‹ Prequel: Ghosts
Status: Hope you love it. Comment!

Devils Spoke

"Aww your cute when you blush!"

Ali slid back and forth as Dean drove the car in a silent rampage as they drove through the town looking for Ella. “Dean” she whispered leaning forward in her seat. He just ignored her and drove faster.

“Dean we’re not going to find her, she could be anywhere in Seattle by now” Sam put a hand on Dean’s shoulder.

“No, I’m not going to give up until I find her, I will kill every person this city if I have to!” dean roared stomping his foot on the accelerator,

“And what will that solve Dean? Hm?” Ali snapped, her nails digging into the leather seats as she desperately tried to keep herself still for more than a few seconds “there are still people on the streets Dean, you need to slow down, you don’t even know where to start!” her voice raised to be heard over the roar of the engine as he pressed his foot heavier against the accelerator. It was then his entire body stiffened and he slammed his foot down on the break, the car tires began screeching as they skidded along the wet ground. Both Ali and Sam screamed loudly out of fear of crashing and when the car finally stopped a few moments later they both cautiously opened their eyes and patted around them to make sure they were actually still in one piece.

Dean sat rigid in he drivers seat, his fingers wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, eyes straight ahead, jaw stiff and his breathing heavy “Dean?” Ali asked quietly “Dean are you okay?” he remained silent, his eyes began watering wildly before he finally peeled one hand from the wheel and ran his sleeve across his eyes

“Am I okay?” he asked the car “I’m frigging fine, why wouldn’t I be?” his head turned to look at Sam who was giving him that ‘I’m worried about you Dean’ look that he hated, he hated Sam worrying about him when it his job to worry about Sam. He turned fully in his seat to look at Ali in the backseat, her mascara running down her face with her scared tears, she was scared of him and his unpredictable ways. It was obvious.

“Dean let me drive okay? Ali can move up front with me and you can lay down in the backseat, we’ll drive around and see if Ella stayed local but Seattle’s a big place and there’s no guarantee she’s still even in town” Sam’s eyes cast downwards and a strangled cry came from Ali, she hadn’t even thought about Ella leaving the city “come on man, running all over the city in destruct mode or self destruct mode isn’t going to help, you’ll end up hurting someone innocent in all this. You’ll end up hurting yourself Dean and that’s not okay” slowly Sam unclipped his seat belt “will you get out of the car?” Dean nodded with a frown.

Quickly Ali and Sam clambered out of the car and made their way towards their new seats but before they could open the doors Dean locked them “Dean?” Sam called worriedly “Dean come on man, don’t do this, open the doors” he grabbed the door handle and tugged roughly “Dean open the damn door”

“I’m sorry Sammy, I need to find her” Dean responded with watery eyes “I need to find her and you guys ain’t helping Sammy, just let me go on my own I can find her, I know what I’m doing” he leant back into his seat and turned the key bringing the car to life, suddenly there was a loud smash and the glass from the window flew all over him as he shielded himself with his arms “what the hell Ali!?” his voice was pure rage as he watched the woman unwrap her jacket from her fist, she reached inside and unlocked the door “I’m going to frigging k-”

“DON’T YOU DARE!” Ali screamed cutting him off “ELLA IS MY FUCKING SISTER! I DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE FUCKING HER OR IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE, SHE’S MY FLESH AND BLOOD SO WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF DITCHING US TO PLAY RAMBO ON YOUR OWN? YOU DON’T, SO GET IN THE DAMN BACK SEAT NOW OR THE NEXT THING I SMASH IS YOUR FACE OKAY?” Dean looked at her silently for a few seconds, his eyebrows raised as he thought about what Ali had said “Dean, I’m counting to three and you better get your ass out of that seat” with a heavy sigh he lifted himself from the seat and moved into the back without a single word, he knew he’d have been the exact same if it had been Sam that was missing, in fact that had been him when Sam had gone missing. He sold his own soul to bring Sam home again. He was sure Ali would do the same for Ella.


“Guys I need to go to the toilet I’ll be back in a minute” Mumbled Sam walking over to the small café across the street. Ali looked up at the rising sun, they’d been driving for hours.

“Look Ali I’m sorry about before” Dean started to mumble before he was cut off by Ali.

“Look I get it Dean you care about my sister, but please don’t do that again, Sam and I are worried about you” Ali looked at him with pitying eye’s. Dean hated that look.

“Stop that” he yelled throwing his arms up in the air.

“Stop what?” she asked.

“Stop with the pitying looks I hate them!”

“Sorry” she whispered.

“No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted like that, she’s your sister, not mine, I might love her but you love her more” Ali smiled when Dean said he loved her sister.

“You love my sister?” asked Ali.

“I think so I’ve never felt this way about anyone before” Dean mumbled looking down at his feet. A small blush across his cheeks.

“Aww! are you blushing?” Ali giggled at Dean as he tried to hide his face.

“So what, your in love with Sam” Ali stopped laughing and looked down.

“No I don’t” she grumbled as Dean laughed.

“You do, admit it!” he was laughing his ass off by the time Sam came back to the car.

“What’s going on?” asked Sam sliding into the car.

“I swear to god Dean if you say you will fucking die” Ali warned as Dean opened his mouth to speak.

“Whatever, just drive Sam” Dean continued to chuckle. Sam sat there with a confused face but drove all the same.

“STOP!” Sam pulled the car to a stop.

“What is it?” yelled Sam.

“Ella!” yelled Ali jumping out of the car. She watched as a blood covered Ella ran into a building.
♠ ♠ ♠
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