Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

Zack is going crazy

Sammy and Brian left mine and Zack's house and we were just chilling out in the living room as Zack polished his award.

"You're going to make it rust faster then Sammy can say Cheese doodles" I said.
"I am not" Zack said as he shined it one more time, "wait did you say Sammy's name?"
"No, I said faster then you can say Cheese doodle, gosh why are you thinking about Sammy" I said rolling my eyes. I got up and went to the kitchen.
"Want a Sammy" I asked.
"What" Zack asked looking at me.
"Want a sandwich, gosh you need to clean your ears" I said giggling.
"I swear to god, I heard you say Sammy" Zack said.
"I didn't say, get your ears check, so do you want a sandwich and a Sammy" I asked him.
"Yes, I want a sandwich. There you said it again" Zack said.
"Whatever bro" I said walking into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"Would you like Sammy, or Bologna" I asked him.
"There you said her name again" Zack said.
"I said Hammy" I said to him. I bit my lip to try to stop myself from laughing as I made Zack his ham sandwich.
"Here you go, I made it with love and some Sammy" I said.
"What the fuck, why are you saying Sammy" Zack asked.
"Bro, I am not saying Sammy, now I am saying Sammy, I wonder what Sammy is doing" I said, "probably dreaming about doing you." Zack just looked at me.
"Hey its true, now let's see what is on the Sammy" I said.
"there it is again" Zack said.
"Lay of the coke, I said the Telly" I said. I found the Re-Run of the MTV VMAs and decided to watch it.

"Why are you watching this" Zack asked, "you were there."
"Well considering you keep fucking polishing that moon man with some Sammy then I'm going to watch this" I said.
"You said Sammy again" Zack said pointing a finger at me.
"No, I didn't" I said and rolled my eyes, "now sh I wanna see how pretty I look on the red carpet." They showed all of us getting out and I pointed at Sammy.
"Look how pretty Sammy is" I said, "us girls are mighty fine."
"Yeah you guys are, but Sammy is the prettiest" Zack said.
"Then make a move on her tonight bro" I said.
"I don't want Brian to hit me" Zack said.
"Sammy, won't let him and I won't either" I said.
"Aw your the bestest" Zack said pulling me to him and hugging and kissed my cheek.
"Eww Zacky germs" I said wiping it away, "I need to go use the Sammy." I hit the pause button and went upstairs after taking my phone with me. I dialed Sammy's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Ello, my lovely Best friend" Sammy said.
"I'm making your Lover boy go Crazy" I said.
"Oh yeah how so" she asked.
"I keep saying your name for things like I'm gonna go watch the Sammy, or would you like a Sammy with that" I said. I heard Sammy's laughter and Brian's.
"Oh my god that's great" Sammy said.
"I know, I love it though" I said as I walked into my bedroom. I heard Zack grumbling about how I keep saying Sammy.

"I do not keep saying her name, well I am now because I am on the phone with her so quit your bitching" I said.
"You are lucky I let you live here" Zack said.
"Mom would be mad if you threw me out because according to her 'I'm to unstable' to live on my own" I said.
"That's true, stupid Brett" Zack said coming up the stairs and walking in my room.
"You know, I could have been naked" I said to him.
"You naked I would love that" Brian said into the phone. I heard a whack and an ow.
"Thank you bestie" I said.
"You gotta admit you would love it if Brian saw you naked" Sammy said.
"Yeah, the last time we saw each other naked when we were like four" I said.
"Yeah but you want my brother in you" Sammy said.
"Like you want my brother in you" I said.
"Shh, it's a secret" Sammy said as Zack tried not to laugh.
"See I knew it" I said to her.
"You always knew I want to sex your brother up big time" Sammy said as Zack collapsed on my bed.

"Oh yeah, and what would you do to me" Zack asked.
"" Sammy stuttered. I died of laughter with Zack.
"Rude" Sammy said.
"Hey, it's not my fault you didn't hear me say 'I could have been naked' so don't blame me" I said.
"Brian wanted to say Hi so I gave him my phone, I had no idea" Sammy said.
"Just get your cute ass over here and come get ready to see My Chemical Romance with me" I said.
"Okay, okay I'm coming" Sammy said.
"But you can't come, I'm not helping you" Zack said.
"Bye" Sammy said quickly hanging up the phone. Zack and I laughed some more.

"And Brian better not see you naked or I'll kick his ass" Zack said.
"Then don't fuck my best friend" I said.
"If she jumps me and whatever actions my hands do, I can not stop them" Zack said as I punched him in the shoulder.
"Ow" he said.
"That didn't hurt" I said to him as I got up and went back downstairs.

"What the fuck is this" Zack said and realized I left my phone.
"What's what" I asked him.
"Why the fuck is Frank Iero texting you" Zack asked me.
"Because we are friends" I said.
"He has never even met you, maybe saw you a couple of times but never met you, so how the hell did he get your cell" Zack asked.
"We are friends Zachary god" I said trying to get my phone.
"Friends don't say 'can't wait to see you tonight ;)' not even Matt and them say that to you" Zack said.
"Give me my damn phone Zachary" I said.
"Tell me why the fuck are you texting Frank, when you are dating my best friend" Zack said.
"I'm telling you, god you are so fucking difficult" I said leaving my room and going downstairs and finished watching the VMAs. I saw Frank on the red carpet and smiled.

"Get him off my TV" Zack said throwing my phone at me. I got another text message and it was from Frank.
Whatever, I'm sorry I tried to be your friend and be nice to you Frank said. I looked at Zack and glared at him. I went to the sent messages to see what he said but he deleted.
"You are a fucking asshole Zachary James Baker" I said and went upstairs and slammed my door.