Status: A new one for everyone

That one strange night

Is he the devil or my guardian angel?

     We all have our minds set on what we can do and what we want to do, I personally am speaking from experience. Have you ever wished for something, and just hoped that thinking about it, will be enough to make it appear right before your eyes? We all have. The voice that we we all give we need to use it, we all need to speak of our experiences sometime, don't we? What will happen if we do keep our mouth shut? Will the whole world go black? Or will it freeze time? Will we ever know? Some things cannot be answered, because they have never been seen by the human eye. How can something that was never seen exsist? What do you say when you see that strange shadow following you in the dark? Heavy breathing caresses your neck, what you want to see you can't, because your back is turned; turn around, and look, this man may not be as bad as you think he might be. 

      Gaining the courage you turn around to see a man with curly hair and big blue eyes. He is so much taller than you, the expression on his face, you cannot tell if he wants to harm you, or if he wants to be kind. Are you afraid to open your mouth, and say something? I think that's what he's waiting for. What are you waiting for? Turn around...say something!!! Slowly the man raises his hand and gently touches your shoulder, slowly trying to calm you down, slowly trying to tell you that he isn't hear to hurt you, he isn't here to do anything but be with you. The color just came back into your eyes you can see clearly once again. Finally the courage to speak comes to you and you say to the man, "what do you want? I know you do not want to harm me, what then?" The man just stares with a blank expression at the girl who wants to know why he is here. He says nothing just stares with his hand on her shoulder, his expression hasn't changed since the beginning of this encounter. She slowly tries to turn away hoping not to get this mysterious man angry, because she isn't sure what he is capable of.  

      She tries to walk away, but he follows, okay now she thinks that this is all a dream, but why hasn't she woken up yet? Maybe it isn't a dream? What is she going to do? All she wants to know is his name. He never smiled he never frowned, a blank face he kept as he stared while she was walking away, as she is trying to get away he still followed, all she wants is answers. She stops, turns around stares him in the eyes and asks, "what do you want from me?" There is still one question that floats in her mind, "do I know this man, with blue eyes and dark hair?" The night is getting dim his eyes are getting brighter, and she is growing more afraid of what he might become. 

      As she wonders what he is thinking, it looks like he might open his mouth and say something. She does not want to make a run for it because she does not know what will happen if she does. Just the thought of what he might do to her is disturbing enough. As the atmosphere grows darker, the blue of his eyes turns red. Has she met a saint that has been banished to hell? A cold wind blows the scent of flames is burning behind him. The girl speaks once again to the man who's voice may never be heard, "are you going to harm me? please say something." his mouth opens with a smile. 

     Her eyes become wide with the hope that whatever comes out will be a good thing. Finally, still with the smile upon his face he speaks, "My darling dear, I am hear to take you to a place that is unknown, I'm not an angel nor am I a devil, I am not hear to hurt you, I am not hear to guide you, I am hear to take you." His voice was deep but soothing, still afraid the girl speaks, her voice shaky, " what have I done? Why must you take me?" The smile on the mans face grows, as he takes the girls hand and takes her further into the darkness. 

     She says nothing as she thinks about what the man said to her not but a moment ago. Thinking about only one thing, he said he wasn't here to guide her, what if he let's go and she looses him? Will she have to find her own way to a place that she dose not know about? "I'm afraid" she says, he turns around and smiles, saying nothing, his grip getting tighter. That smile, was so big and so bright, his eyes still red, were slowly getting brighter as the light did. The fog rolled in along with the light, this made her nervous. The silence was maddening. The light was blinding. His smile was frightening. All she wanted to do was go home. 

      Questions flew but she knew if she was to ask another she would have to see his face again, with that smile she did not like and those eyes that changed so suddenly. All she wanted to know was his name, she had no courage to ask, not at this moment at least. They come to a sudden stop, he turns and looks at her, his smile has faded and his eyes were bright blue again. It looks like he might say something, his hand releases from hers, "my darling dear this is where I leave you." She looks at him with the eyes like a frightened puppy and says "where am I supposed to go?" That smile that frightens her so much revels itself once again, the eyes of the devil return.

       As his eyes turned red he said, "you will find your way, a door will appear." A confused look upon her face he starts to walk away. She feels a tear trickle down her face, she stops him before he could get to far and says, "wait! At least tell me your name." The man stops turns around and says "my name you can now know, we are parting now and you will never see me again, my name is Richard, and I am the son of no one."    

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I hope you enjoy...