‹ Prequel: Ghosts
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Devils Spoke

"Wake up Sasquatch!"

Welcome to Seattle, a nice place to live

Ali scoffed a little at the pointless sign. She looked over at her sister Ella who was looking at her nails absentmindedly. Dean and Sam were sitting in the front having an argument over the direction they were going. “Guys the motel is straight ahead and then to the left” she shot forward in her seat as Ella spoke up. The boy’s looked at each other and Dean started to drive in the direction Ella had pointed out. Ali smirked at her sister and then looked outside the window at the passing city. Suddenly she felt the car pull to a stop. She looked up to look ahead. Dean pulled the front seat forward so that she could get out. She smiled and nodded at him and climbed out of the car. She walked up to Sam and grabbed her bag.

“Let me get that” Sam tried to grab her bag, but Ali shook her head and said

“I got it, thank you though” she smiled at him and walked towards the motel.

“Any reason to get in her room, huh Sammy boy?” Ali laughed at Dean and walked with Ella into the motel.


Ali woke in the middle of the night and turned over to see if Ella was up. Her bed was empty. Ali’s first thought was that Ella was with Dean. Ella and Dean had grown close over the past couple of weeks. Poor Sam he’s in there with them Ali shook her head at it. Poor Sam. Ali got out of bed and pulled on a large jumper and walked quietly towards Dean and Sam’s room. She took the key for the door from her pocket and opened the door slowly. She expected to see Ella in with Dean but he was passed out in a coma like state on his bed. Sam was on his bed, asleep as well. Ali sighed and sat crossed legged at the bottom of Sam’s bed.

“Sam, Sam, Sam, hey Sam” Ali whispered his name trying to wake him up.

“Go away Dean” Ali chuckled at Sam.

“Wake up sasquatch!” Ali yelled waking Sam and Dean up in the process.

“Sasquatch?” asked Sam yawning.

“Dean” answered Ali happily.

“Right well, what’s wrong?” Sam sat up and looked at her.

“Ella isn’t in our room, I thought she would be in here but…” Ali trailed off as Deans eye’s widened.

“What do you mean she isn’t in the room?” asked Dean shooting up from his bed.

“Well I woke up and she wasn’t there so I thought she would be here” Ali started to become more worried “Where the hell is my sister?”. Ali started to panic.

“Ali just calm down” Sam was holding on to her shoulders “Maybe she’s just gone out for a walk?”

“At three in the morning? Sam I thought you were smart, why would she go out for a walk at this time?” that was enough for Ali, she broke down in tears.

“Should we hug her?” she heard Dean whisper to Sam.

“I… I don’t know” mumbled Sam back.

“Well um go on hug her” Sam walked over to Ali and wrapped his arms around her. She pushed him away.

“No I just want to find my sister” she wailed. Sam wrapped his arms around her again, this time she didn’t pull back she just cried into his tee shirt. Dean got to his feet.

“I need to go check your room, see if there’s any clues to where she went” Dean said awkwardly as Sam told him to leave. He left the room, grabbing Ali’s room key as he went.

“She’ll be ok” soothed Sam stroking Ali’s hair.

“But what if she’s not Sam? Something might of happened to her and I just slept through it” Ali sniffled into Sam’s chest.

“Don’t think like that Ali, she’ll be fine, I promise you that”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep” grumbled Ali. Sam stayed silent after that, laying his chin on her head. They sat like that for a few more seconds before Ali pulled back.

“We should probably go and check on Dean” she mumbled before standing up and walking out of the room. She was confused. Did she like Sam or didn’t she? She walked down the hallway and peaked into the room.

“Anything?” she asked slipping in the room and sitting on the edge of her bed. Dean shook his head and continued to rummage around the room, his rummaging became him throwing things around the room, angry with himself for letting something get in and take Ella from right under their noses, he knew he’d been right when he’d suggested that the four of them shared one room. Ali had accused him of just wanting to see Ella in her underpants, he’d laughed it off but at least he’d have been able to protect her that way.

It was then he spotted the light sprinkling of yellow dust along the window frame, he froze and stared at it for a few seconds just getting madder and madder “Dean did you find something?” he turned and stared at Ali as she folded her arms across her chest trying to heat herself up “Dean?” she questioned as he marched to the window and ran his fingers through the fine powder

“I thought I told you, salt along the windows and doors Ali? Wasn’t it the last thing I said to you before you went to bed?” he sniffed it and his head jerked back “it’s sulphur, it’s fucking sulphur Ali do you know what that means?” he yelled loudly as the girl moved back from him with wide eyes “it means a demon Ali, a demon has your sister and we don’t have any idea where she’s gone or what she’s going to use Ella’s body for”

It was then Sam burst into the room and forever being the gentle giant attempted to calm the entire situation down, he moved slowly towards Dean then pulled him back with a hand softly on his shoulder, once Dean was moved Sam dropped down next to Ali on the bed and pulled her into a tight hug, Dean pinched his nose and let out a deep breath trying to block out Ali’s painful sobs. He watched as her knuckles turned white with the strength of her grip on Sam’s shirt.

“Come on Ali, pull yourself together” Sam pulled out of her grasp and held her face with both hands, he used his thumb to brush away any tears that insisted on falling “we’re going to find Ella okay? You trusted us enough to run away with us, do you honestly not trust us not to find your sister?” Ali was silent for a few seconds aside from loud hiccups “Ali do you trust us to find Ella?”

“I do” Ali sniffed, her hands snaking up Sam’s forearms to sit on top of his hands, their gaze held a little longer than was probably needed leading Dean to start coughing loudly, the pair quickly flew apart and stared at him with wide eyes

“You guys want to get a room for the night? Or can we get our crap and find Ella?”
♠ ♠ ♠
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