Crestfallen Woman and the Plague

Chapter Two

I was a fairly young girl, just finished high school and my family thought I needed to learn responsibility so for the time being I was offered a possible job as a merchandise girl. Didn't seem like something I would have a problem with doing. I was actually pretty ecstatic thinking about it all now as I waited for everyone to show up.

My name is Ashley Gwen McGuire, and when I said fairly young before I'm currently at the wonderful age of eight-teen. Pretty glamorous isn't it? Legal finally, I can smoke without getting in trouble. That thought made me laugh almost as I sat there waiting.

I probably looked like some of the typical girls you may see. I've been growing my hair out, it was just under my breasts and it was a nice dark black. I took a lot of pride in my hair, not sure why but I loved it. People have called my eyes sort of a nice hazel look to them, I loved them. I also am a rather skinny girl as well. But I assure you, I have a lot of curve; in all the right places.

Kicking my shoes into the ground sighing deeply. "God I hate waiting around..."

I was also very impatient might I add in. Walking back into my parents house I looked near the door way seeing my suitcases of things I felt I'd need while taking up this job. My parents weren't here though currently to see my off. How loving, right?

They weren't bad to me though. I just sort of wish they'd have at least stayed to say goodbye, since I won't be seeing them again for god knows how long. Also on top of that I was pretty nervous, I felt my stomach twisting or something. Nervous as to what the guys would think of me. Nervous of if I'd actually get along with them and what they are exactly like off stage.

So many things were racing through out my skull, and yet I really also couldn't explain how excited I truly was though.

Let's see what else is there about me that is truly of interest to some people. During this whole job I'm taking I am hoping to have some time to work on a novel I've been wanting to finish. I wonder if I'll even have time for that.

Leaning back on the couch I closed my eyes letting out a loud sigh, wondering if I'd some how magically fall for one of the guys. Typical thing right? How about a big fat, no. A while back I got dumped by my long term boyfriend whom I found out cheated on me with one of my best friends. Preston just, he wasn't what most would have thought I'd date. Hell he wasn't anything that I went for. But I loved him and he took my heart smashed it into the ground. Therefore I have no desires to love someone again.

Glancing around the house I saw family photo's, but don't get me started with the people in the photos. Yeah it was me and my parents, but we weren't the closest family. No one really socialized much with other family members. I tried to though as much as I could.

After some time passing and being lost in my random thoughts and little memories my phone began to ring, answering it I heard my cousin's voice telling me to have my stuff outside as well as myself since their bus would be picking me up. After arguing I said I'd have the door unlocked since the stuff was way to heavy for someone like myself to carry without having to drag it the whole way.

Stuffing my phone back into the pocket of my tight gray skinny jeans I unlocked the door then went back to the couch waiting for the door to either be opened or knocked on.

It was honestly whatever their moods told them to do, usually I shrugged things off pretty easily. Not to much could shock me at times.