A Picture's Worth A Thousand Lives

Meet sixteen year old Ailyn. Her life is pretty average in the eyes of someone passing by, but recent she discovered that she has one really rare ability. Polaroid pictures of people she has never met are popping up everywhere. She finds them in book cases when she's at the library, on the windshield of her car like its a parking ticket, she even finds them on order racks when she's working at the diner. Ailyn is afraid to look at them, every time she does she finds herself having a vision of the face in the picture. Almost always they are in distress. Sometimes these pictures contain a date scribbled on the back, sometimes a name, even a location from time to time. Ailyn does her best to try and stop these horrible events from happening to these innocent faces, but its a tough job.
One day Ailyn meets a young boy by the name of Mason who shares her odd ability. He's just as set on saving these people from disaster as she is. He believes that he can change the world with the power of just one simple picture.
But soon the pictures become harder and harder to handle. There's something fishy about these Polaroids, somehow they all seem to be connected, like one picture is a puzzle piece to another and if you put them all together you could make one big picture.
But while trying to link them all together, Ailyn and Mason find themselves in danger from something greater than just the risks they take to save the faces in the photos............