I said.
"How come I'm one of the last to know about my grandchild" Papa Gates asked.
"Because your son and daughter didn't want to tell you" I said.
"Let me guess your parents don't know yet either" he asked.
"Shit, no" I said.
"Well McKenna is happy she gets to be an Aunt and Brent said he'll call Brian later and Susie says she'll help you with whatever you need" Papa Gates said.
"Aww thank you Papa Gates" I said.
"You're welcome now either put my son or daughter on" Papa Gates said. I handed the phone to Brian and he started to talk.

"You might want to call mom and dad and let them know" Zack said.
"Yeah, doing that right now" I said pulling out my cell phone and calling the house number. It rang and rang and rang.
"Hello my lovely older sister" Matt said.
"Hi Mattie, where is mom" I asked him.
"I see how it is, you don't want to talk to me" Matt said.
"Of course I do" I said to him.
"Good, now why do you need mom" Matt asked.
"It's because you and Zack are going to be Uncles" I said.
"What Haner knocked you up" Matt said and I heard Matt in the background.
"Who knocked who up" she said taking the phone from him, "speak."
"Hi Mommy, I'm pregnant" I said to her.
"Yay, my first grandchild" she said.
"I know" I said all smiles, "and if you want to see a picture just call Val or anyone and they'll show you."
"I will do that, congrats baby girl and tell Brian I say it also, but now I have to cook before your brother burns the house down" Mom said.
"okay, love you mommy" I said.
"Love you too sweet heart" she said as we hung up. I was glad everyone was happy I was pregnant.

"My mom says congrats to be coming a dad" I said to Brian who smiled and kissed me. Our food arrived and we ate in peace as Sammy and Zack looked at the pictures. I took the pictures from them and looked at my little baby with smiles.
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uh oh frankie knows she lied to him...don don don