Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

A Big Serious talk

So Brian and Sammy left and Zack turned and faced me.

"So how was shopping" Zack asked.
"It was so much fun" I replied with a smile.
"That's cool" Zack said looking down.
"Okay big bro what's on your mind" I asked him.
"Today with Julia, I realized that I do want to be a dad but I just" Zack started to say.
"You just what" I asked him.
"I just don't want to mess up and be terrible and all that, I mean when I saw Sammy holding Julia it made me realize that she would be a good mom" Zack said.
"So what's the problem" I asked him.
"I'm still not ready, I mean I want to see how I can do with a newborn first because I was so happy playing with Julia" Zack said.
"So when your nephew is born, I'll make sure you can spend time with him with me okay" I said to him. He nodded his head.

"Like seeing you all happy every time he kicks, and hearing Brian talk about all the things he is going to do with him, makes me want that" Zack said. I smiled and grabbed my brothers hands.
"You'll have that one day Zack, I know you will and you and Sammy will be great parents" I said to him.
"You really think so" Zack asked me.
"I know so, I mean look how well you and I got along when we were younger, how well you helped mom with Matt when he was a baby, minus that one incident that stopped you helping her but seeing you with Julia holding her and sleeping on the couch, I know your going to be a good dad" I said to him.
"Thanks sis, and your not just telling me that because your my sister and you are suppose to say stuff like this" Zack asked me.
"I'm positive because I'm sure Matt, Dimples, Val, Leana, Lacey, Jimmy, Little Shit, Brian, Matt Berry and Dizzy would tell you the same thing" I said to him.
"You know you are a good sister" Zack said.
"I'm the best sister" I said as he pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks Stac" Zack said.
"You're welcome" I said to him.
"Now show me that I love my Uncle shirt" Zack said making me laugh.

"Way to ruin a good moment" I said.
"Fine how about after the studio we hang out" Zack said.
"Sounds good to me" I said.
"Good because Sammy is going to hang with McKenna and hopefully she can convince Brian to hang out with Brent" Zack said.
"Sounds good" I said as I went to the bag that had the I love My Uncle shirt. I pulled it out and Zack smiled.
"Yeah, he'll love me" Zack said making me laugh so more.
"Just think, you'll be able to find a shirt for my niece or nephew when you and Sammy decided to have kids that says I Love My Aunt" I said to him.
"Damn straight" Zack said. I laughed and then sat back down on the couch. Zack pulled me to him like when I was little and we just sat there enjoying our brother sister time.

"So you want some food" Zack asked me.
"Yes please" I said grabbing my tummy.
"Hmm with as much as you eat he is gonna be a little porker" Zack said.
"Hmm like his uncle" I asked as I poked his stomach.
"That is muscle not fat" Zack said laughing. I laughed with him as he got up and went into the kitchen.
"What would you like sister dearest" Zack asked.
"Well brother dearest, I really want some Fujis" I said to him.
"Why so I can gain more muscle" Zack asked.
"Whatever you want to call it bro" I said laughing.
"How about we go to Wendy's or something" Zack asked.
"I hate Wendy's wait I love their fries and their shakes, oh that sounds good, let's go" I said.
"I love how you just convinced yourself to go" Zack said.
"No your nephew did" I said.
"Way to go Little Zack" he said.
"Who says I'm naming him Zack, I was thinking something like Carlos or something" I said.
"Carlos what type of name is that" Zack asked as we got to his car.

"A random one" I said laughing. We got in the car and we heard Seize the Day playing on the radio.
"Weird" Zack and I both said as he pulled out of the driveway.
"So how about Cameron" Zack asked.
"No, I don't like Cameron" I said.
"Aww but it's cool" Zack said.
"I think the name will come to Bri and I when we see him" I said.
"I'm surprised Bri didn't say something like Brian Elwin Haner the third" Zack said.
"Oh he did and I said our second kid since he was the second born" I said to him.
"Smart" Zack said as we got to Wendy's.
"So all you want is fries and a shake" Zack asked me. I nodded my head and then saw the burger.
"And a burger too" I said.
"Alright" Zack said pulling into the drive thru. Zack ordered our food and then we drove to the beach to eat it.
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short chapter i know