Sequel: The Right Love

Forbidden Love

Chose one or the other

We've been on tour for a while now and Frank and Brian both wanted to talk to me about something so Zack took Bentley for the day to spend time with Abby who is now a year old. We got to a nice pleasant looking park and Frank told me to sit down and they stood up in front of me.

"So what do we need to talk about" I asked.
"I know you love him" Brian said motioning his head toward Frank.
"And I know you love him" Frank said doing the same thing Brian did.
"But you need to choose which one of us you want" Brian said as he handed me back my engagement ring. I looked at the one on my finger and then one Brian just gave back to me.
"You know I love you both" I said. They both nodded and then Brian spoke up again.
"That's why we are going to give you as much as time as you need" Brian said. I nodded and then realized it was almost the end of tour and we were heading back home. I pretty much brought all my stuff from Jersey home to California and I was still living with Sammy and Zack. I nodded and looked at both of the rings.

"I want to get a tattoo" I said, "you promised me one." I looked at Brian as I said it.
"That I did" Brian said as we walked to the nearest tattoo shop and since we were in LA it was High Voltage with our favorite tattoo artist Kat Von D. She smiled when all three of us walked in.
"Hey guys" she said hugging us.
"Hi Kat" I said hugging her.
"Aww no Benny" she asked.
"He's with his uncle and cousin" I said.
"Aww, so what are you going to get. Your death bat finally" Kat asked. I nodded and she smiled.
"Yay, you getting one Bri or Frank" she asked them. They shook their head no and the guy Mattie was in a band with was working.

"Hi Dan" I said.
"Hi Stacie, where has your little brother been" Dan asked.
"I don't know why" I asked.
"We have to practice for the up coming tour we are doing" he said.
"I'll call him, maybe he forgot" I said as Kat drew up a kick ass death bat for me. It was cool it had bow but she also made it carry a VU V blade and I smiled.
"Kat that's amazing" I said looking at it.
"Where do you want it" she asked. I pointed to my lower back and she nodded and placed the stencil on my back. I dialed Mattie's number and he answered.

"Big sister" Mattie said.
"Little owww" I said as I felt the needle go on my skin.
"Oww" Mattie said. I held out my hand and Brian laughed and came over and grabbed it.
"I'm getting a tattoo and Dan is wondering where you are" I said.
"Stuck in traffic" Mattie said.
"Ohhh that sucks" I said and winced.
"Yes it does, so I'm gonna let you go so you can get your tattoo done" Mattie said.
"Okay, love you little bro" I said.
"Love you big sis" Mattie said and hung up. I winced and Brian and Frank laughed.

"She is doing the coloring now" Brian said and I kept wincing.
"It can't be that bad" Kat said as she colored it.
"It is" I said and she laughed.
"So your little brother is in Dan's band" Kat said.
"Yep he is and I'm proud of him" I said.
"That's pretty awesome" Kat said.
"It is both my brothers getting rich and famous so they can spoil their nephew not that his dad doesn't" I said looking at Brian.
"What ever happened between you two" Kat asked.
"A girl threw herself at me and made it look like I was cheating on her" Brian said.
"Ouch harsh" Kat said.
"Yeah and I remember my sister coming up to me when Stacie started dating Frank and she went up to me saying 'Boom he got your girlfriend, he got your girl' just like what one of my ex girlfriends best friends said to her" Brian said.

"Hey, I told her that you liked her best friend but no she didn't listen" I said.
"You probably did it for your own good because a year before our sophomore year" Brian said.
"Yeah, I got to take Brian Elwin Haner juniors virginity" I said smiling. I had a feeling who I knew I was going to pick already but I still didn't want to decide right off. I must have spaced off because Brian and Kat laughed and then I felt a cold solution on my back.

"There all done" she said and I went over and saw how awesome it looked.
"Thanks Kat" I said.
"No problem" she said and I saw Frank and Brian talking about who was going to pay for it.
"Dan, he is stuck in traffic" I said to him.
"Figured" Dan said. They both ended up paying half for it and then we just walked around LA before the last show. I couldn't wait to get back to Huntington and soak up the sun with Lacey, Leana, Val, and Sammy and also watch Bentley play in the sand while the boys play football and all that. It was fun spending time with Frank and Brian. It ended to quickly and then it was time for the show. Brian talked about how I got a kick ass tattoo today by Kat and Zack was like it is pretty sweet and Sammy noticed me looking at the two rings.

"What are you thinking" she asked.
"Who I'm going to pick" I said.
"Your heart will tell you" Sammy said. I nodded and sighed as the show kept going. I looked up at the stage and saw Bentley sitting on Jimmy's lap.
"Hey Rev, I think Stacie has finally noticed that our son is on your lap" Brian said.
"Why do you say that Gates" Jimmy asked.
"Because she is glaring at you" Brian said. Jimmy looked over and Bentley waved hi and I smiled. They started to play Nightmare and Bentley laughed as Jimmy moved him around to play the drums. Schecter guitars already made Bentley a mini Gates guitar that Brian has been teaching him out to play and so hasn't Zack. I smiled as he laughed and then he got off Jimmy's lap and came over and grabbed his little guitar and ran out on stage again.

"Mini Gates, you gonna rock out like your dad" Matt asked.
"Yeah Uncle Shads" Bentley said. He started to play a little song since Matt scooted down so they could hear him play.
"Look Gates, he is better at solos then you" Zack said.
"He is still learning" Brian said. Bentley laughed and went over and hugged Brian. Brian picked him up after moving his guitar around.
"Uncle Vee no one can do better solos then daddy, sure he messes up bunches but he is still awesome" Bentley said. The crowd went aw and Brian gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Go back over to mommy okay buddy" Brian said.
"Okay bye bye people" Bentley said and then ran off the stage. I picked him up and spun him around as we watched the show.

"Ohh this one is pretty mommy" Bentley said pointing to the ring Brian gave me.
"Daddy gave me this when you were in my belly along with this necklace" I said pointing to the heart necklace that I never took off.
"Daddy knows how to pick pretty things for my pretty mommy" Bentley said and I smiled and kissed his cheek.
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choices choices who is she going to more chapter and yes people their will be a squeal