Status: Stress.

Who Would've Known?

Chapter 4- Here We Go

Right after Ross read the letter, I ran down the stairs and told his parents.

"If you leave now, you'll get there at around 10 pm." John concluded. "Ross, why don't you drive her? You're strong enough to drive through the night right?"

Ross smiled and crossed his arms. "Of course."

"That's a great idea!" Mary added. "Then you guys can stay at a hotel on the border of New Jersey, and go to your audition tomorrow. Do you guys think you can do that? Or do you want one of us to go?"

"I don't think that would be necessary." Ross said. "Dad has work tomorrow and you're chaperoning for the dance tonight."

"True." I agreed.

"Okay." John said. "I trust you guys. Here."

He pulled out his wallet and slipped his credit card to Ross.

"That's for a room, gas, and food. I doubt you guys will have time to go around, but if you do, please don't use the card. You guys should already have money."

I looked at John with admiring eyes, and jumped up to hug him.

"Thanks dad." I whispered. I put my heels to the ground and let go without losing eye contact.

"You're the best." I beamed.

He smiled down and formed a fist and playfully hit my chin.

"Knock 'em dead."

I smiled and pulled Ross's arm to go upstairs to get packed.

When I reached my room I picked up my brown backpack from the ground and dumped all the notebooks onto my bed. I went to my closet and pulled out 3 loose t-shirts and 3 pairs of dark jeans. I shoved the chosen clothing and shoved it into my backpack along with some under garments and a pair of pajamas. I ran to my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Ross!" I called down the hall. "Did you already pack shampoo and soap?"

"Yeah!" Ross called back down.

"Sweet." I said to myself.

I ran to my room and changed into light denim jeans, a loose heather gray t-shirt, and a plain black hoodie. I slid on my black leather jacket and slipped my gray beanie on. I unplugged my Macbook and the USB cables attached to it, and placed it into its case and the case into my backpack. I opened my closet once more, and grabbed my Nikon Rebel camera and hung the bag over my shoulder. I picked up my backpack and slung it on, then shoved the papers I got in the mail in my pocket as I was walking down the stairs as quickly as possible. Once my feet touched the 1st floor, Mary briskly walked towards me with a cooler.

"I know that your dad gave Ross money for food, but I wanted to make you guys some snacks just in case. I snuck some cupcakes in from the batch for the dance tonight too." She winked.

I took the cooler, and gave her a small hug.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Ross came rushing down the stairs wearing my skinny jeans, a white beanie, and a hoodie with a jean jacket over it.

"Are you trying to look like me?" I giggled.

"Hey. We're going to New York. Apparently this is what the cool kids wear. I actually kind of dig it." He said.

"Well now that you look groovy," I smiled. "Let's move out!"

I hugged Mary, and walked out the front door with Ross following close behind.

John was watering the plants on the porch, and looked up at us.

"You guys have a safe trip." he said putting down his watering can.

He walked over to us and hugged us goodbye.

Ross unlocked his truck and we loaded in.

As we backed out of the driveway, John and Mary waved us good bye from the porch.

We smiled back and waved.

Here we go.