Crestfallen Woman and the Plague


Getting close to her was inevitable. She as their new merch girl. Gwen would be traveling with them the entire tour, do you know how long that is? Well, even Jimmy really didn't know. They'd be sharing a bus, a bathroom, hotel rooms with her. Yet the rule was... "NO DATING THE NEW GIRL!"

He tried his best to not get too close...but as he watched the others get closer to her...Jimmy couldn't help but want to as well. What's going to unfold between Jimmy and Gwen? Something good, something bad? Let's find out.

A one.... a two... a three... -CRUNCH-
  1. Chapter One
    Jimmy's POV
  2. Chapter Two
    Ashley's POV
  3. Chapter Three
    Jimmy's POV
  4. Chapter Four
    Ashley's POV
  5. Chapter Five
    Jimmy's POV