New Life, Major Complications

Chapter 2

Slowly the group made their way over to me. By doing so they scared the crap out of me. I knew I was going to die in some gang fight now. All those quizzes I took online were wrong. I wasn't going to die of cancer or in a horrific car crash. No, I was going to die in a gang fight between my brother and his gang and the other local gang. I wonder if I had enough time to get on a plane back to mom? I didn't think so.

"You must be Ali," one of the guys said as they all took a seat next to me. In the back of my mind I was wondering why they were sitting down.

"Yeah, one of you must be my brother," I responded with a little annoyance in my voice.

"I am," the guy to her left said. He wasn't the guy who originally spoke. Somewhere in the back of her mind she recognized the voices she had heard so far, but didn't know where they were from.

"Oh, well can we go now? I don't feel like dieing today," I told them as I started to gather my stuff.

"What are you talking about?" a new voice asked as he laid a hand on my arm stopping my motion.

"Well I'm guessing that group of guys over there is your rival gang as they keep looking over here and glaring at you." I left out the part where they were smirking at me. I had shot them all disgusted faces and they merely laughed.

All of the guys looked over and rage tore across their faces. Slowly they all stood up and formed like a protective barrier around me. I'm not going to lie to you guys, it creeped out. You would be creeped out too if you had five huge guys standing around you. The other group of guys just smirked and walked away. Two of the guys, neither being my brother, bent down and helped me gather my stuff. They ended up carrying most of it while I had only my carry on. You won't hear me complaining though.

"So, Ali, what do you want to do when we get back to the house?" my brother asked from beside me.

"Um, you still live with your parents?" I asked hoping that I wouldn't offend him but wanting to know.

"No," he laughed. "Mom and dad decided that you could stay with us. They really aren't home much."

"Then why did they want me back?" I asked in a pissed off voice.

"You'll have to talk with them about that. But I do know one thing," he said as his arm wrapped itself around my shoulders.

"What?" I asked not sure how to respond to his behavior.

"I know I can't wait to have you living with us. I've always wanted to meet you," he said with a smile on his face. He leaned over and gave me a hug while his friends continued walking.

"Um, shouldn't we continue walking?"

"They'll get the car and bring it back here."

"Oh, well not to sound rude, but can you let go of me."

"Sorry," he said as he pulled away from me. Now that I got a really good look at him he looked familiar, but once again I had no idea where I knew him from.

"What's your name?" I finally asked him.

"My name is Zacky."

"Well then Zacky, what interesting thing can you tell me about yourself?"

"Well I've grown up in Huntington Beach my whole life. Have some of the greatest friends in the world, along with the best job. My dog is pretty much my child, don't worry you'll love him. My birthday is December 11. I love punk music. Other than that nothing really."

"Who answered the phone earlier?"

"That was Jimmy."

"Why didn't you answer?"

"I don't like answering the phone to numbers that I don't know."

"Why not?"

"Long story I'll tell you some other time. The guys just drove up."

We walked outside and I was greeted with a black 2008 Hummer H3. Personally I'm not a big fan of the hummer because it's a car that designed solely for looks and nothing else. I want a car that'll last and look nice. My dream car is the new 2008 Nissan GT-R in black. I will drop dead the day I get that car. And I will forever love the person who gives it to me because there is no way I will be able to buy something like that.

I hopped in the back with two of the guys and slid over so that my brother could come it. The whole ride back to the house the guys were joking and goofing off. I knew that I would get along well with these guys, even if they are going to get me killed one day.

"So, Ali what interesting thing can you tell us about yourself? We have a short trip back home, so we'll have time," one of the guys said. I still have no idea who they all are. The only other name I know is Jimmy but I don't know which one he is.

"Um, there's not really anything interesting to tell. I'm seventeen years old, have lived in Columbus, Ohio for most of my life."

"What kind of music do you listen to?" another guy asked.

"Well MCR, duh, Avenged Sevenfold, duh. I also really like Mest, Good Charlotte, Green Day, Flyleaf, A Dream To Late, Underoath, do I need to go on?"

"Who's your favorite member of MCR and A7X?"

"Guys come on!" my brother protested for some reason unknown to me.

"No, it's ok. For A7X I have no idea. For MCR I would say Gerard. No not because I think he's hot or anything, hello he's married. I just think his story is highly inspiring and it takes a lot of guts to share something like that to the world. He's just a great guy who's trying to change the world one teenager at a time. I really admire that, so I admire him. That being said I guess it's M. Shadows in A7X for his devotion to one girl for forever." Small laughs sounded in the van around me for that comment. "What? It's true. He's probably one of the most dedicated guys that I know. I wish I could find someone like that."

"Okay, next question-"

This game of twenty questions went on until we pulled into the driveway of my new home. I got to know more about the guys. I now knew who Jimmy was but I didn't know the names of the others. It's like they planned to keep me in the dark on their names as long as possible. Anyone know why that would be? I still haven't properly seen them either as they all kept their sunglasses on and hoods/hats on for the trip home. It was getting kind of annoying.

"Well sis, this is home," my brother said as he pulled me out of the Hummer. The house was huge. It could easily hold like twenty people. Why on earth would five guys need a house this big?

"Wow, it's really big," I said looking at the house in awe.

"Yeah we decided to get a really big house cause we have a lot of friends who stay with us," Jimmy explained as he started unloading my things from the back.

"Oh, Jimmy don't worry about that. I know you're probably really tired. I can get everything," I said trying to push Jimmy towards the house. This was a challenge considering I was really small and he was incredibly tall. I really didn't like to stand around him because he was so tall it was intimidating.

"No, you're the guest so I should do this," Jimmy said not budging.

"No, it's ok. I really don't want to be a pain," I said grabbing my bags from the trunk before he could.

"Ali, you're not a pain. Now grab your carry on and get into the house. Matt and I'll bring the rest of this," Jimmy said pushing me away.


"Behind you."

I turned around to see the one who was driving the Hummer. He could probably be one of the biggest guys I've ever seen. He was also the one that freaked me out the most, outside of Jimmy. I really need to learn the name of the short one. I'll get along perfectly fine with him. Someone else will be able to understand my pain at being around these guys.

"Oh, hi. I hope you are Matt and that Jimmy isn't screwing with my head," I said as I shook his hand and formally introduced myself. Well sort of formally introduced myself.

"Yeah I'm Matt. I really appreciate what you said in the car on the way here," he said before going to the trunk and picking up some bags. What on earth was he talking about?

"Ali, come inside!" my brother yelled from the front door. "I want to show you your room."

"Ok, I'm coming!" I yelled back to him as I ran towards him and entered my new life. This was going to be interesting to say the least