Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

Backstage at the Cumberlin County Civic Center

So Sammy and I were waiting for Tom at security. We saw him with his friends and went over to him.

"Hey little man" we said to him.
"Hey my ladies" he said and we laughed.
"No way, you were kidding when you said you met Stacie Vengeance and Sammy Gates" one of his little friends.
"Ready to go in" I asked him.
"Yeah just a kiss" he said pointing to his cheek. We leaned down and gave him a kiss on his cheek and his friends mouth dropped.
"Come on little men" I said as they followed us inside.
"Hey it's our little ladies man" Matt said as Tom walked in with us.
"Did your friends like your escort" Zack asked.
"Yeah they did" Tom said.
"How old are you any way" Brian asked.
"Ten" he said, "but I'm a tall ten year old." Sammy and I laughed and I walked over to Brian and sat on his lap.

"So who are your friends little man" I asked him.
"Caleb, Chris, Derek and Mike" Tom said. Jason smiled at the last name.
"Jason where is your lover" Sammy asked.
"Should be here" Jason replied.
"Yay" sammy and I said as the guys all signed Tom and Tom's friends stuff.
"Hey, Tom want to stand on the side of the stage with us" Sammy asked.
"Yeah I do" Tom said with a smile. He was so cute, he had little Dimples too.
"Aww Matt, he has dimples too" Sammy and I said. He laughed and shook his head. They goofed off some more and then went on stage.

"What's up Portland Maine, how you all doing tonight on this very cold evening" Matt yelled. The crowd screamed and they started to play all their songs. They even called Tom and his friends up on stage.
"This little man tried to steal Syn and Vee's woman" Matt said.
"He would have succeeded if he was like 16 years older" Brian said. He nodded his head and turned to the wings of the stage and winked at us. Sammy and I blew a kiss to him.
"Look, he is doing it now" Jimmy said. He came over and pulled us on stage.

"Hey hey little man, back off my baby mama" Brian said making us laugh some more.
"Oh Syn but he is so cute" I said into the mic.
"We'll have our own cute kid" Brian said kissing my cheek. I smiled and we just sat with Tom and his friends at the edge of the stage near the Ego Raisers. Ever time Brian or Zack went on them or any one we hollered EGO. It was a fun concert and I loved spending time in Portland Maine.
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Image 45 days until Sammy and I see avenged sevenfold and I've officially made someone an avenged fan...everyone welcome Gab

Short I know