Bitter-Sweet Destiny

Innocent Wishes

Our story is a bitter-sweet one. Destiny chose for us to meet. Fate had others plans…

‘Life isn’t a small matter,’ I thought to myself standing there. Kyo was sound asleep in front of me, our simultaneous breathing being the only sounds in the room. His left hand lays flopped onto his belly, a single gold band residing on his ring finger, rising and falling in tune with his breathing. I studied the intricate designs covering his body, trailing from his fingertips all the way up to his neck. I can’t recall how many times my own fingers traced those dark, inky marks. His face was that of peace and innocence, as it always was during sleep. Those almond eyes I stared into so often reside hidden beneath heavy eyelids, making me long to see them just one last time. My own eyes flood at the thought. Never again… Finally, I set my sights on those gentle, full lips; So many amazing memories in those alone. I can’t resist the urge, tenderly pressing mine to his as we had so often in the past. “I love you.” I whisper, voice cracking and tears finally spilling at those final words. I always have and always will. I love you with all my heart.

And so, I drove the dagger straight into that heart; His heart, my heart, our heart.


The Beginning


“Leira! Happy Birthday!!” My family sang out. Finally, 18! A day I’ve been dreaming of. Forget Sweet 16, it’s only the spoiled rich bastards who get cars. No, at 18 I can finally do whatever I want. I’m an adult; plenty old enough to make my own decisions.

To introduce myself, I’m Leira, now 18! I live with my mother, father, three sisters, and we all share the same bathroom. I’m currently seeking further education, but got sidetracked by employment opportunities…in other words, I’m broke. I spend my days locked in my room listening to music, writing music, playing music, singing music, have I mentioned music? So obviously, I’m in a band: Lead singer and guitarist of Aqua Orange. How did we get the title? I tossed a Crayola box at our bassist and the crayons that stuck in his nose got the title! Anything more about me is irrelevant.

“Open your presents!!!” My youngest sister squeals, running circles around me peering at the small mound of mysteries yet to be opened, sitting squat on the kitchen table in their crisp, gleaming wrapping.

“No no no! Cake first!” Mother argues, plopping the freshly iced dessert next to my pile of gifts, hastily shoving candles into it. “Oh my goodness…18. I’m so old!!!” She complains, every additional stick of wax placing a strain on her back. Every year it’s the same thing, and every year I laugh. It doesn’t stop me this year either.

“Presents!!! Presents!!!! PRESENTS!!!!” My sister chants, kicking her tiny feet in her seat impatiently. Eight year olds are a pain.

“Where are the rest of the girls?” Mom grumbles looking around, taking a head count and discovering we’re short a couple of people.


“Quiet Meghan!!” Mom finally barks, lighter in hand, the eight year old finally going quiet.
“Don’t worry about them Mom, they’re probably on the phone or in their rooms. Teenagers.” I huff rolling my eyes. Dad laughs heartily at that. By now, mom has the cake lit and thrust into my face, practically singing my eyebrows off.

“Make a wish!” She beams. I roll my eyes.

“Moooom!!!” I complain. “Who believes in wishes anymore?!”

‘Oh my god pleeeeease let me land that opening gig next month!!!’ I wish to myself. Well I’m not going to let them know I still believe in wishes. With a big breath, I manage to blow all 18 candles out, grinning proudly. Just in time for Dad to snap a quick picture. My sister immediately continues with her badgering, eventually helping me rip open all my gifts. My other sisters join us only after the cake has been cut and served. It’s then I get the call that I would have only dreamed of before.

“Hello, I’m calling from the Boar’s Head venue. Is this the residence of a Miss Leira Shaw, of Aqua Orange?”

“This is she.” I answer, trying to recall this particular venue.

“We have you lined up as an alternate for next week’s show featuring Dir en Grey. We’ve had several cancellations for opening acts. Is your band still available for that date?” The woman asks. It takes a moment to register, and then there is a moment of speechlessness, followed by a moment of being unable to breathe. “Ma’am?” She asks, bringing me back to reality.

“Oh my goodness yes!!!” I practically scream into the receiver, and then quickly apologize several times. We go over the details in brief before I can alert my band. Finally, our first big gig! Maybe we’ll actually get that break we’ve been dying for! And I get to open for an amazing band! I knew wishes would always pay off!


The days seemed to fly by, and before I knew it Aqua Orange was setting up for the big night. It was an understatement to say I wasn’t nervous.

“Take a chill pill Leira.” Our bassist, Max, teased. I only flip him off, continuing my before show ritual of lapping around the venue. “I can feel the love.” He pouts, returning to his tuning, joining the rest of the guys. I should be doing that, unfortunately I can’t seem to get a hold of myself!

“Leira! Seriously! Just come over here and fiddle with your guitar!” My dear friend and best drummer Sky says, joining me at my side. “It always calms you down. Chewing your fingers off will not help!” She scolds as I begin gnawing at the appendages.

“But…!” I retort only to be shushed by an innocently smiling Sky. I frown as she pulls me to my seat, hoisting a guitar onto my lap.

“Just feel the music.” She teases, mimicking my own words. I wish I couldn’t speak so words couldn’t come back to bite me… But Sky was right, as usual. Just having an instrument in my arms calmed me, and hearing the plucking of the strings and how they morph into delicate music was enough to make me forget I was even nervous.

“I love you Sky.” I grin.

“I know you do.” She giggles, disappearing from wherever she came from. I’m rather certain she’s a ghost of some sort, or a ninja.

Soon, the crowds made their way in, filling the building with squeals and loud jabber. I knew they weren’t here for us, only the band hidden behind the dressing room doorway. We were only introduced once, in a rushed manner, and I could see the boredom in their faces. We were just another opening band; nervous newbies. Upon actually meeting them, they weren’t nearly as intimidating as I’d pictured. They didn’t speak my language, but we both spoke the language of music. I admired their drive. I especially admired their singer. He had fire in his almond eyes. We were face to face with such amazing people, and I knew tonight was a turning point in our careers. This was the beginning of everything, or the end of everything. Before I knew it, we were on stage, the eyes of hundreds on us. On me. Needless to say, I was nervous…



We’re in North America. That’s all I know. The weather is nice, not the people so much, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too. The guys were practicing in the back while our opening act played. I stood watching them. I was watching her. She was captivating. She was beautiful. She could play music. She could sing! She evoked a strange feeling from me. It felt…nice. I listened hard to her lyrics, but the language was just too difficult to understand. I paid close attention to the rhythms and her pitches. I watched as she poured her heart out, and I watched as those in the audience stood there motionless. How could they be so…heartless? Here was someone genuinely devoted to such art, and they could even cheer her on? They were all here just to see me take off my shirt, Die flip his hair, Kaoru act nonchalant, squeal and call Shinya ‘Kawaii,’ or just hope to touch hands with Toshiya. I growled to myself, angry with people, fed up with the world. Just once, I’d like to meet someone who cared. Someone who had a heart…

I want someone I can give my heart to.

“Dir en Grey! 15 minutes!” One of the stage hands shouted. The band exited stage, slipping past me focused solely on water and a shower. She brushed passed me, my skin instantly warming at her touch.

“Sorry!” She breathed, meeting my eyes before disappearing once again. I turned to follow her, but I was dragged onto stage before I could say anything.

That is the one moment I fear I’ll regret for the rest of my life…

“You’re on now! Go!!”
