‹ Prequel: Ghosts
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Devils Spoke

Don't you ***ing dare!

“What!” yelled Dean jumping out of the car “Ali where is she?”.

Ali raised a shaky hand and pointed at the building Ella had ran into. “Dean she had blood all over her….” Dean turned and stared at Ali with wide eye’s.

“What?” before Ali could answer him, he ran into the building. Ali looked at Sam and they both ran after Dean. Ali looked at Sam while she was running, but that resulting in her running into Dean’s back and falling to the floor.

“Ali!” Sam ran over and helped her up. She blushed a deep red and looked away. She looked up at Dean’s face, which was staring straight ahead of him. Ali turned to look at what he was staring at. She gasped at Ella, she was covered in blood and her pj’s were ripped.

“Ella” Ali sniffled as Ella turned to face them. Her eye’s were cold and empty. Sam took Ali’s hand and she gave him a weak smile and turned to face Ella again.

“What is it?” asked Ella.

“Give Ella back to me you son of a bitch!” yelled Dean.

“She’s right here, I just took up some room” she smirked at him.

“I meant get the fuck out of her!”

“Why should I, I can hear everything she’s thought or is thinking, I like it here it’s roomier than my last victim” Ali swallowed and leaned back against Sam “I could tell you everything about her”

Dean reached slowly for his gun.

“oh so now your going to kill her, cause I know she loves you so I wouldn’t end things quite so soon, Dean” Ella spat Dean’s name. Ella’s eye’s connected with Ali’s.

“She’s always been jealous of you” Ella tilted her head at Ali.

“M…me why would sh…she be jealous of me?” Ali stuttered under Ella’s cold glare.

“Because you always got along with your parents better, cause you got into university, she never got that chance” Ella’s eye’s slid off of Ali’s. Letting Ali relax a little.

“But she always was proud of you all the same…” Ali heard a sly voice and her head shot up.

Ella through her head back and laughed, a very nasty sounding laugh. “Your such a baby”.

Ali quivered into Sam, who wrapped his arms around her waist. “Are you ok?” he whispered into her ear. She nodded the tears at the edge of her eye’s.

“Please let my sister go, what has she ever done to you?” whispered Ali pulling out of Sam’s grip.

“She hasn’t done anything” said the demon twirling around.

“Then why?” asked Ali the anger beginning to boil under her skin.

“Why was the earth created, I don’t know these things just happen”

“Then why Ella why not me?”

“She was closer…”

“That’s it? That’s why you took over my sister, cause she was closer!”

“”Tell me what you want, you son of a bitch” Ali could see Dean’s hand itching towards his gun. Ali grabbed his gun from him.

“I know you want to Dean, as much as you want to, as much as we all do, I’ve learned that, if you kill her, you kill Ella” Ali held the gun back from Dean. She felt the gun being slowly pulled from her grasp. She turned to look at Sam.

“Maybe I should keep hold of this, keep it from both of you” Ali sighed at Sam and turned back to the demon.

“So what’s your actual name?” asked Dean raising his head.

“Stacey” she answered in a flat tone.

“Hookers name” mumbled Ali under her breath.

“Is that so well maybe that’s what I should do with your sister until I’m done with her”

“Don’t you fucking dare!”

“You nether answered my question” grumbled Dean.

“Right well it’s very simple, I’ve been called to take you back to hell” said Stacey.

“I’m not going back there” whispered Dean as he remembered the last time he was down there.

“Well it seems I’ll be holding onto this body for a little longer than expected” Stacey flashed a smile before running top speed past us all. Not giving them enough time to prepare themselves to catch her. Once they were realized she was running they chased after her. By the time they left the building, Stacey was long gone.

Ali jumped as Dean slammed his fists against the impala. “God dammit!” he yelled.

“Dean just calm down this isn’t helping at all” said Sam putting a restraining hand on Dean’s shoulder.

“Let’s just go back to the motel and we can think of something” Ali stopped a yawn.

“I hate demons” Dean grumbled getting into the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
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