Status: Stress.

Who Would've Known?

Chapter 9- Vibes

Before I had the chance to look at any of the actor's faces, Henry pulled me into a room that looked like a lounge. There was a table at the far end of the room, and a couch, with a small coffee table before it.

"You and your actor will be auditioning here."

"So you want me to audition... five times?" I asked putting my bag down on the coffee table.

The three adults walked towards the table in the back with their folders and coffee mugs. "You're the only girl we've casted so far." Julie said.

"Wait, so you mean--"

"You have the part. Unless something you do today makes us hate you for the part. Which we highly doubt." Robert added.

"Oh. Great." I smiled weakly.

Henry hoisted a video camera on a tripod and pointed it in my direction.

"Even though you technically have the part, we still want to do an official interview." Henry said as he flipped open the screen on the camera.

"Please state your name, birth date, ethnic background, and anything else you see fit to state." Robert said lifting his mug to his lips once again.

I stepped forward with my sweater hanging loosely at my shoulders. I folded my hands together, and with the most confident posture and voice I started,

"My name is Loraine Gravin. I was born on January 30, 1994. I come from Filipino origins, but I have lived my whole life convinced that I am in fact, white." I laughed nervously, and continued. "I was adopted into an all-white family when I was merely two. I have never met my biological family. But nevertheless, I'm thankful for everything my John and Mar-- I mean my Mom and Dad, have given me."

I awkwardly stepped back signaling the end of my statement.

"Alright." Henry said. He leaned toward Julie, and she instantly stood up and walked past me and to the door.

Julie shifted her weight to her right foot and read off of a blue clipboard.


Instantly, a tall dark man walked into the room. He had a shaggy haircut, and a clean-shaven face. He was wearing a white crew cut shirt with a dark blue sweater over it. He walked towards me and stood beside me looking ahead at the camera.

Julie whizzed past and whispered hastily, "Introduce yourself."

I looked up and said aloud, "I'm Loraine."

He looked at me, and then looked ahead once more.

"Geez." I hissed under my breath.

"So, Justin, you already introduced yourself earlier today. So I guess that means we can commence with the interaction audition." Henry stated.

Justin took a piece of paper out of his back pocket and started, without asking if I was ready.

I scrambled to my bag and pulled out my own paper.

"Action." Robert stated pointing a ballpoint pen at us.

Justin turned to me and morphed his pissy face to a soft and tender gaze.

"Why are you here?" he softly asked.

I looked down at my paper and read my line off.

"I have a question on the essay." I said holding out my paper as if it were the essay the line was about.

"Now you said to write about an experience when my heart was broken." I started walking ahead a few paces.

"I did."

"But," I twirled around to connect his eyes with mine. "I've never even been in love Mr. Thomas. How am I supposed to complete this? I have no experience to back me up." I finished sitting on the couch with my fists under my chin.

Justin walked to the spot beside me and slowly sat down.

"I see. But," Justin said putting his hand on my shoulder. "What do you think heart break may feel like?" He stood up again releasing my shoulder.

I looked up at him, then to my paper. "I don't know. Heartbreaking?" I laughed.

In response, he smiled. But it didn't look real at all. It looked like he was smiling for a school picture, and his ex girlfriend was next in line.

"How about this instead." Justin said putting his hands in his pockets. "Write about someone you admire, and why you admire them so."

"Okay. I think I can do that." Nodding in agreement with the new topic. I stood up and lifted my hand for a handshake. He took my hand in his and shook it at a steady, natural pace.

"That's good." I heard Robert say.

Justin quickly let go of my hand and swung it to the other side of his body. On the corner of my eye, I saw him wipe it on his jeans.

"Can I use the bathroom? It's an emergency." Justin asked.

"Sure. Be back in 5." Julie said.

Once Justin left the room, I plopped my body onto the couch.

"What in the actual world." I said flinging my arms into the air, and slapping my face.

"What do you mean?" Henry asked while he was writing something down.

"Did you see him!? He obviously hates me for some reason!"

"I wasn't getting good vibes either." Julie added.

"Me neither." Robert said taking another sip from his mug.

Henry stroke a line with his pen across the piece of paper he was reading.

"Alright. Silverman's out." He pressed a button on a box that was sitting on the table. "Doris, please tell Mr. Silverman that he is no longer needed." Henry looked at Jenny. "Next guy." Henry said pointing towards the door.

I sat up on the couch with my papers in hand. Hoping the next actor would have a warmer vibe.

Every actor that walked in that day was unfeeling, and bitter.

After the five auditions, I was exhausted. Henry walked me through the building.

"So those are all of the actors."

"Not exactly. There's a bit of hope left." Henry said as we entered the elevator.

"Really." I stated with a cocked head.

"There was actually one actor who didn't show up today. Hopefully he'll call."

"One actor. I doubt he'll be any different from the ones I encountered today. I mean like, are they all like that? Bitter?"

"No of course not. We just got the hissy ones. Just pray that the last one is it."

"Of course." I said.

What was it about me that turned all of those men off? Was it my face? Am I not pretty? Does my breath stink? I lifted my hand up to my mouth and did a breath check. Minty fresh. What could it be then?

We reached the first floor, and instantly walked out of the building.

"I'll call you once I get a call from the actor." Henry said turning his body to me.

"Thanks Henry." I started. "For everything."

He pulled me into a hug and stepped back a pace.

"Thank you, Lori." He said with a soft voice.

He turned his heel and started walking into the distance I was facing. I took my phone out and started texting Ross.

"I'm in front of the buildi--"


I spun around in different directions trying to figure out who was calling me.

The moment I looked across the busy New York street, there I saw a tall man flailing his arms.


"Dear God." I gasped through my teeth, from both shock and pleasure.
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