Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

Warped Tour

Time Lapse 5 months

It's not fun being 8 months pregnant while on a tour bus with a bunch of guys traveling across the United States, but the fun thing was all the bands around always asked me when am I going to pop and I got to spend time with my friends of My Chemical Romance. We were also having a huge baby shower with all the bands on tour like Avenged Sevenfold, Simple Plan, My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self Indulgence, The Used, Good Charlotte, Breaking Benjamin, Paramore and Avril Lavigne. So it was going to be pretty fun. Luckily we had my other one before tour with the family and all that so I got more things for little Bentley. Except I didn't like the baby thing Matt got me it said I <3 My Mommy even if she is a bitch and Sammy got me one that says My Daddy Is A Magician he put his wand in Mommy's box and I came out. Zacky and Sammy bought him a studded belt too.

"Stacie" I heard Frank yell. I turned around and smiled.
"Frankie" I said and hugged him.
"Man you look like your gonna pop, when is little Bentley going to pop out" Frank asked.
"Next month" I said putting my hand on my stomach.
"You are even beautiful with a baby in your tummy" Frank said as we walked around. I was trying to get to the Avenged Sevenfold Merch booth so I can sit down with Val and Sammy, also Sammy and I were discussing our weddings together too with the help of Val.
"Aw thanks Frankie" I said as I finally saw the death bat.
"About time" I said as I neared it.
"I see my future sister-in-law with my nephew in her belly" Sammy said. I smiled and waddled my way over there.

"Whose working the VU stuff" I asked.
"The Berry Bros" Val said. I nodded and I was also happy at the awesome stuff Zack made for Bentley.
"Ah" I said sitting on the chair infront of the cash box glad to be off my feet.
"Ugh, look at my ankles, are you sure you two want babies" I asked them.
"Yes" Val and Sammy said making me laugh.
"Well I have a signing I have to go to but I'll see you later" Frank said waving bye to all of us. We waved bye too and I just sat and took money while I told Sammy adn Val what people wanted. The guys were going to have a signing here after and we told the fans that and they flipped. Soon after we heard their final song play, we smiled knowing they would be making their way over here.

"Hmm I see four sexy men walking this way" Val said.
"Four, oh Johnny isn't a man yet" I said which made Val laugh.
"Four Sweaty men and one Johnny" Sammy said. We laughed and soon just like Sammy predicted they were sweaty and Matt had his shirt off.
"Good idea" Brian and Zack said and Sammy, Val and I just stared at our men. I was getting the urge for some loving just by looking at Bri.
"Stacie no" Val said hitting me on the head with a piece of paper.
"What, I'm pregnant" I said.
"You say that all the time sis" Zack said throwing his sweaty shirt at me.
"Gross, Zack sweat" I said throwing it back at him. He chuckled and then soon they put their shirts back on for the signings.

"Hello my little Bentley" Brian said kissing my stomach.
"Back off from my Nephew Haner" Jimmy said as he rubbed my belly like it was Buddah's belly. I giggled and then scooted back as Val set up five chairs for them. Bri kept me near him but I was still off the side. He started to rub my ankles with his left hand while signing stuff for fans with his right. I smiled as fans told him congrats about becoming a dad soon and some even gave us some baby things. It was super sweet of them. We sat there and then I had to pee so I made my way to the closet out house with Sammy. There we saw Bert and Quinn talking.

"Well if it isn't Stacie Vengeance and Sammy Gates" Quinn said making Sammy and I smile.
"Hi Bert and Quinn" we said as I made it into the outhouse. That's the thing Bentley loves sitting on my bladder.
"How are you two doing today" Bert asked as I put hand sanitizer on reminding my self to wash my hands when we get back to the bus.
"Good, just waiting on the day Bentley here decides to come out" I said rubbing my stomach feeling him kick.
"Yeah, Gates at parties talks nonstop about how he is so excited to be a dad" Quinn said.
"Yeah and how he is going to be just like him" Bert said.
"God, I hope not. Have you seen my brother's Ego its huge" Sammy said making them both laugh.
"It's not hard to miss" Quinn said.
"Wait, are you guys talking about his penis" Bert asked and made us all laugh.
"No" I said laughing some more.
"Oh okay, well see yeah later" Bert and Quinn said walking away. We started to head to the bus.

"Was it just me or did Quinn look fine" Sammy asked.
"Quinn always looks fine" I said as we both laughed and walked on the bus where I went to the little kitchen area and washed my hands properly. I sat on the couch and let out a sigh of relief.

"Do I hear my babies" Bri asked coming into the living room area.
"Yes I do and my fucking feet are killing me and Bentley hasn't stopped kicking since we started talking to Bert and Quinn" I said and as soon as Brian put my head on his lap and a hand on my stomach Bentley stopped.
"I want to touch my nephew in my sisters belly" Zack said coming out from the bunk area also where he put a hand on my stomach and Bentley kicked where it was.
"Thanks, Bri just got him to stop" I said rolling my green eyes.
"You love me" Zack said placing a big ol' sloppy kiss to my forehead.
"Not when you do that" I said wiping it off. Sammy giggled and Val came out.

"Come on we have a Warped Tour babyshower to get to" Val said as I sighed and tried to get up from my laying position. Brian stood up and grabbed my hands and helped me up and we walked down the stairs of the bus and toward the little area were everyone eats to see Lyn-z and Hayley decorating it up.
"aww you two didn't have to" I said to them.
"Of course we did" Hayley said smiling. Sometimes I wish I had her red hair.
"Thanks guys" I said smiling. I sat down at a table and Brian sat beside me. There was already two gifts on the gift table so I assumed they were from Lyn-z and Hayley. Soon more bands were showing up like the rest of Paramore and Mindless Self Indulgence. The party was kicking. Mikey and Frankie bought me more baby stuff and I just smiled and had a good time with all our friends like Good Charlotte and My Chem. I yawned and put my head on Brian's shoulder.

"Tired" he asked. I nodded and he helped me up.
"Momma is tired" Brian announced.
"Night" everyone yelled.
"Don't worry about your gifts Stac, we will bring them back to the bus for you" Zack said.
"Thanks Bro" I said and yawned again. What I really wanted was some alone time with Bri on the bus while everyone else was having fun and I was going to get it and if Bentley didn't want to come out when he was suppose to my mom told me to have Brian fuck me senseless because then he might come out faster. I got alone time with Bri and it was amazing. I fell asleep in his loving arms and couldn't wait until Bentley would be born.