Magical Summer Nights

High School Memories.


It was the last day of school, and two days before my date with whatever his name was.

I walked down the hall to my locker, the sound of everybody's excitement filling my ears. I twisted in my combination one last time. Graduation was this Saturday.

"You will never believe this." I began as Izzy and Jenny [[my two best friends]] walked up.

"I have a date friday night" I spat out, shoving my empty backpack into my already empty locker. "With who?" Izzy, who was always the boy crazy one, instantly replied. "I don't know?" I said shrugging my shoulders, turning to them as I closed my locker and leaned against it.

"Wait so you mean you don't know who?"

"No I mean I don't know his name." I shot back.

At this Jenny butted in, always the more sensible one. "Violet Alexandra you don't even know his name and you're going on a date!?" she replied, her voice rising a little at the end.

"Okay here's the story," I said trying to calm Jenny's worried mind and Izzy's mischevious one. "I was mowing the lawn and the mower launched a rock over the fence and broke his windshield. I offered to pay for it, but he wouldn't let me. Instead he asked me on a date. That's all!" I finished.

"Only you would make breaking a windshield sound innocent." Izzy replied sarcastically, giving me a smirk. She was wild.

"So you broke his windshield and he asked you on a date!?" Jenny asked, skeptical.

"That's what I said!" I replied.

"That's awesome!!" Izzy broke in, again. "You got a guy by breaking his windshield! This one goes in the books! You do have skills my friend." She said, excited for me.

"Please don't give me that look" I pleaded ignoring Izzy, looking to Jenny, who was giving me the "you're doing something stupid again" look.

Her face relaxed a little as she realized I didn't want any judegement in this matter. "He has blue eyes, he's tall, he's a Senior Desert High, he has a labret, and he's one of the most gorgeous guys I've ever seen" I told them.

"So you know all this, but not his name?" Izzy asked.

"Shut Up!" I said punching her in the arm as we walked down the hall to our homerooms.
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