Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

Super Italian Mustaches

It's now May Bentley is now 4 and it makes me sad that my little boy is growing up quickly. Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance are on tour together which is oh so much fun for me because I switch out every stop.

"Hey sis" Zack said walking in and he had grown a mustache. I rolled my green eyes and looked at him.
"You look like a stereotypical Italian man" I said to him.
"I do not" Zack said.
"Yes you do honey" Sammy said making Abby giggle.
"I don't, I think I look sexy" Zack said. Sammy and I rolled our eyes.
"Uncle Zack, no" Bentley said shaking his head. Zack picked him up.
"Why not buddy" Zack asked him.
"It's yuck" he said and Abby giggled more. Zack laughed and put Bentley down and Brian walked.

"Daddy, Uncle Zack mustache is yuck" Bentley said.
"He looks very Italian doesn't he" Brian asked Bentley and he nodded.
"See even your favorite nephew thinks so too" I said. Zack rolled his eyes.
"Well I'm going to take a nap" Zack said walking to the bunks.
"What's with him and the mustache and Frank with long hair" I said.
"Let's shave Zack's mustache" Sammy said softly.
"I love it" I said.
"Okay, let's wait until he falls into a deep sleep" Sammy said. I nodded and we just sat around playing with Bentley and Abby. Jimmy walked out and covered his ears.

"Zack is a loud snorer" Jimmy said.
"That he is" I said as Sammy and I smiled.
"Watch the babies" we said getting up and going to the bathroom grabbing a wet wash cloth, a shaver and the shaving cream.
"What are you doing" Val asked.
"Shaving Zack's Italian mustache" I said.
"Good" Val said. We laughed and Sammy climbed up into the bunk and straddled Zack's waist. I handed her the wash cloth and wet his lip. Then she put a little bit of shaving cream on her hand. She went to put it on and Zack smacked it away.

"Hold his hands" Sammy whispered. I grabbed them and held them above his head. Sammy put the shaving cream on his stache and Val handed her the razor.
"All he needed was some clean laundry and a tan and he could go on the Jersey shore" Val said which made us laugh.
"Wow Val" I said laughing still. Soon Sammy took the wash cloth again and wiped off the rest of the shaving cream.
"Yes, clean shaven" Sammy said kissing his lips lightly and pulling away. Zack's fluttered opened his eyes and I moved my hands away.

"Hi baby" Zack said as Val took the supplies away. Zack looked over and saw Val and I looking at him.
"What are you doing" Zack asked.
"Smiling at the lovely husband and wife" Val said walking away with me and we laughed.
"So what did you do" Jimmy asked. I put my finger to my lip.
"The mustache is gone" I said removing it.
"Mommy is silly daddy and Uncle Jimmy" Bentley said.
"That she is, but between you and me" Brian said leaning in and whispering something in Bentley's ear.
"Daddy you should tell mommy that" Bentley said.
"Yeah secrets don't make friends" I said.
"They lose friends" Val said sitting down and making it so Brian would tell her. Brian whispered in her ear and I looked at him as Val smiled.
"Aww that's so cute" Val said as the bus stopped. I got off it with Bentley and he didn't run to Frank like he normally did which was weird but I just shrugged it off and we walked to the arena. We heard a scream come from the bus and Val and I high five.

Sammy walked out laughing and we pointed to Frank and made a scissor motion. Luckily he always takes a nap back stage before the show and that's when we could get him. Zack walked in looking grumpy.
"Good we don't have the newest member of the Jersey shore any more" Matt said. Zack flipped him off and Bentley went over and smacked his hand.
"Naughty Uncle Zack" Bentley said. We laughed and then Frank was gone. Val came over since she was going to help cut it. I sat on his lap and Brian rolled his eyes but I winked at him and he shook his head. Val started to cut and Frank woke up.

"Hi baby" Frank said pulling me down to kiss him. Brian groaned and left the room. Yes we have kissed some more and I think Frank knows that I love Brian still and all that but I love him too.
"Hey hey Iero, no making out with my sister" Zack said as we pulled away and I buried my head in Frank's chest.
"But she is so pretty and her lips are so kissable" Frank said lifting my chin up and kissing me again.
"I know don't you love their pouty Baker lips" Sammy asked Frank as she kissed Zack. Frank nodded and deepened the kiss. I giggled and pulled away.
"No sex before the show, you need your energy mister long hair" I said as I pulled it a little bit. Frank laughed and shook his head.

"You love it" Frank said.
"No I don't" I said truthfully. Brian could pull off the long hair since he styled it and stuff Frank could not. Wow I'm comparing their hair styles. Bentley was playing with Jimmy in a corner and Abby was sleeping and Brian was over playing with his guitar when Frank rolled his eyes and then closed them. I went over to Brian and sat next to him.

"What are you playing" I asked him.
"Just something fun" Brian said going over some solo things and all that.
"Cool" I said and he looked at me. He smiled and I smiled. He knew there was love in my eyes and he mouthed it too me. I mouthed it back and then they had to go on stage to perform. I stood at the side watching my brother, my first love, my two best friend and my pick on buddy and smiled.
"They get better and better every year" Sammy said.
"That they do" I said and felt arms around me. I looked and saw Frankie and smiled lightly. They started to play So Far Away and I smiled knowing Zack and Brian wrote it together. It was a pretty song and it made my heart long for Brian more. My Chemical Romance had romantic songs like The Only Hope For Me Is You. Which wrote.

"I know you love him" Frank whispered in my ear. I looked at him and raised my eye brow.
"What do you mean" I said.
"I see the way you look at him, it's the same way you look at me" Frank said. He was right and I just nodded as their set finished and My Chemical Romance went on. He kissed my forehead and went onstage. I smiled watching my Fiance but I was doubting getting married to him.
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oooo what's going to happen now