Status: Stress.

Who Would've Known?

Chapter 5- Hotel

Six hours have passed.

We were still on the road, tired and full of cupcakes.

The CD that came with songs I had to learn for the audition had been playing on repeat the whole time. At first, I thought that they were awesome songs, but after hearing it for the 100th time, It becomes a bit droning.

I took out the papers in my pocket and shined the light from my iTouch onto the pages.

"Boy: You don't really think you love me.

Girl: What do you mean?

Boy: [Looks away] You're too young to understand how big and terrible love can be.

Girl: [Steps in front of Boy] You're right. I am. But I wouldn't want anyone else to show me.

Boy: [Takes Girl's face in hands] So it shall be.


"Do you think they'll really make me kiss whoever I audition with?" I asked Ross quietly.

"Probably not. But I mean like, if you do, it's just acting right?" he replied.

"True. I'm so nervous Ross." I said as I wrapped my arms around my legs for further warmth.

His right hand let go of the wheel and landed its warm palm on my knee.

"No need." he said as he continued looking ahead. "You already have the job."

A small smile formed under my nose and above my chin.

I opened the cooler and took out an apple juice box and started drinking it until there wasn't a single drop left.

"Lori." Ross said with a strange tone of voice. "If you really do get this part. Don't let it get to your head."

I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I mean, I know you won't, but, I just don't want to see you become a jerk because of the lime light you know?"

"If I become a jerk, you can punch me in my face." I smiled.

He grinned from ear to ear and squeezed my knee, then let go.

After another hour or so, we finally reached a hotel.

We walked in through the automatic sliding doors and walked up to the counter.

"I'll take care of this.” he whispered down to me.

I nodded and walked away from the counter and to the water fountain in the middle of the lobby. I looked at the bottom of the fountain to see many coins covering the bottom. My hand snaked into my back pocket and took out a penny. I kissed it and whispered, "Please let this adventure be one worth taking." I flicked the coin into the fountain and giggled to myself because of the silly nature of it all.

Ross stepped beside me and said, "Room 819."

He slipped the card key into my jacket pocket and led me to the elevator.

We piled into the box, and the doors started to close.


A man with a messenger bag and backpack was running toward the doors of the elevator. Ross put his hand out to stop the doors and had his fingers caught for a second, then the doors began to slowly slide open.

"Are you okay!?" the man asked Ross.

"I'm fine." he replied putting his lightly injured hand in a pocket of his jean jacket.

"I'm so sorry. I just hate waiting for elevators.” The man said.

"Totally understandable." Ross said.

The man weakly smiled and turned to the buttons, which was where I was standing.

"Oh. I didn't see you there." he smiled as he pushed his hair back with his hand.

He revealed the most gorgeous eyes and smile I have ever seen. My legs felt like noodles, so I had to buckle them to keep from falling.

"It's fine." I said weakly as I slithered to Ross's side, using the bars on the sides of the box to help me up.

"Oh we're already going to the 8th floor!" The man smiled turning to us.

"Yeah." Ross said with a weird look on his face.

The man's hands were in the air for some reason. When he noticed that they were, he quickly shoved them into his pockets, and turned to the door.

Ross elbowed my side.

"Ow!" I hissed under my breath. "What was that for?"

He just looked down at me and widened his eyes at me.

He noticed I was staring at the tall stranger.

I looked back at him biting my bottom lip and replying with the most innocent smile I could formulate on my face.

It was silent in the elevator until the man swung around with his hands still in his pockets.

"Are you guys together?" He asked. I suppose he was trying to make conversation.

"She's my sister dude." Ross replied.

The stranger's eyes scrunched up and a confused look covered his face.

"But you're--" He started pointing at me.

An obnoxious 'DING' signaled that we reached the 8th floor.

"Going." Ross finished his sentence.

Ross grabbed my arm and led me past the speechless stranger.

The man stepped out of the elevator and followed us down the hall. I swung around to see him still looking at me. I couldn't help but stare at his beautifully structured being. Once we reached room 819, I took the card out and slid it through the slit above the door handle. Ross went in first, and I went in halfway, then looked back to see the man standing in front of a door two rooms down.

Once he walked through the door I started to walk into my room but in the corner of my eye I saw something lightly shining under the dim hallway lights. I walked over to the object and discovered that it was a driver's license issued in the U.K.

"Benjamin Thomas Barnes." I read out loud. I looked at the grayscale picture and saw the stranger smiling back at me.

"Ahem." I heard someone cough above me.

I snapped my head up to see the same man in the picture.

"Yes. That's me." He sweetly smiled.

I shoved the card onto his chest and walked away as quickly as I could, not making any eye contact with his dreamy brown eyes.

When I reached my door, I looked up to see him still standing at his door.

Smiling in my direction.

"Good night stranger." He whispered through the air.

My eyes grew wide, and I pushed the door hastily to quickly get into my room.

I quickly closed the door shut and pushed my back against the door.

"Good night." I softly whispered to myself.

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F I N A L L Y ! ! ! !