Magical Summer Nights

The Encounter


I slammed my backpack on my desk in my room and looked out the window, to the long grass, taunting and teasing me from the backyard. I hated mowing the lawn and my dad knew that. Still i am stuck with this atrocious chore. I walked out into the garage and stared down the large beast of a mower. My dad had to have the top model of mower. As if it mattered. I pulled the beast out adn fired er up, pushing it back and forth across the expansion of our backyear. I went around the grass by the fence, which stretched around the whole yard. The mower shuddered as a rock flew out over the fence.

CRASH! I knew what had happened as soon as i heard the break, then tires squealing to a stop. I wanted to run and hide, but knew i had to take care of this little problem. So I walked around the house, slowly and timidly, waiting for my death. Okay so that was a little dramatic, but i knew i was in it deep.

As i came around the corner i saw a guy, about my age, staring at his windsheild with one hand on his hip, the other sheilding his eyes form the blstering sun.

He didn't noticed me.

I stopped and watched as he assessed the situation, sweat spilling down my back, leaving a tingling trail. I slowly aproached, the sound of my feet tapping against the sidewalk. He turned as i approched, i could tell he was upset by the agitated look on his face. I looked away. "I am so sorr--" i began to apologize, but stopped as he raised his hand, which was graced with a large class ring on his finger. So he was a senior just as i was. he must have went to Desert High, the other High School in our town. I looked up into his face, noticing how beautiful it was. He had a strong jaw and sexy, sensuous lips, with a labret piercing resting just below them. His black hair stuck up in every direction possible. A pair of aviators sat gracefully on the bridge of his nose, so i couldn't see his eyes. BLUE my mind yelled at me as i took a guess as to what color they were. I didn't know, but what i did know was that he made my heart beat faster. I suddenly felt self consious in my grass covered sneakers, too short shorts, and an old baggy t-shirt that used to belong to my father. My black and red hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and i wasn't wearing any make-up.

"Okay" he finally said, turning turning his attention to me. "I'm so sorry" i began again, stuttering here and there. "It was a total accident, I promise I'll pay for it" I rambled on and on, as he watched me intently, his eyes never moving from my face. After about 5 minutes of me apologizing profusively I stopped, waiting for his response, which didn't come. I looked at the sidewalk shyly as he looked me up and down for about the hundreth time.

It felt like 15 years before he finally spoke. "So you're the one who broke my window?" he asked. I was confused and just nodded my head slowly. "Well it's no nig deal. I can have it fixed" he said pushing his hair out of his face. "Oh please let me pay, im the one who broke it!" i tried, but he wasn't budging. "It was an accident, it's not your fault" he said cooly. He had no idea the flutters he brought to my stomach as he spoke. Even his voice was sexy. He shifted so he was blocking the sun in front of me. He towered over me by like 7 inches also. He wore a black t-shirt and loose fitting, ripped bluejeans.

"Please I can't let you do that" i tried again. "I feel bad, i don't want to do nothing." He stopped as if he was thinking. "There's a show this Friday" he said "Come with me and that will pay for this"

I looked back into his face. I slowly slid the sunglasses down his nose and slid them into my hand. Blue. Just as i thought.

I continued to think, a million thoughts racing through my head. I handed him back the sunglasses and he stepped back. "I'll be here, at this spot at 8" he replied walking to get in his car.

He slid casually into the drivers seat and started the igniton, speeding away.

I stared as he drove down the road and around the corner and was gone before I knew.

"What was his name anyways?"
♠ ♠ ♠
more to come.

