

"Don't be so modest!" Kait laughed. She glanced over at her grumbling passenger, Steve, with a cookie smile forming on her small, lush lips. She was what you would call a natural beauty, her looks so extravagant that they could sucker punch any man she would walk past.

She looks like a model, Steve thought. I am so not worthy of her. Hell, why does she even help me with my problems, let alone this one? He dragged his hand across his face, wondering how he got in this situation and more importantly why Kait was helping out with such a pathetic problem.

"No really," he muffled through his palm, "I don't think this is going to work, and you're much to kind to have helped me out. You really don't have t--" Suddenly, he winced. Something sharp and pointy had stabbed him in his gut. He yelped, looking down to find out what was producing this pain to find it was Kait's sharp index finger.

"Shush! Stop complaining. Besides, we're here now." Sure enough the car came to a stop outside their location. Steve looked out of the window, grimacing at the sight outside the pink VW Polo. It looked daunting, and there were a lot of people who didn't look at all interesting to him like Kait was. She was nice, pretty, smart and actually liked him which was beyond belief in itself as he really hadn't many girlfriends. But what was he saying? As if she would want to be his girlfriend! He looked back over his shoulder towards Kait, her fingers now to herself as they busily checked her text messages.

Oh God, look at her! Look at how her hazel curls wisp and frame that face with those maple eyes! Just say you lover her, go on! Steve clenched his teeth ever so slightly, deliberating on what decision to make.

It was too late: he had dazed away his chance to say it as he had forgotten the concept of 'time' and Kait had already gotten out of the car. She opened his door and grabbed his hand along with his attention then proceeding to chauffeur him out and towards the group of people. Immediately he was greeted was stares and confusion. The men were quietly astounded at how Steve could have found such a catch whilst women tutted to themselves at Kait's youth. His hand began to get clammy, and uncomfortable fact the he would sweat easily under pressure, so he loosened his hand so he could not touch the metal bands on her fingers, which to him seemed like a reasonable distance. To his relief it seemed as if she hadn't noticed, although this didn't stop the questions that arose from the crowd.

They stopped, her head turning and her smile looking creasing her cheeks. She looked at him in the eyes.
"Don't be scared," she whispered, "You'll do fine, and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for!" Kait winked, and brushed past him as she kept his gaze. Steve watched as she skipped to the car, gave him an infectious wave that he reluctantly returned and watched as she drove away. Steve sighed. She's right, he admitted. I mustn't be scared.

He dug into his pocket, his hand returning with his mobile that he tapped into with a sigh. He placed it to his ear as the tone rang, waiting for his call to be picked up.
"Ah hey David! It's Steve."
"Oh hey Steve! What's up?" Steve bit his lip, wondering if it was the right thing to do after all.
"Well, I have some news. I love your wife."