Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love


A few weeks later

Frank's been trying to make up for how rude he was the day we got engaged. Today I was packing up for my surprise trip to California with Jason and I had all of Bentley's things and Mickey's things since I couldn't leave my puppy alone. There was a knock on the door and I ran to go answer the door and there stood Jason.

"Dizzy" I yelled and jumped on him.
"Ready to go" he asked.
"Of course, let me just go get Bentley" I said walking into the house as Jason grabbing my bags and Mickey who was in the dog carrier to the cab. Frank wasn't happy that I was leaving earlier then I had planned but I wanted to surprise my brother and I just really missed the warm California sun.
"Ready to go see Uncle Zack and Aunt Sammy" I asked Bentley as I picked him up and carried him outside to the cold. He nodded and I handed him to Jason and went to give Frank a kiss goodbye.
"I promise when we come back to Jersey will do something okay" I said to him.
"Alright, I love you" Frank said.
"I love you too" I said going to the cab and getting in with Jason. We drove to the airport in Jersey City and got on the plane there. I couldn't wait to bask in the sun of California and get my tan back that I was losing and see Val, Leana, Lacey and Sammy again.

"Calm down Stac, we'll be there in like 7 hours" Jason said.
"No, I get to see my brothers" I said jumping up and down in my seat. Bentley giggled at me and I made a face at him. I was surprised he was so calm on the plane while other babies would be crying by now.
"Momma" Bentley said.
"Is she silly" Jason asked. Bentley nodded and giggled. I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep to Bentley laughing and Jason making him laugh.

Seven hours later

"Stacie, wake up" Jason said and I opened my eyes.
"Are we here" he asked. I nodded and jumped up and grabbed Bentley and grabbed our stuff from the over head compartment. Jason grabbed his things and then we went down to luggage so I could get Mickey and everything. Jason grabbed everything and Matt was there to pick us up.

"Hello other Berry Brother" I said as I put Bentley in the car seat and Mickey next to me as both of them loaded up the trunk.
"You know Zack and Sammy are going to flip a lid when they see you" Matt said.
"Yeah I know" I said as I let Mickey out of his carrier. He barked and came over and sat on my lap.
"Look Mickey we are home" I said. Matt looked down at my ring.
"So Frank proposed" he said. I nodded and saw him whisper something to Jason.
"I know he is going to flip seeing the ring on her finger but he'll grow up" Jason said as we drove first to Papa Gates house.
"Why are we here" I asked him.
"I kinda told him I was going to pick you, Jason and Bentley up today and Mckenna wants to come and see Zack and Sammy's reaction" Matt said as McKenna came out of the door waving to Papa Gates. She went on the other side.

"Hello Stacie" McKenna said.
"Hello McKenna" I said.
"Auntie" Bentley said and smiled. He has been saying more words now since he is almost two.
"Hi Benny" McKenna said as we switched so she could sit near him. We then pulled up to the home I left not long ago and saw Zack and Sammy outside. Matt pulled up and before he could even stop the car I was out of it and tackling Zack to the ground.
"Sammy there is a grou...Stacie" Zack said hugging me tightly.
"Zacky" I said and giggled and hugged my brother just as tight.
"I thought we were going to Jersey to get you" Zack asked as McKenna held Bentley and Mickey came running out to see Minnie and Icky.

"Well when I call and told you that Frank proposed I went over to Mikey's and told good ol' Dizzy that I wanted to surprise you as like a belated birthday gift" I said.
"Best surprise ever" Zack said as we got up. Sammy came out wearing Zack's VU shirt and that was so not what she was wearing before. I got up and went to tackle her but Zack grabbed me and spun me around.
"I'm not done loving my sister" Zack said kissing my face all over.
"Zack gross" I said trying to move away. The two Berry's were carrying my stuff into the house and I went over and hugged Sammy.

"Oh I missed you" I said.
"I missed you too, what happened to your tan" Sammy asked.
"Cold, Snow, no sun happened" I said basking in the warmth of California.
"Dang that's a nice ring Frankie got you" Sammy said looking at it.
"I know right" I said looking down even though I was still pissed off at Frank.
"Well you know what this calls for right" Zack said now holding Bentley.
"What" I asked.
"Party, and McKenna and Papa Gates can watch Bentley" Zack said.
"Offering my baby off on the grandparents, good idea, First all the Uncles and Brian gets to see him then he goes off with McKenna. But you can't tell them I'm here yet" I said to Zack.
"I'll make the call then" Sammy said as we all walked into the house and up the stairs to my old room.

"So sis, you didn't seem to happy when Sammy talked about your ring" Zack said setting Bentley down on the bed and started to tickle him.
"Because I'm pissed at him" I said.
"Why what happened" Zack asked.
"He fucking fell asleep during Titanic and then asked if we could have engagement sex. I mean really" I said. Zack hugged me and and then Sammy came in.
"Everyone should be here and since I'm still not on speaking terms with my brother Dimples is going to call him and your little bro too" Sammy said.
"Okay" I said and we all just sat around and talked and I told them how Bentley had his first snow ball fight and built a snow man and we made a snow angel together but I really missed the beach so that is what we were going to do tomorrow. Then after Zack and Sammy came downstairs and put Mickey, Minnie, Majesty who is just the cutest Great Dane ever and Icky into their bedroom and went downstairs to greet everyone.

"So why is today's party going to be the best ever" I heard Jimmy ask which made me smile.
"Because we have a surprise" Sammy said.
"Not another dog because of another Zack almost slip up" Val asked. What do they mean slip ups. I just shrugged my shoulders and then I heard Michelle's voice and glared.
"Dude, we didn't say whores" Zack said.
"I can bring her here if I want" Brian said.
"She wasn't invited" Sammy said, "now get her out of my house or I'll get her out for you."
"Oh I'll do it for you" Val said.
"Fine I'll leave, bye baby" Michelle said which made me gag even more. Then her voice was gone and Johnny spoke up.

"So what's this big surprise" Johnny asked. I heard Zack coming up the stairs and carefully opened my door.
"Ready to come out" he asked me. I nodded my head and stepped out of my door. Zack walked ahead of me and I heard everyone ask where the surprise is which made me chuckle.

"I don't know you tell me" I said coming into full view.
"Stacie" Everyone yelled as I walked down the stairs. Zack took Bentley and soon I was on the bottom of a Jimmy, Matt, Matt, Val, Leana, Lacey and Johnny pig pile. Everyone got up but Jimmy.
"Drinking buddy I thought I was going to be able to drink with you for another month" Jimmy said.
"Well I decided to come back with Diz" I said standing up and coming face to face with Brian.
"Hi" he said softly. I smiled and then Val grabbed my left hand.
"What's this Mrs. Soon to be Iero" Val said. I smiled and laughed as her, Lacey and Leana stared at my ring. I also noticed one on her finger.
"What's this soon to be Mrs. Sanders" I said.
"Oh I forgot to call you and tell you, but Matt and I are getting married and you are in it" Val said.
"Yay" I said and hugged her.
"I know, now where is my Bentley" Val said going to Zack and taking Bentley from him.

"Congrats" Dimples said.
"Thanks" I said. THen I went to my little brother and jumped on him.
"I've missed you Mattie" I said.
"I've missed yah too Stacie" He said laughing. We made a face at each other and laughed again.
"My turn to hug my love" Leana said stealing me from my brother and hugging me.
"I've missed you love" I said kissing her cheek.
"I've missed you too and girl you need a tan" Leana said.
"Blame it on snow" I said and laughed. I hugged everyone else and then came to Brian. I just handed him Bentley and went back to my friends and talked.

"Still giving him the cold shoulder I see" Val said.
"Of course, he broke my heart" I said looking back at him and sighing.
"Yet, I feel something else" Val said. I just rolled my eyes and then Papa Gates came to get Bentley and McKenna.
"For once I get my Grandson for a whole night" he said.
"Yes you do" I said making sure to hide my left hand in case he didn't know about Brian and I.
"So, you all should come to one of my shows, maybe the holiday one with Jeff Dunham I have tickets" he said.
"Will do Papa Gates" Everyone said.
"Sammy, come over and visit us more, you too Bri" he said to them.
"Yes dad" they both said and we all laughed. As soon as they were out the door that's when Jimmy brought out the alcohol and I was the first one he did a shot with. I was back with my family and it was great.
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yay Surprise how is Sammy adn Zack going to hide the fact that Sammy is Preggers