Storm Before The Calm

Chapter one

The Young man smiled. He watched as the blood flowed to the ground. Streams of blood ran across the laminated flooring. Jon had said they’d pay, and they’d paid, they’d paid for their crimes. The Taunts, the jokes and the torn underwear….now the joke was on them, it was his turn to laugh, but something broke him away from his sick fantasy. Jon was staring at an empty Ceiling, the same empty ceiling he awoke to every morning. The alarm clocks high pitched tone hurt his ears, he slapped it sharply and rolled over in the hope of catching a few more minutes sleep.

“Jonathan, what cereal do you want this morning?”
Jon didn’t reply, he was slouched over the kitchen table, there was no sign of movement.
"Jon!" his mother persisted “What cereal?”

“Too tired to care, think I got flu,” he replied
This was the same pointless exercise he went through every morning, he knew his mother would never believe this pitiful excuse, but still…didn’t hurt to try.

“Porridge it is then,” she said as she dished him up a bowl “Good for you!” she smiled at him.
She needn’t have bothered, his head had risen but his eyes were closed as he shovelled the lump filled mixture into his mouth.

“Coffee,” he said in between mouthfuls and after she had Poured the fresh brewed coffee into his mug he muttered a word of thanks and proceeded to empty three heaped spoonfuls of sugar into his drink.

“You shouldn’t drink so much coffee Jon, its not good for you at your age,” his mother moaned.

“You only live once,” replied Jon half consciously. At least whilst this coffee was being enjoyed undisturbed he felt a slight buzz of what life felt like.

“Hurry up! You’re going to be late!”

As Jon stepped out of the car and leaned back in to give his mother the kiss on the cheek she insisted upon. As Jon did so some boys behind him shouted “Mummies Boy!”.

“Are those boys bullying you?” she inquired hesitantly.
Jon stared at her for a moment, of course they were fucking bullying him, they always fucking bullied him they were the same boys that he’d been in the Headmasters office with numerous times, she’d forgotten already.
Jon thought carefully, what possible good would his mother making a scene in front of the entire school do?

He muttered “Nah they’re just kidding around, See you tonight mum.”

Jon walked quickly into the classroom and chose himself a seat right at the back; this he considered later was his biggest mistake. At the back the teacher can’t see a thing that your doing, which, whilst great for finishing the homework caused Jon many problems.
As James and two of his pig faced friends swaggered into the room Jon’s heart fell, they were making their way to the back, and one thing was for sure they didn’t intend on doing their homework. As the teacher came in they found their seats and sat down. Jon sat there, not hearing a word the teacher said, carving a picture in a piece of paper. As the teacher concluded her speech Jon felt a sudden jab in the side of his ribs, it was a harsh awakening from his day dream and he made a loud whine of pain. Before he went outside he tried to explain his disruptive noise but to no avail. Defeated and downtrodden he skulked out of the classroom to the sound of James Sniggering.
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Hope you enjoy this. Probably could be punctuated better.