Status: RIP Jimmy <3 foREVer Fiction

What's A Man To Do?

One and Only

There were three sailors named Zacky, Brian, and Johnny. Their captain was a crazy man with wild black hair and shocking blue eyes. His name was Jimmy. They all lived on a rather large boat called Pinkly Smooth ten months of the year. Jimmy knew that some of the sailors were getting disgruntled at being at sea so long. They never got to see their families and they were starting to get sick of the ocean. Jimmy understood what they were going through even though his wife Leana always traveled with him.

He didn’t know what to do to make them happy. They needed to be out this long to be able to get the maximum profit and use of the boat that had nearly made Jimmy go broke by buying it. Matt, Jimmy’s first-mate and best friend, tried to console his old friend knowing he had a tough decision. It had to do with him. Matt’s wife Val was home in Huntington Beach and seven months pregnant. They didn’t go home for another four months.

Jimmy felt terrible because he had promised Val, Matt would be home for the birth of their first child. Unfortunately the catches hadn’t been as big as they should’ve been so they were behind, and he knew they wouldn’t be able to catch up in a little under two months.
He didn’t know what to do. There were really only two options: stay out for the next four months and try to reach their goal or go home early and spend those two extra months with their families. He knew Val would be upset if she had to go through it all by herself, but he also knew Matt would need the extra money for the baby.

Jimmy had enough of trying to figure things out by himself and took a break, going into his office. Leana came in knowing he needed to talk. “Jimmy you ok?”

“I don’t know what to do Lee, I don’t want Val to be angry with me but I also don’t want to shortchange Matt and the guys.” His wife smiled and walked over to his chair.

“What happened to that extra money we had lying around for your sister?”

“It’s still in the bank why?”

“Well obviously Katie doesn’t need it so why don’t we give Matt the money and go home in a few weeks when we have to empty the load.”

Jimmy looked at his wife. That sounded like a great idea, but he knew Matt wouldn’t accept the money. He and Jimmy thought the same way, they had to earn the money themselves or else it made them feel like they weren’t doing their job. He gave Leana a small smile. “I’m going to go talk to the guys and see what they think.”

Leana grinned knowing her work was done. She knew Jimmy, and knew exactly he was going to do. She also knew that the other guys would agree wholeheartedly with him.
Jimmy walked down to the kitchen to find Zacky cooking for everyone.

“Hey guys”

“Hey Jimmy what’s up man?”

“I need to talk to you guys about a few things”

“Do you want me to go get Matt? He’s sleeping in the bunks but…”

“No, no it’s about Matt, sort of. It’s about the possibly of going home early.”

All three men’s ears perked up at that. “What do you mean going home early?” Brian questioned.

“Well” Jimmy began “we all know Val is close to having the baby and Matt wants to be home for that. All of us do, especially you Brian since it’ll be your little niece or nephew. I know we all want to go home but the main problem is that if we go home in a few weeks, we’ll lose at least two months of income. I wanted to make sure you guys are okay with not getting as much money in order to go home early.” He looked around apprehensively at the three men in front of him. “So what do you guys say?”

“I’m okay with it. I’m just a little worried about Matt, he’ll need the extra cash” Zacky voiced Jimmy’s worry.

“I have some money in the bank that was set aside for my sister, but she doesn’t need it and told me to use it on something else. The best use for that money, that I can think of right now, would be to give it to Matt and Val.”

“That sounds like a great idea Jim. I think we should do it, and Jimmy? Just know we’re all your friends and we support your decision hundred percent” Johnny said and Zacky and Brian nodded in agreement.

“Thanks guys, I’ll let you guys know what I decide in the morning.” They all nodded and went back to eating as Jimmy left. He went back to his office staying up for a few more hours thinking about it. When he finally went to bed, he was exhausted but knew his decision was the right one.


The anchor hit the water like a harpoon hitting a whale. They were finally to port and had to empty the boat. The five men worked tirelessly wanting to hurry up and get done. A beautiful young woman with blond hair and striking hazel eyes walked down the streets near the port, waiting for the day her husband came home. Her twin sister was with her, both their husbands on the same boat. She swore she saw a man that looked just like her brother-in-law and his best friend. She shook her head, ‘You’re just dreaming Valary, snap out of it’ she said to herself.

“Michelle when did Brian say they were going to come home?”

“Not for another eleven weeks Val, looks like baby Sanders will be making an entrance without Matt.”

“Hmm it seems that way” She rubbed a hand over her swollen belly, eight months pregnant.
Over on the dock the men had finally finished unloading the boat. Matt ran a hand through his hair. “Jimmy I can’t take this you earned and saved up this money and I…”

“Sanders stop it. You’re taking the money going to see your pregnant wife and spending time with her and your child.” Matt looked at his best friend, unable to stop the grin spreading across his face. He took the check from him, giving a Jimmy a hug. These guys were his life and he knew they would watch out for him and he would do the same for them. His head snapped to the right as he heard her voice.

“Val?” The blond stopped talking mid-sentence as she looked to her left to see not only her brother-in-law Brian, but also Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy, and “Matt” She breathed out as she began to waddle as fast as she could towards him. Matt broke into a run when he saw his wife.

“Valary” He smiled as he grabbed her and wrapped his large, muscular arms around her. “Oh how I’ve missed you”

Val started to tear up “I’ve missed you too Mattie”

Jimmy stood back from the guys as they all embraced their wives, his arm around his wife. He felt light, at peace knowing his decision brought joy to every man on his crew.


All Jimmy remembers is getting a call from Brian at three in the morning telling him to get to the hospital. He remembers waking Leana, getting dressed and driving to the hospital. He remembers running through the halls looking for room 213. He remembers hearing crying and shouts of pain from a woman who has been his friend since childhood. The next thing he remembers from that day is that as the sun was rising in the window he was handed a newborn baby, Val smiling at him, Brian telling him that this was his nephew. Michael James Sanders. The little boy had finally made a much anticipated entrance into the world. The last thing Jimmy Sullivan remembers is looking around at the eight other people in the room, his family, and then looking down at the little boy who shared his name. Telling the newest addition to the Pinkly Smooth family, “Welcome to the family Mikey James, you’re as amazing as we thought you’d be; get ready for this crazy life that we love.”
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This is actually a paper I wrote for my English class. So enjoy! =)
Feel free to let me know what you think!